And We Meet, Again?

Chapter 1 


I knew it. As soon as I got dropped off by my Dad and brother, those guys have been eyeing me. The worst thing yet is that I'm all alone, by myself, right now. I'm pretty sure, I'm not the type that guys go after. I really didn't want to start any problems, but here I am walking through the crowds scared and looking for my friend. I mean I'm not too scared considering I've taken some self-defense classes. 

"Why did you have to let Mom dress you up today?" I ask myself mentally self-palming my face. "Hey girl, you in the blue skirt!" the smaller guy proceeds to call at me while whistling. I continue to walk away as if I didn't have a blue skirt on. I look through the crowds desperately trying to find my friend. I can feel them closing in on me from behind when one suddenly grabs onto my right shoulder.

"Why won't you answer us, bitch!" He grabs a fist full of my sweater and tries to yank me back. Instinctively I grab his wrist and under his armpit leaning forwards, I kick his left shin back and in a swift movement I flip him onto his back. "Shit…" I whisper to myself. Now all eyes are on me. I can see the mixture of emotions in the crowd go from confusion to anger and shock. "Sorry dude," I look at him still laying on the ground. "And I'm not a bitch" I walk off cautiously. 

I hope they got the memo that I wasn't interested. However, when I turn to check behind me, I can see them following me again. This time they had another friend with them. He was bigger and taller, standing about six feet and maybe four inches, maybe even more. 

His very big, towering body follows close behind me, although he looks nicer than them, I am not very convinced he won't just pick me up, throw me over his shoulder and hand me over to his friends. "Please, leave me alone, I've got a boyfriend." I say aimlessly, hoping they leave. "Well, I don't see him anywhere, buttercup," the tall one says, gripping my wrist. I internally cringe and try to remove his hand. "Let go!" I kick his shin and make a run for it.

"Please, please, please, anyone I know would be perfect right now." I look around for any familiar faces anxiously. As I walk past a booth full of dolls and turn right, I see my old college classmate, a so-called friend. I pull up his contact and call him. I pray that he picks up my call. And he did "Thank goodness, Dylaan, I need you to do me a favor." I keep walking in his direction, not bothering to look back. "Uh, yeah. Sure" he looks around a little lost and confused. "I need you to change my contact's name in your contact to Baby or something, I'm coming your way right now. I'm at your three o'clock. I promise I'll explain later." I hung up and changed his name quickly to Hubby<3.

I run up to Dylaan and hug him close. As I am near his ear I whisper, "Pretend to be my boyfriend, those guys behind me are following me, please." He chuckles and softly nods. He pulls me into the hug wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sweetheart, where were you? I was calling you." He leans down to the side of my neck inhaling my scent, squeezing me softly. "Oh, so you're the boyfriend" the shorter man air quotes.

"Yes, I am. Is there a problem?" Dylaan steps in front of me as his friends give him a weird look. "Well, your girl over there flipped one of our buddies back there" he pointed at me aggressively. "He called me the B word and tried to yank me backwards," I looked at Dylaan although he didn't even bother to look back at me. He calmly takes my hand and holds it in his, causing heat to arise in my cheeks. He confronts them confidently. "Firstly, my girl isn't a bitch, secondly, never lay a hand on her, and third pointer, being a girl followed by a bunch of guys is the equivalent to being hunted like a prey, I don't appreciate you fellows doing that to her".

"Well, she ignored us first" the other man with a bushy hair cuts in. "And that gives you a right to chase her?" Dylaan squeezes my hand reassuring me. "I mean- we… no'', the shorter man says defeated. "Hey guys, I'm back. What's up with the vibes here?" Dylaan's friend Christian walks up to us. He looks at the other guys and a small smile appears on his lips. "Hey dude, it's been a minute, huh?" Apparently, he knew them. 

"Oh, Chris, we didn't know they were your friends" the skinnier friend proclaims. "Well, we're all here. So, let's go to my party, yeah?" Christian invites all of us. As they all start making their way to their cars, I stand still with Dylaan. "Dylaan, I don't think it's a good idea to go with you guys, I should just go home" I pull him back by his shirt gently. "It's okay. I got you. If you leave now, it'll look even more suspicious." he kissed me on my cheek to make it look convincing. The shorter friend was still staring at us. "Okay, let me text my Mom and let her know I'm moving locations. And text my friend that I was supposed to meet" I walk alongside him messaging my Mom and friend. Turns out my friend had messaged me that she would be leaving with her boyfriend.

"So, how do you wanna do this?" Dylaan looks forward as he starts the engine. "We just pretend to date. I think it's pretty simple, right?" I rub my thighs with the palm of my hands nervously. "Hey, we can always leave the party early if it does get uncomfortable for you" he pats my shoulder. "Okay, thanks by the way" I smile then look at my phone to see my Mom's response saying "Okay, be safe<3". He drives calmly, but I can sense something a little off. "Are you okay doing this whole thing?" I say waving my arms in circles. "Well, the thought of getting caught lying is kind of nerve wrecking, but besides that I'm pretty okay" he says looking over at me and back at the road. "We need to have a good cover story, so what's it gonna be? I know very well your friends have no idea who I am, so like am I a 'secret girlfriend' or something?" I air quote the secret girlfriend part. 

He laughs and looks at me, his crooked smile beaming. "I mean that works, I guess. We could say we've been talking, and I just wanted to introduce you today at the party as a surprise, yeah?" I look at him amused. He picks things up so fast. "Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan" I laugh, slowly relaxing and calming down in the passenger seat. He keeps glancing my way and although I keep my focus forwards I can see him in my peripheral view. "Is there something on my face?" I asked, still looking forward. He smiles and inhales deeply before speaking. "It's just, it's been a while since we've seen each other in person, and I'm just surprised at the way we had to meet again." I looked over at him, lips slightly parted in shock. "Is it that bad of a situation?" 

He makes a right turn into Christian's garage parking the car. He turns to look at me and chuckles. "It's not bad, if anything it's entertaining." I turn to look at him unbuckling my seat belt. There was a short silence between us before he started to lean in. "Umm…what are you doing?" I ask, laughing nervously. "Don't move, they're watching us. Play along" he instructs me. I see his eyes dart down to my lips and back up to my eyes. He places a hand on my thigh as he leans forwards. My breath quickens and he leans in closer, almost touching. "I need you to kiss me back okay" he nudges his nose softly against mine. I nod slowly and tilt my chin up more, making our lips touch. I didn't know if that was enough since I have absolutely no experience. He takes my chin in his hand and kisses me deeper. My cheeks flush as I feel his lips moving softly against mine. The tingles in my lips make me part them slightly. As though an invitation he licks the bottom of my lips fully kissing me and holding my jaw gently. 

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck leaning into the kiss. I could feel sparks flying all around me. All my focus was on kissing him, his small touches made small electric shocks on my skin. I follow in his order, softly licking his lip, kissing him as my body turns to face him subconsciously. I could feel the air around us tighten and bring us closer. All that was going through my mind was…the kiss. He pulled back and breathed onto my lips for a second before chuckling. My face grew red. Was I bad at kissing, did I do something funny, do I have an odd look on my face? I think he knew what was running through my mind, he grabbed my chin tilting it back and gave my lips a soft peck. "Open your eyes silly." he softly flicks my forehead and I giggle in return. 

He came out of the car first and ran over to the other side to open my door. I smiled and thanked him as he closed the door behind me. He patted my skirt down. His eyes were strong and irritated. I look into the direction it was in and I see in clear view the short friend. He still doesn't buy our whole boyfriend/girlfriend act. I turn around tip toe and kiss Dylaan on the cheek. His face grows red, and he pulls me in close to his body. "You know, if you keep this up, you can't blame me for being very handsy later" he chuckles and kisses down my neck. My eyes quickly glance at the guy. I see him sigh and go into the house. "It will make it more convincing, I guess." I blush looking away. 

He takes my hand in his as he leads me into Christian's house. When we walked through the doors everyone turned and cheered at Dylaan. He thanked them and shook his head blushing. His friends all gave him a pat on the back complimenting him. "Oh, my gawd! Dee! I didn't know you had a girl. She's… cute…" the short pretty girl says as I turn to look at her. "Hi, I'm Remy, and you are?" I reached a hand out towards her. She only looks at my hand and leans to one hip. "I'm Dylaan's friend, Kate" she exaggerates the friend part with a tone. 

Dylaan takes my hand and drags me through the crowd to one of the bedrooms. He sits me down on the bed and sighs. "I'm sorry, umm, me and Kate, kind of had a thing going on so this doesn't look the best, but I might look like a cheater to some. I hope you don't mind". I can only break out in laughter and shake my head. I couldn't believe he had to sit me down for this. He could've just told me from the beginning. I was starting to wonder why she looked at me as though I were the enemy. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not really your girlfriend and plus it's not that big of a deal, just explain things to her later." A small soft smile spreads on his lips. 

He leans down and kisses me grabbing my chin with his fingers. I knit my brows together in confusion. We were all alone, no one was here, so why did he kiss me? When our lips parted I looked up at him and gave a small smile. "What was that? No one's here" he kneeled down in front of me and looked up at me through his brows, his hair falling over his eyes. His piercing eyes stare at me with a look I've never seen on him before. "What?" I say leaning down a little. We have a stare off for a couple of seconds, which felt like hours. I didn't want to be the first to break contact, but his gaze only grew even more, making me feel nervous, in a good way. He reaches for my face, and I move into his touch trying to see what he was planning. "Why are you so quiet? It's making me nervous, Dylaan" I say, whispering his name. He rolls his eyes with a smirk in his smile. He stands up pulling me up with him. He opens his mouth to say something then stops.

If he keeps this up, I won't be able to hide that I still like him. I tried to move back a little, but to my dismay I ended up with the back of my legs touching the bed. He follows me walking forwards leaning in closer to me until someone knocks on the door. We break contact and he smiles at me ruffling my hair. I swear he is purposely messing with me. He goes to unlock the door that I didn't even notice he locked before. He cracks the door ajar. I tried to see who it was, but his body frame blocked my view. He looked back at me and told me to pull my sweater down. I looked down and my sweater was completely fine. I just patted it down confusingly. I walked towards him, and he opened the door wider. To my surprise the person on the other side of the door was the shorter guy from before. All I could do was smile awkwardly and stand next to Dylaan. 

He turns to me and looks flushed as though he was blushing. That was when Dylaan turns to me and fixes my hair that he ruffled earlier. I realized that he must have thought we did something inappropriate. I giggled at the thoughts of it. I could not see it happening, I am not Dylaan's type what-so-ever. I've seen his exes and his hook ups; they are all small petite girls who look super cute and innocent but aren't. I do not fall under that type at all. I look at the short guy and bring my finger to my lips pretending to shush him. His eyes grew wider, and he nodded. I lifted my pinkie to him, and he immediately wrapped his around mine. He scurried off before I even knew it. Dylaan looks at me and bursts into laughter and I follow his reaction doing the same. "We both know exactly what he thought '' he says as he slaps his knee laughing. I just laughed and nodded. 

When we both cooled down, we walked back to the living room where the party was mainly at. The music was so loud it was as if we were in the club. I can see boys and girls dancing and kissing and making out on the dance floor. Everyone had different colored cups. I was confused. I looked at Dylaan and grabbed his arm "Are the cups color coded or something?" He nods "Yeah, Red for Singles and Looking, Blue for Open Relationships, And the Yellow ones are for Taken people '' I smiled and grabbed a blue one for jokes. He takes it out of my hands and hands me a Yellow cup raising a brow. "My bad" I teased him, taking the cup from his hand, our fingers touching. He leans close to my ear "Do you wanna drink something strong?" I looked up at him shocked, his tone sultry and smooth as if he was drunk on something.