Mutual Framing!

"Mr. Nelson, you must be joking!" Ella playfully blinked her eyes. Eric felt more amused; this girl was clearly putting on an innocent act for her malicious stepmother and hypocritical sister.


"I'm not joking. I'm interested in you, so tonight, I'm giving you this painting, Interwoven Light and Shadow," Eric said with a teasing smile, raising an eyebrow. With a wave of his hand, the bodyguard stepped forward and respectfully handed the long box to Ella.


Ella was taken aback, staring dumbfounded at Eric's smiling face.


What is this guy up to? He knows I need to be wary of Brianna, yet he's openly showing me favor in front of them. Isn't he just trying to make enemies for me?


"Oh my gosh! Interwoven Light and Shadow—isn't that the painting that was just auctioned for thirty million?"


"Yes, Mr. Nelson bought it for thirty million. I heard it's by a rising artist from Country S, even the President has met him!"


"That's amazing! To give away thirty million without a blink, does Mr. Nelson fancy Miss Davis?"


"The eldest Miss Davis is quite something, remember the charity gala? She stood up for her sister even after being beaten by the second miss!"


The surrounding ladies whispered among themselves, making Hannah's face turn red and white. She could hardly believe her eyes!


How could such a handsome, powerful man like Eric be interested in Ella, this skinny woman? Sure, Ella was pretty, but Hannah considered herself far superior!


"I'm sorry, Mr. Nelson. I can't accept such an expensive gift," Ella shook her head, lowering her eyes, not daring to look Eric in the eye.


Eric squinted slightly, this girl dared to reject him in public?


"Sis, how can you be so ungrateful? Mr. Nelson admires you, that's why he gave you this painting... Mr. Nelson, my sister is too stubborn, I'm really sorry, please don't blame her." Hannah quickly stepped forward, curving her beautiful lips. Any other man would have been tempted by her gentle voice and affectionate gaze.


But Eric merely glanced at her briefly. "Of course, I won't blame her. No matter how stubborn, I won't give the painting to you."


Everyone burst into laughter.


Hannah's face turned crimson with shame. Brianna quickly pulled her back a few steps. "Mr. Nelson, please don't mind, Hannah is still young and speaks without thinking..."


"Then Mrs. Davis should put in more effort. After all, you're her biological mother. As the saying goes, like mother, like daughter." Eric's lips curved into an enchanting smile.


"I... I will. Thank you, Mr. Nelson, for your advice!" Brianna's face turned the color of liver, awkwardly smiling in response.


"Girl, if you don't accept it, I'll have it sent to your villa anyway. If you have the guts, you can throw it away like trash," Eric turned to her, his deep eyes showing resolute determination.


Ella had no choice; outright refusal would offend him.


But accepting his gift would only make Brianna and Robert more wary of her.


"Then I won't be polite, thank you, Mr. Nelson." Ella accepted the box from the bodyguard with composure.


Immediately, all eyes were on Ella, their intense stares almost burning her.


This was a painting worth thirty million!


And the giver was the strikingly prominent Eric!


Everyone wondered why Eric was interested in a girl who had just come of age.


Eric raised an eyebrow in satisfaction. "That's the smart girl. Good, if you need anything, call me. Big brother has your back!"


With that, he left triumphantly.


Ella was speechless.


She hadn't agreed to anything, and now he was calling himself her big brother? What did she do to deserve such attention from him?


Hannah and Brianna were bleeding inside, but they had to hide it. Hannah, concealing the cold gleam in her eyes, took Ella's hand and they left together.


Back home, Ella had just opened the box in her bag when Robert returned from a business trip. Seeing the Aurora Diadem on the table, he was taken aback.


"Is this... the Aurora Diadem?"


The auction had been widely publicized, and as a businessman, Robert was naturally aware of such news. The Aurora Diadem was the highlight of the auction; how could he not recognize it?


"Yes, Daddy, it's the Aurora Diadem that Mommy won!" Ella said excitedly, smiling brightly.


Brianna and Hannah exchanged a knowing look, both smiling faintly, convinced that Ella was in for it this time.


"You bought this?"


"Yes, Ella said she liked it, so I bid for it." Brianna played the role of the dutiful wife and mother.


"Ella, what's going on? Why did you bid for such an expensive crown?" Robert struggled to contain his anger, not wanting to upset his daughter.


As a parent, it was normal for him to voice his concerns, and Robert didn't want to bottle up his frustration.


"Don't be angry, Ella rarely likes anything!" Brianna feigned concern, holding onto Robert's arm, her face full of smiles.


Hannah smiled slightly. "Daddy, sister has always favored such luxury items. Please don't be mad."


Her words, while seemingly defending Ella, subtly reminded Robert of Ella's supposed extravagance.


Ella shot Hannah a surprised and hurt look before turning slowly to Robert. "Daddy, how can you blame me? Mommy bought it! Mommy, I can't accept such an expensive crown!"


Brianna's face darkened. "Ella, you clearly said you liked it!"


Ella shook her head innocently. "Mommy, I did say I liked it, but I never asked you to bid on it! When the price reached sixteen and a half million, I told you to stop, but you didn't listen! If Daddy doesn't believe me, he can ask Mrs. Taylor, she was there too!"


"What? Sixteen and a half million?" Robert felt his blood pressure spike!


Growing up in poverty, Robert's life improved after marrying Ella's mother, thanks to the support from his wife's family, which helped him build Davis Group. For the past twenty years, Robert had poured his heart and soul into his work, striving for the company's future with all his might.


As a result, Robert was always frugal with daily expenses and hated unnecessary spending, especially on luxury items for the women in his family. And now, a crown for sixteen and a half million? How could he not be furious?


"Daddy, Mommy finally won it for twenty million. When she was bidding against Mrs. Wilson, I told her to stop... I never said I had to have it, Daddy, it's really not my fault..." Ella's eyes reddened as she looked at Robert, feeling wronged.


Robert's face grew darker, anger boiling over. He looked at Brianna, his voice low but menacing, "Twenty million!?"