Buying Off Newspapers to Cover Up Scandals!

Robert stared at the pitiful woman before him, her chest trembling slightly with sobs. No matter what, she was his most beloved, and what she said made perfect sense.


"Alright, this must be suppressed. There were many people on the scene, but it can't make the papers tomorrow!"


He shot a frustrated glance at the trembling Hannah, who, now calm and rational, no longer argued.


Ella, secretly pleased, rolled her eyes and innocently suggested to Brianna, "Mommy, aren't you close with the wives of those newspaper owners? Could you ask them for help to keep tonight's incident from getting exposed? If that doesn't work, let Daddy handle it."


Brianna's face stiffened. She was skilled at managing relationships, but that didn't mean everyone obeyed her.


When did this girl become so talkative?


Robert's expression softened slightly, "Yes, Brianna, aren't you good friends with some of those newspaper wives? Can you persuade them?"


Seeing that Robert's anger hadn't completely subsided, Brianna nodded reluctantly, "I can contact a few close friends first. As for the others, you can handle them, honey."


Upon hearing this, Robert's anger finally began to dissipate, "Alright, handle it immediately. And you, don't cause any more trouble!"


He glared at Hannah, who bit her lip in grievance, "Daddy, I'm sorry, I was wrong... I shouldn't have drunk so much..."


Although she hadn't gone mad from drinking, she couldn't possibly tell Robert about the poisoning plot she and her mother had concocted.


That wretch, how did she suddenly become so smart?


"Alright, I'll go make some calls. Ella, stay here and keep your sister company." Brianna gave Ella a meaningful look, then glanced at Hannah.


Her intention was clear—have Hannah test Ella.


Ella nodded obediently, her smile radiant, "Okay, Mommy, I'll stay with my sister. You've been so good to me; how could I not help you out?"


Help out? Hmph, just wait, I'll cause you more trouble!


"Ella, thank you. Your sister went a bit wild from the alcohol and hit you a few times. Don't take it to heart."


Robert looked at his eldest daughter, suddenly feeling she had changed a lot. The usually spoiled and willful Ella now seemed so generous and composed.


"Daddy, I didn't mind at all. Hannah didn't mean it!" Ella smiled, sitting by Hannah's bed. "Hannah, are you feeling better now?"


"Nothing much, I'm sorry, Ella, I didn't mean it!"


Of course, in front of Daddy, she had to restore her image! Hannah's eyes reddened, "I didn't mean to hit you. I was drunk. I'll never drink again!"


Robert looked at his two daughters and left the room with his wife.


As soon as the door closed, Ella gently patted Hannah's hand. "Hannah, you've always been so good to me, always letting me have my way. How could I not care about you? Besides, you only lost control because you were drunk. If I blamed you, wouldn't I be forgetting all the kindness you and Mommy have shown me?"


Seeing Ella being so considerate, Hannah smirked inwardly.


"That's good to hear... By the way, when I was picking up your earring, did you see anyone put something in my drink? I suddenly got this way and really suspect someone drugged me!"


Hannah probed carefully.


Ella looked puzzled, "How could that be? With so many people around, who could have drugged you?"


Seeing Ella's confusion, Hannah secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed Ella had simply picked up the wrong glass by accident and wasn't aware of her and Mommy's plan. Besides, Ella was always so carefree and playful; how could she possibly have such a devious mind?


On the surface, the two sisters exchanged smiles, each harboring their own thoughts. But Hannah still worried that someone might expose the photos of her stripping, getting drunk, and attacking Ella at the party.


After dinner, Brianna walked alone into her daughter's room and quietly closed the door.


"Ella's out walking the dog. No need to worry about eavesdroppers. Hannah, did you find out anything?" Brianna asked softly, sitting on the bed.


Hannah shook her head, "Nothing unusual. She must have picked up the wrong glass. I drank hers!"


"Is it really that coincidental?" Brianna was skeptical.


"Mommy, do you think that silly girl has the brains to figure out our plan?" Hannah scoffed. "Soon enough, we'll make Daddy despise her even more!"


"You're right. How could that girl be clever enough to see through our schemes? Besides, that waiter was never approached by strangers, so she couldn't have known." Brianna nodded, her smile returning as her doubts faded.


"Mommy, I really hope she gets kicked out of the Davis family soon!" Hannah frowned, her eyes filled with disdain. "As long as she's here, I can't be at peace! If it weren't for her, how would I have been so humiliated?"


"Don't worry, tonight's incident will remain within our circle. I've already had a few friends whisper in those men's ears," Brianna said smugly.


Her social skills were top-notch, winning the favor of many high-society ladies.


Hearing this, Hannah finally relaxed.


"Mommy, I really want to teach her a lesson!" Hannah still couldn't swallow her anger as she recalled her humiliation in the hall.


"You need to stay calm! She has a huge inheritance, and no matter how much you want her gone, your daddy won't agree. Wait until she turns twenty-five, and we can trick her out of the inheritance," Brianna whispered.


Hannah's eyes lit up, "Mommy, isn't the Grand Regency Hotel hosting an auction soon?"


"Yes, I have a plan, so you don't need to worry."


Brianna elegantly reached out and lovingly brushed Hannah's bangs aside. "When the time comes, your daddy will despise her even more. He may not say it openly, but..."


Hearing this, Hannah's mood improved significantly, and she giggled with delight.


The next morning, Ella hadn't even reached the dining room when she heard Robert's furious voice, "What's wrong with you? You can't even suppress this bit of news? Didn't you say you could handle those three newspapers and leave the others to me?"