Chapter 38: Night Vigil

As the night deepened, Ryo stood by the window, gazing out at the city. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the abandoned streets, revealing the unsettling sight of numerous zombies wandering aimlessly. The undead seemed to come alive at night, their movements more pronounced and aggressive under the cover of darkness.

Ryo's heart pounded as he observed the scene. He needed to understand their patterns better to ensure their safety. Turning to Sakura, who was sitting nervously on the couch, he whispered, "I'm going to check the surroundings from the rooftop. I'll be back soon."

Sakura's eyes widened with concern. "Be careful, Ryo. Don't stay out too long," she said, her voice trembling.

Ryo nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "I will. Just stay inside and keep the doors locked."

Quietly, he made his way to the rooftop. The cool night air greeted him as he stepped outside. From his vantage point, he could see the full extent of the chaos. Zombies filled the streets, their guttural moans echoing through the night. Most of the buildings were shrouded in darkness, a stark reminder of the world's descent into silence and fear. However, a few lights were still on, possibly left untouched since the initial outbreak.

He scanned the horizon, noting the few illuminated windows. Could there be other survivors out there, clinging to hope as he and Sakura were? The thought was both comforting and troubling. More people meant potential allies, but also more competition for limited resources.

As he continued to survey the area, a thought struck him. The mutated zombies—the creepers—didn't seem to appear every night. Their appearances were sporadic, possibly following some unknown cycle. This realization offered a sliver of hope; perhaps they could anticipate and avoid these deadly encounters with better understanding.

Ryo's mind raced with possibilities and strategies. He needed to document these occurrences, to find a pattern. If he could predict the creepers' movements, they could plan their outings more safely. But tonight, he couldn't dwell on it for too long. Sakura was waiting for him, and he didn't want to worry her more than necessary.

Just as he was about to head back inside, he heard Sakura's soft voice calling out to him from the window. "Ryo, please come back in. It's not safe out there."

Her concern tugged at his heart. He took one last look at the cityscape, committing the sight to memory, and then quietly descended back into their apartment. As he entered, Sakura rushed to him, relief evident on her face.

"I'm fine," he assured her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "I just needed to check on things."

She sighed, her tension melting away as she leaned against him. "I just worry about you. We're all we have."

"I know," Ryo said softly, stroking her hair. "I promise I won't take unnecessary risks. But we need to understand what we're up against if we want to survive."

Sakura nodded, understanding but still uneasy. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Always," he replied with a smile.

They settled back into their routine, but Ryo's mind was already working on plans for the coming days. They needed more information, better strategies, and perhaps, allies. The night had shown him just how precarious their situation was, but it had also ignited a determination to find a way through the darkness.

As they lay down to sleep, Ryo held Sakura close, feeling the weight of responsibility but also the strength of their bond. They were in this together, and together, they would face whatever horrors the night brought.