A young malnourished boy is staring at three coins in his hand."we've gone over this a million times, you know why this is happening to you kid now scram". A old rather fat man says to the boy as he turns his back to continue butchering a piece of meat. The boy sulks as he walks across the street with his head down as he accidently bumps into a man who's walking with what appears to be his wife." Watch where you're going devil!" The man says as he shoves the child aside, the man's wife shooting the boy a dirty look as she trails behind her husband. The young boy finally arrives at his home, he notices the front door is halfway open and walks in with a bit of fear in the back of his mind. He sees two state soldiers speaking to his uncle. The boy tries to head to his room but he's stopped by the words of his uncle. "Leave your key at the door and get out of the house" the boys uncle says in a monotone voice."wait what are you tal-" the boy tries to speak but is cut off as he's hit across the face with a baton by one of the state soldiers. " You heard your old man kid pack your shit and get out of here!" One of the state soldiers shouts at the boy. The young boy covering his bloody nose stares at his uncle in disbelief, but was in a way glad, he had always suspected that the pressure from his fellow clansman would one day lead his uncle to throwing him out, he'd go to bed every night worried that one day the other members of his clan would break down the door of his uncles home and kill him. Even though that stress was gone he had nobody to confide in, he lost his parents, and now his final immediate relative due to pressure from the state. The boy ran off holding back tears as he wipes the blood off his nose, he eventually comes across a small river after running for more than 5 minutes and collapses due to exhaustion at a boulder. He cries out in pain not only from his broken but from heartbreak from losing his last relative . Hours later the young boy opens his eyes realising he had fallen asleep from exhaustion, he notices a young boy around his age with spikey blonde hair standing in front of him." Hey little guy you want some water?" The blonde haired boy says." Umm thanks and who are you calling Little guy? We are probably the same age." The other boy responds. "not exactly" the blonde haired boy responds," what's your name?" the blonde haired boy asks. "Ragnar" the other boy responds, "wow you know your name has two meanings means warrior & judgement, your parents must have had great expectations of you!". Ragnar blushes the young boy finally had received his first compliment in life." Tell you what Ragnar I have some more food if you want breakfast?" "Um yeah I'd like that please" Ragnar responds. A couple minutes later they sit in a nearby cave where the mysterious boy somehow has waffles with syrup and other delicious foods that you'd find outside of a internment camp." what's that bread looking thing with the honey poured on top of it?" Ragnar asks," seriously you don't know what waffles are?" "Also that "honey" is actually syrup." The mysterious boy says correcting Ragnar. As the mysterious boy sits down to eat Ragnar remains standing still shy and wary of the strange boy, "come on man you can dig in" the mysterious boy says raising an eyebrow at Ragnar. Ragnar finally hesitantly takes a seat he tries to pick the waffle with his hand but the mysterious boy jabs his finger with a fork "don't jump at this heavenly meal with your crusty hands, use a fork!" the boy tosses the fork at Ragnar which the boy hesitantly picks up, after taking a bite of the golden syrup soaked waffle he loses all the anxiety that's been pent up and begins to enjoy himself. After a couple minutes Ragnar finishes most of the food and lays his back against the cave wall. "What're you sitting around for don't you have a home to go to?" The boy asks Ragnar, " I don't have a home, sometimes I feel like I never did" Ragnar says while looking up at the caves ceiling. "What would you do to attain a home?" The boy asks Ragnar, "what do you mean?", "like what would you do for it how far would you go how hard would you work, how much would you give up, just to feel like you belong somewhere?" The boy says while standing over Ragnar. "Anything" Ragnar says while standing up to the boy. " would you even kill your entire clan for it, you know the same ones who put you through hell and who abandoned you?"The boy says while turning his back to Ragnar and walking a few feet away. "Y-yes" Ragnar blurts out. " would you even let's say kill the man who killed your father and threw you and your mother in this squalor?" The mysterious boy says while turning back to look at Ragnar. Ragnar stares at the floor thinking to himself, why feel sorry for killing these people when all they've done is bring him nothing but suffering? Ragnar looks up at the boy and nods his head, the boy smiles and brings his hand towards Ragnar inviting him to a handshake. "My name is Elliot, from now on you're like family to me as long as you do what I say I'll give you everything you want." Ragnar shakes Elliot's hand and shows him a smile while holding back tears, all he had to do was abide by Elliot's commands and he'll finally find belonging.
10 years later..
Ragnar leans against a boulder while he stares at three rusty coins in his hand even though it came from a time when he was suffering and wouldn't be given a fair pay by his boss it was still nostalgic to look at. three men in rags and swords walk through a portal and arrive inside of the cave." We've cleared out the camp captain." One of the men says. "did you leave his uncle alive as agreed?" Elliot asks, the boy still leaving everyone in a shroud of mystery as to how he is able to sustain his appearance as a child." affirmative" One of the soldiers says." this is overkill I could've taken them all out myself." Ragnar says sounding irritated."I can't have you waste your augment I've told you many times it's not efficient for these kind of scenarios, anyways don't take all day." Elliot says as he sits back on the boulder. Ragnar steps out of the cave and walks across the small river he met Elliot on its been almost ten years and the place felt like it hadn't changed one bit. He walks into the camp stepping over bodies of his fellow clansman and stepping directly into puddles of blood. the young man in the moment even had the urge to desecrate their bodies but dismissed the feeling recalling Elliot's words to him earlier. He finally arrives at the house his uncle lived in and walks inside noticing his uncle on the floor crying over what appears to be a body of a woman." Oh God Mildred get up!" He cries out," I wonder" Ragnar says as he bent over "did you ever cry like this for your only brother....or your sister in law?". "Wait how do you kn-" his uncle says as he turns around stopping himself from finishing the sentence as he tries to understand if what he's seeing is real."Ragnar?" His uncle says as he's stands up. "How is this-... your body was found just by the river near the camp borders" he says blankly still trying to take in what he's seeing. "Soo that's how he covered it up,but yeah it really is me." Ragnar says staring down his uncle. "Listen Ragnar you gotta understand what I did..I had no ch-" his uncle is cut off as his head is instantly snapped facing the opposite direction he falls to the ground limp. Ragnar spits at his uncles body before he walks out of the house running into Elliot who's walking with more men in rags. "Wow that quick? I thought you'd have a little heart to heart before-" "we heading to the capital now?" Ragnar says cutting off Elliot. "Jeez that's rude, yeah we're going you sure you're ready little guy?" Elliot asks."Definetly" Ragnar responds with conviction, it was time for him to face the man who killed his father the man known as..
The red death..
The Iron Fist..
Dragons bane..
King Alaric Solomon.