Sparks The Electrifying Feeling

Chapter 2


As I looked at her puzzled face, all I could think of was how cute and beautiful she is. How I really want to kiss those beautifully plump red lips; how I want to make her mine, but I pulled back. I was only pretending to be her boyfriend. What was going through my head? "Sure?" Remy tilts her head to the side smiling. I could feel my heart doing a flip and I instantly pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "Follow me. And never tell Christian I showed you our secret stash" I take her hand in mind as I lead her down the hall to our secret door. Punching in the code the door slides open to a staircase going down. I held her hand as we walked down the spiral stairs. 

"So, you guys have a secret base where you store all your secret goods?" she looks around curiously, but not touching anything. I look at her and chuckle, even when she is curious, she looks cute. My thoughts then traveled a little further than I expected. I shook my head, shaking the thought out of my mind. We walked down the second aisle and there we had our liquors. "Pick one and try it" I can see her reach for the Devil's Spring Vodka 160. I smirked as she pulled the bottle forwards and held it in her hands. "Nice pick" I grabbed the bottle from her and opened it giving her a sniff. "Strong, right? It's 80% alcohol." I pour some into a small shot cup for her and one for myself. "It smells nice" she takes it in her hand. She observes the little shot glass closely looking at its details. She lifts it up to her nose and softly inhales the scent. "You know it's not recommended to take this in shots. It is not for the weak" I walk closer to her as I tap my shot cup against hers. 

She chuckles softly, making my heart flutter. She lifts the glass shot to her lips and tilts her head back consuming it as she did. I was both shocked and in awe. The way her soft hair flowed back when she tilted her head, the way her neck was exposed to the softly lit lights, it all made me want to kiss her skin so gently. I drank my cup and licked my lips tasting the rich flavors infused in it. "Oh my god that is strong" she laughs as she makes a face closing her eyes and breathing deeply. My eyes were focused on her lips as she licked them. I bring my finger up to wipe the corner of her lips. As I looked back up at her eyes, she was already staring at me, maybe a little confused, maybe in shock. 

"I told you it was not for the weak" I smirked and leaned in to take the shot cup from her hand. I can see that it was already affecting her as she stumbled back a little. I reached my arm out to hold her waist as she grabbed a hold of my sleeve. She was a giggling mess as soon as we made eye contact again. I held her closer and examined her features closer. She was still giggling as she brought a finger up to my chin dragging it over my jaw softly. "You're cute, y'know that?" She tries to stand on both feet. My eyes could only look at so many things at the same time. From her eyes to her lips, to her little scrunched up nose, to her softly pink cheeks, I just wanted to kiss them all. 

 "Am I?" I leaned in close enough for our nose to slightly touch. "You, little missy, are drunk. You need to lay down in my room" I lift her in bridal style as I carry her up the stairs. It only gets harder from me to focus as her hands roam my chest playfully. "I'm not drunk! You are! I am as sober as the sky" she yells as she throws her hands in the air. As we reached my room, I lay her on my bed before turning around to close the door. "You really should be careful with those around you." I slowly trail my finger against her cheek and jaw. I took off her shoes and put them at the foot of my bed on the ground. If I had known she was going to be over I would've cleaned my room better. 

I started picking up my room, throwing my clothes into the hamper, I put all my books back on the shelf and organized my Lego set in the corner of my desk. I sit at my desk and do some work on one of my films that I had just recently recorded with my buddies as I wait for her to wake up. "I said I have a boyfrwiend" she mumbles in her sleep cutely. I smirked at her cuteness and looked over my shoulder to see her still fast asleep. I look back over at my laptop to work on my film, but then I hear a knock. I walk over to the door and open it, taking a peek. It was Christian, he looked a bit messed up himself. "What's up? I'm working on the film; did ya need somethin'?" I walked out of the door closing it behind me making sure he couldn't see her laying there. 

"Hey man, the party's over, but those college kids won't leave. Imma need you to tell em off" I sigh as I lock my bedroom door before going out to see a bunch of college kids. "Hey when the house owner tells you to leave, go home, alright?" I wave them off as I grab one of their friends who is really drunk and passed out on the couch. I carried him out with an arm over my shoulder and gave the other friends a glare as they should be following right behind me. As we reached their car outside, I could see that Kate was still waiting in her car. As I helped them get their friend into their car Kate walked over to me. "Dee, where were you the whole time? I've been looking for you babe" she hugged my waist. I immediately moved her arms away. I couldn't understand why I did that when we just spent the night together yesterday. 

"W-what? Why are you being like this? Is it because of that girl?!" She pushed me. I looked at her in guilt, I walked towards her, and she stayed there. I know she is probably all too shocked, but I am just as shocked too. I bring my hand up to cup her cheek. I didn't know what to say, there was a lump in my throat. I couldn't get any words out even if I tried, but I know that I wanted to apologize to her. I wanted to let her know that I may have fallen for Remy. Finally, she spoke, "if you don't want me anymore, just say so, asshole". I sighed, I wanted to give her a hug but I physically couldn't. "Look, Kate… it's not that I don't want you anymore, okay? I just, I think we need to stop this hook up thing we have." I looked for her eyes as she stood there frozen. 

"Really? Not that you don't want me or something?" she looked up and fisted her hands. "Fine, if you want this hook up that we are doing to stop you need to fuck me one last time. Deal?" I shake my head. I find it very wrong for her to ask this of me especially since we just did exactly that yesterday. I could not understand why she would ask for such a thing when we were both also good friends. "Why? Am I that bad?" she grabs my arm and runs her fingers up my arm. I yank my arm away and walk away. "Just go home Kate! I will always be your friend, but I will not continue our fling." She screamed and got in her car and drove away. I went back inside and made sure that Christian was tucked in bed before going back to my room. As I unlocked my bedroom door Remy was no longer on my bed. 

I frantically looked around the room for her. I figured she couldn't leave the room because I locked the deadbolt. I knocked on the bathroom door connected to my room. I could hear a soft groan from the other side. "Are you okay?" I knocked on the door once again before deciding to open it after I didn't hear a response. She was lying next to the toilet with her arm hung over the toilet seat. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. "What are you laughing at? Help me out dude" she points at me while trying to sit up. I reached down and pulled her up onto her feet. She slightly stumbled over own foot as she took a step forward. 

Her body fell into my arms as I caught her fall. I looked down at her and I swore my heart skipped a beat. This is such a strange encounter for me. I just met her today again after not seeing her since our last class in college. I couldn't remember how far back that was, maybe three years, or four. I could be wrong, but it's been a while. Her eyes stare straight into mine as she holds onto my arm for support. "Are you okay?" I gently hold her waist supporting her up. I can see her avoiding my eyes as she stands on her two feet. "Um… I'm okay, really. I just need to sit down." I held her arm helping her to the bed. As she was sitting there, I went to my mini fridge and grabbed out a cold-water bottle. Handing it to her I could sense something was on her mind. "Hey, what's wrong? I'm here, okay" I sit next to her and hold her hand in mine, waiting. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just… this is new to me" she looks at me with confusion in her eyes. "Well, I'm here and I've got all the time you need. Hit me with your best shot" I rub the back of her hand with my thumb softly. 

"I heard your talk with Kate when I woke up and I hope I'm not the reason you two fall apart." She takes a sip of water and looks at the ground. "I know it may sound like I'm being self-centered, but I'm just really concerned about the whole fake dating and ruining something you actually have. Sorry" her shoulders sag as she apologized. I took a deep breath and turned to face her, which gave her a slight shock. I grabbed the sides of her arms forcing her to look at me. This was not the same girl I remembered from college, where did her spirit go? "Look at me… You are not the cause of our relationship's downfall. If anything, it was mine and Kate's fault. We are all adults who make life choices and based on how I see it, she wanted something more than I could give her. So don't blame yourself. I want to help you." I was surprised that she actually kept eye contact with me while I spoke to her. 

She gave a small smile letting her dimples show. I was glad to see her smiling again. I had always liked her smile. Did I like her back then? I thought aimlessly to myself. "It's been a while, can you help me clarify some things back then?" I awkwardly chuckled. "Sure, what did you need to clarify?" She looked at her water bottle and then at me. "When we were in that program together… Did you like anyone? Or like you know, have a crush? I'm pretty sure everyone liked someone, right?" She laughed. I was confused, why was she laughing? She looked at me and sighed. "Well, I certainly can't ask if you liked someone. You literally dated my so-called friend then" she put her water bottle down on my desk before turning to face me.

"Is that why you're laughing?" She nods and smiles softly. "But if you really want to know…ask the right question" she raises a brow. I was lost, what did she mean by that? I thought really hard about what to ask, I was just joking at first, but now I'm curious. "Did you like Micheal?" She shook her head. "What? Did you like Tobey, I mean y'all were glued by the hips?" She shook her head again. I was out of ideas. I couldn't exactly remember everyone. I was only left with one more person and that was myself, but I didn't want to make things awkward. I looked at her directly, "Did you like… me?" As soon as I asked, her phone rang. 

"Oh, give me a sec," she turned to the side and answered her phone "Yes Mom? Yeah…I'm okay, yeah, he's right here. I know, I will. Okay. I love you too" she turned back to face me and gave me a hug. "So, what's the happy occasion?" I hugged her back patting her back. "Well, my Mom says that I should sleep over since it's late and I trust you so she's trusting me to be on my best behavior and not do dumb stuff". I laughed, she was an adult now, but she still needed confirmation with her Mom. It was both cute and confusing. "You get happy over the littlest things, I remember when you got happy when you saw a pretty white butterfly flying around." I smiled and remembered back to the moment it happened. 

We were all walking to class, and I saw the butterfly first, but I didn't think anything about it at first until she saw it. Her eyes lit up in amusement as it flew above us. As the butterfly flew lower, she smiled so brightly her cute dimples were showing. She reached her hand up and the butterfly flew around it as she smiled and giggled in joy. She had always gotten happy and excited over small trivial things.

"Okay, I do get excited over small trivial things, and?" she jokingly punches my arm. "It's cute" I smiled and held her wrist as her soft punch came in contact with my arm. "No, it's not, you just made fun of me for it" she uses her other hand to slap my thigh. I also grab her other wrist teasingly. "So, what are you gonna do about it, hmm? Can't do nothing with me holding both your wrists, can you?" She bit her bottom lip making a concentrated face. It was irresistibly cute and attractive. 

Suddenly she pushed me on my back, I was shocked at how quickly she responded. She smirked as she tried to get out of my grip. I chuckled softly and pulled her closer to me smiling. "What are you smiling at, jerk?" My smile widens at her remarks. "Jerk? I'm a jerk now that you can't get out of my hold, hmm?" I tilt my head looking for a better angle to look her in the eyes. I can see that she is shying away each time I try to look in her eyes. It is so cute that I don't want to stop, I want to see what she would do and how she would react. As she avoids my eyes with her arms resting on my chest, I pull them to the side making her fall on my chest. 

"I know that no one is here to see but" I leaned in close to her and softly brushed my nose against hers as our foreheads touched. "Can I kiss you? Right now? You're so irresistible" I whisper against her lips as my breath became shaky. I wait as her eyes look into mine gently. She nodded softly as she closed her eyes. I let go of her wrists and rested my hands on her waist holding her close. Slowly I kissed her lips feeling the sparks tingle all over my body. It was electrifying, as her lips parted I took the initiative to kiss her deeper. Feeling her lips against mine made time stop, it made me realize that falling for someone was dangerous. I could never get enough of her; I could be obsessed for all I know. Then suddenly my phone rang making us both break the kiss. As I looked in her eyes she softly smiled and nodded for me to pick up the phone.