Your past

His head tilts even lower, while his fingers tangle in the hair at the base of my neck, squeezing and coaxing me to tilt my head up.

- But that doesn't mean I can't give you something incomparable. And that it will erase from your mind all the damn other times when it wasn't me who touched you.

Your lips grab mine in a punishing kiss. Soft, gentle caresses whisper against my mouth, a contrast to the gentle grip holding my throat. All my previous emotions disappear into the nothingness that the back of my mind has become. I want more of him. Heat floods my body as his lips work on me more and more. He pulls away and I pursue. I want more than he's giving me. His kisses are a drug that I can't get enough of. When his tongue slides inside my mouth, everything inside me explodes. A moan escapes me as I pull him closer. The hardness of his erection digs into my stomach and I'm totally unhappy that we're still fully clothed.

- What did I tell you about these damn little clothes? - He brings his hand up to my breasts, squeezing the sensitive nipples over my uniform and I moan, shamelessly thrusting my breasts towards his hand. Ethan smiles at my impatience and literally pulls my uniform blouse off, the buttons bursting and falling to the floor. His fingers find my bra and pull the cup down before he pinches my nipple. Needing more, he lowers his head to suck on them. Fuck, I look down at Ethan, he's enjoying my breasts like they're the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. His eyes are closed and he moans as he teases my pink, hard, wet nipples from his mouth. At the same time, his hand moves down to the hem of my skirt, to the top of my thighs where he finds my panties already wet from my own arousal.

I pull Colle close because, by God, it's the most incredible sensation I've ever tasted. He's touching me in exactly the right place and he hasn't even taken his clothes off.

- Touch me, Colle. - I beg. - The words slip past my lips, but it comes out as a plea.

- Have you touched yourself, Nicole? Have you touched that pussy until you come?

- "Yes," I moan when he doesn't stop touching me and my cheeks heat up as I admit it.

I moan, rocking against his finger over my panties, grinding my clit in search of relief.

Then Ethan is down, so fast that the loss of his body makes me grab his shoulders, now at the height of my pussy. He's kneeling, facing me, as if he's doing a thorough search. Without delay, he pulls down my panties. I feel a drive and a lustful heat between my thighs that leaves me without any shame or guilt. All I need is Colle, and I know he knows exactly how to give me what I need

- I can see his little clit poking out of his swollen pussy, and it feels so good. - His finger returns, spreading my wetness over my swollen, hard clit in a torturously slow, circular motion.

- Oh God! - He talks so dirty. I squeeze his shoulders and he looks at me slightly. Eyes full of lust and heat.

Ethan grabs my hips and pulls me closer to his mouth before sliding his soft tongue all the way from my opening to my clit. My eyes rolling with indescribable pleasure, I instinctively thrust my hips towards his mouth, and I can see a smile forming on his lips when he sees my need.

Colle is relentless, he licks and sucks my pussy, and I cry out. My hands go to his hair. I look at my reflection in a picture he has behind his desk and see my head is back, and my eyes are glazed with pleasure.

I make a needy noise with my lips, because the sensation is too good. I'm at the peak of my pleasure and I don't care that I'm rubbing my pussy shamelessly in the direction of his mouth, because I'm so close that I can't imagine not having the release. He holds my thigh open and with his other hand, uses two fingers inside me, starting slowly, but after he alternates with his sucking on my clit I come. I come almost tearing the hair off his head, he moans with my pleasure. It's so strong that white lights shine behind my eyes. My legs weaken, but he doesn't stop. Colle licks the lips of my pussy, and I jerk as if in shock, he laughs a little and does it again.

- Fuck, you're the sexiest woman I've ever seen come. - His voice is hoarse and there's a huge tent forming in the front of his pants

I pull him to me, and give him a kiss that is awkward at first, his mouth smelling of my arousal. I'm not experienced, but Colle takes over the kiss and when we find our rhythm, he moans. I try, I risk putting my hand on his erection but he stops me - It's okay Nicole, that was about you. - He says.

- No, it's okay," I say, my heart starting to beat so loudly that I'm sure all the staff in the house can hear it, but no one is paying attention. They're all at work. - I want to. - I take my hand to his belt.

- You have no idea how much I want to fuck you. - A muscle jumps in his cheek, but apart from that I have no idea what he's thinking. The hard lines of his face remain stoic and reveal nothing. - But I can't.

Confusion shocks my gaze.

- M-but, but we've just...

- You just came in my mouth. - He licks his lips at the memory. - But we won't get past that point Nicole... we can't.

His mouth curves into a frustrated smile, as if my disappointment is the funniest thing he's ever seen.

- I promise that one day you'll understand everything. But today I can't promise you any more than that.

A quick joke in his office.

Was he really different from Luck or was I just a masochist?

Disappointment was clear in my reaction as I gathered up my unbuttoned blouse and stared at my panties on the floor.

- We shouldn't have done this. - I whisper softly.

Colle looks at me confused, but before he can say anything I run to the door. But what I hear next makes my stomach turn: - I'll be back home tomorrow. I don't have a deadline.

The next day, I woke up early and went to my monthly appointment. When I got back, I went straight to the cottage. It was basically furnished with all the furniture. I sat down in the living room to unpack a box with a few things, hoping to distract myself from all that mess yesterday. Of course Colle made me cum, I practically threw myself down and begged him. Shame fills me as heat blooms in my cheeks. I was blaming my hormones for this, I would never act like this normally.

I turned on the television that Will had installed for me the night before. When the TV announced that the mayor would be at a press conference, I left it on. Christopher Petrelli began to speak.

Lies, lies, and more blah, blah, blah.

- His son Luck Petrelli is like a golden boy - the reporter said with a fake smile.

- Yes, like his father, he works with NGOs, does volunteer work, always living up to the Petrelli surname. - Christopher smiled.

- Does he intend, like you, to stand for election in two or three years' time?

- Oh, of course - he smiled. - But at the moment, he wants to look after his family.

- "Yes, we heard," she said. - You'll be grandfather of the year.

- Yes, and we're very happy. Luck couldn't be happier! He's always loved children, and being a father is like a dream come true, especially with Anna, to whom he's been engaged for a year. The wedding will be in a week's time, and they've chosen the church in St. Petersburg because they're very religious. He's going to be the example of the traditional family that you want in power in two years' time.

I turned off the television without finishing the interview. I couldn't. It was as if they had stabbed me in the chest, I looked at my clenched hands, nails dug into each palm to the point of opening wounds and bleeding. My knuckles turned white.

I got up and turned on the stereo, where Eagles, Hotel California was playing.

The news report kept repeating itself in my head.

Luck was going to be the father of another child.