Chapter 47: The Intruder

Ryo awoke with a start, the sound of glass shattering jolting him from his sleep. His heart raced as he lay still, listening intently for any further noise. The moonlight filtered through the windows, casting an eerie glow on the room. Slowly, he reached for his gun, his fingers closing around the familiar grip. He pulled his hoodie tighter, concealing his face in the shadows. He couldn't afford to expose his immunity, especially to an unknown intruder.

Silently, Ryo slipped out of bed, his movements careful and deliberate. He padded across the room and pressed his ear against the door, straining to catch any sounds from downstairs. There it was again—a faint rustling, like someone moving cautiously through the house.

With his gun raised, he descended the stairs, his footsteps soft and measured to avoid creaking the wooden boards. The house was eerily silent, save for the occasional muffled noise from below. As he reached the bottom, he crouched low, peering around the corner, his gun aimed at the source of the noise.

The intruder came into view—a shadowy figure moving through the living room, their back turned to him. Ryo's pulse quickened as he stepped into the room, his gun trained on the intruder. "Don't move," he commanded, his voice steady but laced with authority.

The figure froze, their hands slowly raising in surrender. "I don't want any trouble," they said, their voice trembling slightly. "I'm just looking for food."

Ryo kept his gun steady, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. The intruder appeared to be a young woman, her clothes ragged and dirty, suggesting a long and arduous journey. He couldn't shake the feeling that she was more desperate survivor than dangerous intruder.

"Turn around slowly," Ryo instructed, his tone firm but not unkind. The woman complied, turning to face him with her hands still raised. Her face was gaunt, her eyes wide with fear and desperation.

"Please," she begged, her voice cracking. "I haven't eaten in days. I was just trying to find something to feed myself with."

Ryo studied her for a moment, his mind weighing the risks. He couldn't turn away someone in need, but he also couldn't afford to be reckless. "What's your name?" he asked, his tone softer but still guarded.

"Aiko," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was part of a group, but we got separated. I've been on my own for days."

Ryo nodded slowly, his mind made up. "Alright, Aiko. I'm going to help you, but you need to understand that we live in a dangerous world. There are rules we have to follow for our own safety."

Aiko nodded, relief evident in her eyes. "Thank you," she said, her voice thick with gratitude. "I'll do whatever you say. I just... I need a place to stay, even if it's just for a little while."

Ryo hesitated, his mind racing with the implications of taking in another person. But he couldn't turn her away, not when he knew the hardships of surviving alone. "Alright, Aiko. You can stay, but you have to follow my rules. No exceptions. This is a dangerous world, and I won't risk our safety."

Aiko nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with gratitude and relief. "I understand. I'll do whatever is necessary to keep us safe. I just... I need a place to rest, to feel safe, even if it's just temporary."

Ryo's gaze softened, his resolve strengthening. "Alright, we'll make this work. But remember, my rules are non-negotiable. Our survival depends on them."

Aiko nodded, her expression determined. "I understand, and I appreciate your trust. I won't let you down."

Ryo lowered his gun, his guard slightly lowered but his senses still alert. "Eat something, and then we'll talk about the rules and our plans going forward." He handed her a can of food and a bottle of water, his movements cautious but not unkind.

As Aiko ate, Ryo kept a watchful eye on her, his mind racing with the implications of having another person in their midst. He knew that their chances of survival increased with each additional member, but it also meant more mouths to feed and more lives at stake.

With dawn breaking through the windows, Ryo felt a renewed sense of determination. He would continue fortifying their base, ensuring it was secure and self-sufficient. And with each passing day, he would get closer to creating a sanctuary where he, Sakura, and now Aiko could live without the constant fear of the undead.