Chapter 43: Preparing for the Day

Ryo woke up early, the soft light of dawn just beginning to filter through the curtains. The room was filled with a serene quiet, the peaceful remnants of the night still lingering. He gently disentangled himself from Sakura's embrace, careful not to wake her, and made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower.

The warm water refreshed him, washing away the remnants of sleep and revitalizing his senses. He stepped out of the shower, dried off, and dressed in comfortable clothes before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He glanced at the clock; it was just past 5 a.m.

As he worked, the smell of coffee and freshly cooked eggs filled the air. He moved quietly, trying not to disturb the tranquility of the morning. Soon, the sound of soft footsteps approached, and Sakura appeared in the doorway, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Good morning," Ryo said, his voice gentle and warm. "Why don't you go take a shower while I finish up here?"

Sakura smiled, still groggy but appreciative. "Okay, I'll be quick," she replied, heading towards the bathroom.

Ryo watched her go, his heart swelling with affection. He continued cooking, setting out plates and utensils on the table. By the time Sakura returned, freshly showered and dressed, the table was ready, and breakfast was waiting.

They sat down together, enjoying the meal and the quiet company. They chatted softly, their conversation a mix of plans for the day and small, affectionate exchanges.

After a while, Ryo looked at Sakura, his expression serious but loving. "Are you still wearing the charm I gave you?"

Sakura nodded, pulling the small charm out from under her shirt to show him. "Always," she said softly. "I know how important it is."

Ryo felt a wave of relief. "Good. Keep it close, always."

After breakfast, Ryo began to prepare their weapons. He meticulously checked and cleaned his gun and knife, making sure everything was in perfect working order. He handed Sakura her gun, showing her how to check it and reminding her of the safety precautions.

"Remember," he said, his tone firm yet caring, "keep this with you at all times. And don't hesitate to use it if you need to. Your safety is the most important thing."

Sakura nodded, her eyes serious. "I understand, Ryo. I'll be careful."

Ryo then grabbed his empty backpack and put on his hoodie, pulling the hood low over his face to conceal his identity. He needed to ensure that no one discovered his immunity to zombie attacks, for his own safety and to protect Sakura.

"Lock the door behind me and don't open it for anyone, no matter what," he instructed. "If you get hungry, eat without me. And remember to protect yourself."

Sakura nodded, her eyes filled with concern and determination. "I will, Ryo. Just... please be careful out there."

He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "I will. I'll be back as soon as I can."

With that, Ryo stepped outside, closing the door behind him and hearing the click of the lock as Sakura secured it. The morning air was cool and fresh as he walked through the streets, his heart steady with resolve. Zombies roamed the area, but they ignored him, allowing him to move freely.

Ryo made his way through the city, his eyes scanning for a suitable vehicle. He knew he needed something reliable to transport supplies and potentially relocate their home. As he walked, he kept an eye out for any signs of danger, his senses alert.

Despite the eerie calm of the abandoned streets, Ryo felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would find a safe place for them, a new home where they could build a future together, free from the constant threat of danger. And with each step he took, he knew he was getting closer to securing a better life for himself and Sakura.


Ryo walked through the deserted streets, the dawn light casting long shadows that danced eerily across the cracked pavement. His hoodie was pulled low over his face, masking his features and ensuring his anonymity in case he encountered other survivors. He kept his pace steady and his movements deliberate, blending into the background of the post-apocalyptic cityscape.

As he navigated the familiar streets, he couldn't help but reflect on the world that once was. The bustling city, full of life and noise, now lay silent, its buildings standing like tombstones in a vast graveyard. The zombies, once humans with their own stories and lives, now wandered aimlessly, a chilling reminder of the fragility of civilization.

Ryo's thoughts drifted back to Sakura. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving her alone, even though he knew it was necessary. She was strong and capable, but the thought of her being vulnerable without him nearby gnawed at his conscience. He shook off the feeling, focusing on the task at hand. Finding a suitable vehicle was crucial for their survival and future plans.

As he walked, he occasionally brushed against zombies, their lifeless eyes staring straight ahead, oblivious to his presence. He gently pushed one aside, its body stumbling slightly before resuming its aimless shuffle. The virus that had decimated humanity held no power over him, and the zombies' indifference to his presence was both a blessing and a curse. It allowed him to move freely, but it also meant he bore the constant burden of keeping his immunity a secret.

Ryo remembered the black scooter he had used to secure supplies during his earlier expeditions. When he needed more capacity for gathering fuel and food, he had switched to a van, leaving his trusty scooter behind. He had parked it near an old convenience store not far from where he was now.

A wave of relief washed over him as he recalled the scooter's location. He mentally retraced his steps, confident that the scooter would still be there. It wasn't far from where he was now, a few blocks over near the store. The thought of the scooter filled him with a renewed sense of purpose; it would provide the mobility he needed without drawing too much attention.

Turning down a side street, Ryo quickened his pace, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. The occasional moan of a zombie echoed through the empty streets, but none posed a threat to him. As he neared the convenience store, he spotted the scooter, its black frame partially hidden behind a stack of abandoned crates.

A wave of relief washed over him. He approached the scooter, inspecting it for any damage. Aside from a layer of dust and a few scratches, it appeared to be in good condition. Ryo checked the fuel gauge—it was half full, enough to get him to a safer location or back to Sakura.

As he mounted the scooter, memories of his previous encounters flooded back. He remembered the frantic chase, the close calls, and the narrow escapes. Each event had strengthened his resolve to protect Sakura and find a way to rebuild their lives amidst the chaos. The scooter had been a crucial part of those escapes, and now it would be their lifeline once more.

Ryo started the engine, the sound startling a nearby zombie. It turned its head towards him but made no move to attack. He pulled his hood lower, ensuring his face remained hidden. The last thing he needed was for anyone—human or zombie—to recognize his immunity.

He navigated the scooter through the maze of streets, his mind focused on finding a suitable location for their new home. Water access was a priority, as was defensibility. He needed a place where they could live without constant fear of attack, somewhere they could gather supplies and plan for the future.

As he rode, Ryo considered various options. The outskirts of the city offered the promise of fewer zombies and potential sources of fresh water. Abandoned residential areas might provide the security and resources they needed. He mentally mapped out potential routes, weighing the pros and cons of each location.

Ryo's thoughts wandered to the people they might encounter. He had avoided other survivors, fearing they might discover his secret and exploit it. His immunity was a double-edged sword; while it kept him safe from the zombies, it also made him a target for those who would do anything to harness his unique resistance. The fewer people who knew about it, the safer he and Sakura would be.

He spotted a group of zombies ahead, their slow, shuffling movements creating a blockade across the street. Ryo slowed the scooter, maneuvering carefully around them. As he passed, one of the zombies stumbled into his path. He gently pushed it aside, the creature's lifeless eyes staring through him as it fell back into its staggered walk.

Ryo's mind raced with thoughts of their future. He imagined a life where he and Sakura could live in relative peace, free from the constant threat of zombies and hostile survivors. He envisioned a small garden where they could grow their own food, a secure home where they could plan their next steps, and perhaps even the possibility of connecting with a community of like-minded individuals who valued cooperation over conflict.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a promising location—a small, secluded house on the outskirts of the city. It was surrounded by a high fence, with a narrow stream running nearby. The area appeared relatively untouched, with no immediate signs of zombie activity.

Ryo parked the scooter a short distance away and approached the house on foot, his senses alert for any danger. He scanned the perimeter, checking for any signs of recent human presence or zombie activity. Satisfied that it was safe, he carefully opened the gate and stepped inside.

The house was small but sturdy, with thick walls and only a few windows. It was the kind of place that could be easily fortified and defended. Ryo explored the interior, noting the presence of a functioning kitchen, a bedroom, and a small storage area. The stream nearby provided a potential source of fresh water, and the surrounding area offered plenty of space for a garden.

As he stood in the middle of the empty house, Ryo felt a glimmer of hope. This could be the place where he and Sakura could build a new life, away from the constant threats and dangers of the city. It was a small step, but it was a step forward, a chance to reclaim some semblance of normalcy in their chaotic world.

With renewed determination, Ryo made his way back to the scooter. He would return to Sakura, share the news, and together they would prepare to move to their new home. The road ahead was still fraught with challenges, but for the first time in a long while, Ryo felt a sense of purpose and direction.

As he rode back through the city, weaving through the aimless zombies, the sky began to darken. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the landscape, signaling the end of a long day. The evening light bathed the city in an almost serene beauty, a stark contrast to the horrors that lurked in the shadows.

Ryo's thoughts turned to the future, to the life he and Sakura would build together. They would be cautious, always vigilant, but they would also cherish the moments of peace and happiness they could find. For in a world overrun by darkness and despair, their love was a beacon of light, guiding them forward and giving them the strength to endure.

As the clock struck 6:30 PM, Ryo finally reached their temporary home, feeling a mix of exhaustion and relief. He parked the scooter quietly, ensuring not to draw any unwanted attention. Entering the building, he found Sakura waiting anxiously, her face lighting up as soon as she saw him.

"I'm back," Ryo said softly, pulling down his hood and walking towards her.

Sakura rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I was so worried," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

"It's okay, Sakura. I found a place. I think it might be perfect for us," Ryo reassured her, holding her close.

As they stood there in each other's embrace, the promise of a new beginning filled the air. Despite the challenges and dangers they faced, Ryo and Sakura had each other, and together, they would find a way to survive and thrive in this new world.