Covering Up the Poisoning Incident

Eric didn't chase after Ella; he simply watched her retreating figure with a hint of amusement. Suddenly, a sharp pain on his wrist drew his attention. Looking down, he noticed a thin scratch.


It was from when Ella had flung his hand away, her nails evidently sharp.


She was like a wild kitten, her sharp claws leaving a delicate mark that stirred an unusual sensation within him.


In Hannah's room.


"Dr. Robinson, how is Hannah?" Brianna asked anxiously.


Dr. Robinson, a highly skilled family doctor with forty years of experience, was well-trusted by the affluent residents of the neighborhood. Her proximity made her the preferred choice over a hospital visit for any household in need.


"Ms. Davis has ingested a potent toxin. I've given her some medication and she's on an IV now. She should recover soon," Dr. Robinson replied calmly.


"Thank you, Dr. Robinson. Please, keep this matter confidential."


"As a doctor, I adhere to my professional ethics," Dr. Robinson responded coolly, indifferent to Brianna's lack of trust. She was, after all, an outsider here.


Watching Hannah's flushed face, Brianna felt a mix of confusion and anger.


After escaping Eric's arms, Ella ran straight to Hannah's room, panting heavily. She paused to catch her breath before entering.


"Mom, how is Hannah? She only had one drink, how could she be so intoxicated?" Ella asked, feigning concern and bewilderment.


Brianna glanced at Ella, suppressing her fury.


"Hannah's fine. She must have had an allergic reaction to something, which made her particularly susceptible to alcohol," Brianna replied, her tone steady.


Ella widened her eyes in surprise. "Is that so? I was so worried!"


"Today was supposed to be your big day, and it turned out like this. Do you blame me?" Brianna asked, maintaining her calm and motherly demeanor despite the evening's disaster.


"Of course not, Mom. No one could have predicted this," Ella said sweetly, though inwardly she sneered. She wasn't a child anymore. If it weren't for these two scheming against her, Hannah wouldn't be in this state.


At that moment, Hannah began to stir. As she realized where she was and saw Ella, a surge of anger and humiliation overcame her. Her carefully crafted image was shattered!


She wanted to keep her composure, but recalling how she had embarrassed herself in front of her crush at the party, she couldn't contain her fury. Hannah glared at Ella and screamed, "It's all your fault! You ruined everything, you bitch!"


"Hannah!" Brianna barked, shooting her a warning look to calm down.


"You got drunk and now you're blaming your sister? When did you become so unreasonable?" Brianna reprimanded coldly. "Apologize to your sister immediately!"


"But Mom! She purposely..." Hannah cut herself off, realizing she was about to reveal the truth. Ella smirked internally at Hannah's stupidity.


Brianna breathed a sigh of relief, though her frustration was palpable. She almost blew their cover!


"Shut up! Lie down and stop acting crazy!"


Brianna turned to Ella with a look of exasperation. "Ella, don't mind her. She's just drunk and rambling."


Ella lowered her head in mock humility, nodding slightly.


The door suddenly swung open again—Robert Davis had returned.


Robert had been delayed by some work issues tonight, which is why he was late for Ella's coming-of-age party.


When he finally arrived, he found his wife and daughters missing, and the other guests casting mocking glances his way. A trusted servant informed him that Hannah had caused a scene at the party and even hit Ella.


Robert hurried to the inner rooms to find out what had happened. As he reached the top of the stairs, he heard Hannah berating Ella!


At this moment, Robert's face was livid.


"Daddy, you're back?" Ella said, her innocent smile belying the tension in the room. Robert glanced coldly at her before turning his gaze to Hannah.


Hannah felt the chill of her father's stare and lowered her head, blushing, "Daddy..."


"Yes, I'm back. If I didn't come, would you continue to disgrace us in front of everyone? You both have truly outdone yourselves! You've humiliated the Davis family!" Robert roared, veins bulging on his forehead.


As a shrewd businessman, Robert valued the Davis family's reputation above all else. Such a scandal would make people think they had no manners and that this mother-daughter duo bullied Ella at home.


"Daddy! I... it was her..." Hannah, losing her usual composure in her anger, hastily blamed Ella.


Furious, Robert stepped forward and slapped Hannah hard across the face!


Hannah's cheek burned, and she looked at her father in shock, her eyes wide.


Seeing this, Ella felt a surge of joy.


Hannah, now you know what it's like!


Brianna watched, heartbroken and helpless, as she quickly grabbed Robert's arm. "Why are you hitting her? She drank too much; that's why she acted so foolishly!"


"And getting drunk justifies this madness? What kind of mother lets her daughter drink so much? People will think the Davis family is so poor we can't even afford decent wine!" Robert snapped, shaking off Brianna's hand in disgust. "You, as a woman, not only contribute nothing to the company but also add to my worries! Do you know what people are saying? They say you and your daughter bully the original wife's child! You appear kind, but you're a viper underneath!"


Robert's thunderous voice echoed, and Brianna saw him in a fury like never before. After all, Hannah's behavior at the party was indeed disgraceful. If this scandal spread...


"Honey! I was just trying to build good relations with the other ladies! How was I to know she would behave like this? I just looked away for a moment, and she had already drunk so much..."


Brianna pleaded softly, tears welling up in her eyes as she shook Robert's hand desperately. "Honey, I swear it wasn't intentional! Do you think I want to see the Davis family shamed? Hannah is my daughter too, after all!"