

Two state soldiers stand guard of the elevator that leads to the top floor of the Wall of section c protecting the rich area of the city. " Soo what'd you plan on doing once you get home?" The soldier on the left asks,"don't act like I forgot that you ate my lunch!" The soldier on the right says," How many times do I have to tell you man it wasn't me" the soldier on the right says,"cmon your mother didn't make your lunch today and you were whining all morning about how hungry you were". "Ok my mother doesn't cook my lunch man" "I don't know man the way your packed food looks seems womanly" "what the- what does that even mean how can cooking seem wo-" the soldier on the left freezes in horror as he realises the soldier on the right is on the floor decapitated, the soldier on the left suddenly is pulled into his own shadow and dissapears. Out of his own shadow emerges a large cloaked figure with numerous weapons wrapped around him." I've arrived Hawthorne" the man says as he puts his finger near his ear, "great how long will it take for you to clear out the roof? I've been hiding out in this bathroom for nearly an hour" a muffled voice says in the cloaked man's earpiece." Stop whining it'll be cleared out in five" The cloaked man responds, as he does four state soldiers walk out of the elevator. As they try to ignite their batons The cloaked man snaps his fingers and black ethereal blades emerge from the four soldiers shadows impaling and killing them instantly."Samuel report" a state soldier says on his comns,as he says that he notices that the elevator is on and headed to his floor." You reckon that could be them?" One of the other state soldiers say," ignite your batons just in case". All five of the state soldiers ignite their batons and slowly walk towards the elevator as it finally has reached their floor. The elevator opens but nobody is inside," I think we should go downstairs and che-" one of the state soldiers is cut off as he's impaled through his own shadow by a black ethereal blade, the other soldiers freeze in shock not knowing what to do since they cannot see the enemy. The other four are instantly impaled through their own shadows aswell, as that happens a few other soldiers enter that same floor and see four of their comrades lifeless bodies impaled by shadow like blades, the cloaked man emerges from one of the soldiers shadows ."drop your weapons and put your hands behind your head!" One of the soldiers says trying to mask his own fear, "ダーク・フェスティバルの"the cloaked man utters under his breath. a few moments later The cloaked man arrives on the roof," I've cleared out all the floors make your way up here Hawthorne" the cloaked man says touching his earpiece. A few moments pass and a brown haired man with a caramel coloured trench coat walks through the door leading to the roof." that was definetly a lot longer then five minutes" Hawthorne jokingly says," silence orphan" The cloaked man responds "Jeez you didn't have to go that far I was only-" "how long can you hold out your ability" the cloaked man says cutting off Hawthorne "tsk Well last time I was able to project it for seven minutes, and considering every time I try it I can hold out two minutes longer so it should be nine minutes, if I push myself maybe I can add on another minute making it ten." Hawthorne responds, "alright then get started." The cloaked man says before disappearing into his own shadow," Final art: False beast" Hawthorne utters as a giant demonic eldritch like beast materialises behind him crawling over the wall and entering the city. The civilians within the walls scatter like insects fleeing this giant creature as it roars and steps on the buildings crushing them instantly. Four state soldiers of the juggernaut class appear walking towards the beast with their cannons attempting to take it down, as they attempt to position themselves black shadow like shuriken are thrown at the men. The cloaked man runs towards them materialising his black blade, one of the soldiers attempts to throw a punch at the cloaked man but he swiftly weaves inside and impales the soldier in his neck through the small opening in his armour, one of the soldiers has successfully positioned himself with his cannon and fires a cannonball at the cloaked figure and his comrades lifeless body and they are both seemingly obliterated. The three other soldiers slowly approach the smoke of the explosions aftermath to confirm the bodies but are surprised to only find their own comrades body in pieces but not the cloaked man. A large man with long black hair and an abundance of weapons on his back and scars across his face appears from behind of one of the soldiers and impales him through the neck with his shadow blade. The other two soldiers attempt to rush the man and throw wild haymakers but he once more dodges successfully and throws two shadow shruiken and with perfect accuracy is able to hit both the soldiers In their necks. "なんとボーア"

the large man says as he spits at one of the dead soldiers bodies," You look like you're having fun" a voice from behind says to the man. "not exactly" the large man responds turning around to see Ragnar and Elliot and a bunch of men in rags carrying blades." You lost the cloak Kazuki?" This is like the third one Eris has made!" Elliot says annoyed "remember to not engage as the old man and I have told you Ragnar if you really want to beat Solomon you must-" "yeah yeah I know" Ragnar says rolling his eyes "you've always met my expectations young man now let's see if you can exceed them" Kazuki says as he walks off. " tsk I can't believe he ignored me the ballistic materials in that thing are ridiculously hard to find, ugh anyways you know the drill kid don't engage me and the others will take care of any incoming attacks and Lennox stay here with Liam ill go on ahead with Ragnar and Bill" One of the men in rags nods his head and walks off with the other one.


"Sire.... Sire.....Sire!" A middle aged man with long red hair and a beard jumps out of his seat and begins to rub his eyes." How long have I been out Kaelen?" The red haired man says "tsk it's been an hour sire, the capital is under attack and we have reports on the ground of a member of the Yukimura family engaging on the siege" Kalen says looking at the king in annoyance." Take my wife and the boy and leave Kaelen" King Solomon says looking out the window. "I beg your pardon sir I didn't quite catch that" Kaelen says in disbelief "what's happening now is a necessary event to avoid a dark future" the King says with his back turned "with all due respect sir I have no idea what your talk-" "take Elena and the boy and go that is my final order!" King Solomon says sternly "I understand sir" Kaelen says as he turns his back to walk out of the King's office "I forgot to add there's a box underneath my wife's bed give it to the boy once he's eighteen" King Solomon says looking back at Kaelen "It was an honour to serve you sire" Kaelen says to the king, King Solomon gives Kaelen a nod of approval. The door shuts and King Solomon stares out the window with a small smile on his face." Time to play my part Elliot" he mutters under his breath.