The Auction Showdown!

Brianna glanced at the man not far away and smiled slightly. "I think Eric is good too. Don't worry, Mommy will keep an eye on him for you."


Hannah felt her anxiety ease at her mother's words. If her mom approved of Eric, she had a better chance of getting closer to him.


"Next up is the second auction item—the Aurora Diadem! Ladies and gentlemen, this crown was crafted by a renowned designer from Country Q..." The female host introduced the Aurora Diadem with a bright smile.


Ella watched intently, remembering how much she had loved it in her previous life and how she had begged Brianna to bid for it. However, this time, she wouldn't be so easily fooled.


"Ella, do you like the Aurora Diadem?" Brianna asked softly.


Ella nodded. "I do! Look at it—it's stunning! It exudes grandeur and elegance..."


"The starting bid is one million. Mrs. Davis, are you willing to bid for this crown for Ella?" Mrs. Taylor interjected coldly.


In her past life, Ella would have started begging at this point, but now she simply pressed her lips together and smiled, staring wistfully at the crown.


"Why wouldn't I? If Ella likes something and I can buy it, I'll get it for her. Isn't that right, Ella?" Brianna said with a gentle laugh, her eyes filled with doting affection.


Ella's eyes crinkled with a smile. "Mommy, you're so good to me!"


Mrs. Taylor's face tightened, but before she could speak, Ella gave her a reassuring look, filled with confidence. Mrs. Taylor hesitated and closed her mouth.


"Five million!"


"Seven million!"


"Ten million!"


The bids kept coming, showing just how much interest the Aurora Diadem garnered. Its allure lay in the exquisite rubies embedded in it, making it worth every penny.


"Ten million and five hundred thousand!" Brianna raised her paddle.


Ella felt a surge of joy. The cunning fox had taken the bait!


"Twelve million!" another woman countered defiantly, casting a critical glance at Brianna.


Brianna smiled calmly and raised her paddle again. "Thirteen million!"


"Fifteen million!" the woman continued to increase the price, glaring at Brianna.


Ella smiled faintly while Hannah secretly smirked, thinking Ella would surely fail this time, displeasing their father and making it easier for her and Brianna to get rid of Ella without repercussions.


Ella's eyes sparkled with a hint of light, but she remained silent.


"Fifteen and a half million!"


"Sixteen million!" Brianna raised her paddle once more, her confident smile indicating she was determined to win the Aurora Diadem.


The woman, Mrs. Wilson, a member of a prestigious literary family in S City and the wife of a painter, bit her lip. Her passion for luxury items was well-known.


"Sixteen and a half million!"


Gasps filled the room as Mrs. Wilson announced the price. Sixteen and a half million was indeed a steep price for the Aurora Diadem.


Brianna gritted her teeth, her face full of unwillingness. Ella timely whispered, "Mom, maybe we should let it go. It's too expensive!"


"No way! I must get it!" Brianna raised her paddle again. "Seventeen million!"


Mrs. Wilson's face flushed with anger as she glared at Brianna, refusing to give up the Aurora Diadem. "Seventeen and a half million!" she shouted.


Brianna shot Mrs. Wilson a fierce look and, as if to spite her, raised her bid. "Nineteen million!" Let's see if this woman still wants to compete!


Although Mrs. Wilson adored the Aurora Diadem, she knew she couldn't outbid Brianna. However, she didn't want to let Brianna win so easily and provocatively countered, "Nineteen and a half million!"


Brianna nearly ground her teeth to dust but couldn't back down now. She forced herself to continue, "Twenty million!"


Mrs. Wilson's goal was achieved. She gave Brianna a mocking glance and stopped bidding, delighted to see Brianna spend so much more money.


"Twenty million once, twenty million twice, twenty million thrice! Sold! The lady with paddle number 038, please proceed to the back to finalize the payment..." The host announced cheerfully, making a point to remind everyone.


Brianna sighed in relief and gave Mrs. Taylor a calm look. "As long as Ella likes it, I'm willing to buy it."


Mrs. Taylor's expression was complex, while Ella looked at Brianna with apparent confusion. "Mom, twenty million is too much. Why did you bid so high?"


"You like it, so I bought it for you," Brianna replied gently.


"Mom, I can't accept such an expensive crown. What if Dad scolds me?" Ella shook her head.


"Silly girl, your dad dotes on you. He won't scold you. Besides, I bought it for you. What are you afraid of?" Brianna laughed softly, her eyes full of motherly love.


Hannah felt a deep pang of jealousy. She was also Daddy's daughter, but why did this wretched woman always get the best things?


Twenty minutes later, Brianna emerged from the back, the auction almost over. Ella, Hannah, and Mrs. Taylor were waiting in the lounge.


Brianna entered, smiling brightly as she placed the royal blue box in front of Ella. "Ella, look, it's the Aurora Diadem, your favorite crown!"


Ella's eyes widened as she opened the box, revealing the dazzling crown nestled inside.


The surrounding ladies all looked at Ella with envy.


Having such a doting stepmother, indeed, life treated people differently!


Ella calmly closed the box and put it into her bag. After bidding farewell to Mrs. Taylor, she left with Brianna and Hannah.


As they exited the lounge, a handsome young man walked towards them, his hands in his pockets, looking leisurely. Two bodyguards followed him, one carrying a long box, evidently holding a painting.


Ella and Brianna left before the auction's final item was presented, so they didn't know what Eric had purchased.


Seeing Eric ahead, Hannah felt a surge of joy. She quickly stepped past Ella to stand in front of him. "Mr. Nelson, hello, I'm Hannah. It's a pleasure to meet you here!"


Hannah's forwardness made Brianna frown slightly. Her daughter was too impatient!


She hadn't figured out what kind of woman Eric liked, and Hannah's rash approach might be inappropriate.


Eric looked at Hannah with a playful smile on his lips. "Ella's sister?"


"Y-Yes!" Despite hearing the most disliked title, Hannah tried to maintain her smile.


"Mr. Nelson, you know my sister?" Hannah glanced at Ella in surprise.


"Of course, she's much more interesting than you. Isn't that right, Miss Ella?" Eric's words immediately darkened Hannah's face and made Brianna awkwardly tug at the corners of her mouth.


Ella felt the burning gaze on her and reluctantly lifted her head.


In her past life, she had only heard faint rumors about Eric, known to be sharp-tongued and cunning, so she never wanted to get involved with him.

But he always seemed to be lingering around her.