Chapter 10

The effect of these items on Ron is indeed to sell them for money. If he had to use them, Ron thought they were very basic and lacked the power of even his casual attacks.


'Perhaps they can also be used as bargaining chips...' Ron thought.


He didn't need these things, but there were always forces eager to get them. He could use them as a bargaining chip in exchange for what he needed. With this in mind, Ron sorted out the items, packed them up, and took them with him. Anything he couldn't pack, he destroyed.


Before leaving, Ron cast a Blue Fire, Crash Down at the Oli family's residence, turning it into a sea of flames.


Not long after he left, Ron noticed someone rushing towards the area. It was the navy. Ron didn't intend to have a conflict with the navy on the island, so he used Flash Step to hide himself.


Then, Ron's keen senses detected another figure moving towards the area at an extremely fast speed. He saw the figure launch an attack on the navy, and in just a short time, the navy was completely wiped out.


Ron didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but then he heard the man say, "Then don't blame me for massacring everyone on the island!"


Hearing this, Ron narrowed his eyes, stepped out, and said lightly, "What did you just say you were going to do to the people on the island?"


"Who?" The sudden voice startled Lawrence. He quickly turned his head to see a mysterious masked man walking slowly.


"You just said, what are you going to do to the people on the island?" Ron repeated.


Lawrence frowned and said coldly, "Who's playing tricks here?" He was in a bad mood, and a guy pretending to be a ghost to scare him wasn't helping. Did this guy really think he had a good temper?


With that, Lawrence shot directly at Ron. The gunshots sounded, and the modified pistol fired so fast that ordinary people couldn't dodge it!


Ron had already seen the power of this weapon before, so it was naturally impossible for him to be hit. With a quick Flash Step, he dodged.


"What?" Lawrence was taken aback. He didn't expect his attack to be dodged so easily!


However, he quickly reacted and raised his gun to fire again. This time, he predicted Ron's movement and fired a few shots, blocking all Ron's escape routes.


Lawrence's marksmanship was impressive, and every shot was well-placed. Even Ron couldn't help but acknowledge the precision. Lawrence even predicted his next move.


Ron wondered if the guy in front of him possessed Observation Haki to anticipate his movements. However, if Lawrence wanted Ron's life, he was overthinking it.


Ron drew his blade and deflected the bullets with swift movements, blocking them all with his sword.


"Answer my question!" Ron said indifferently, raising his hand and slashing through the air. "Tell me, what are you going to do to the people on this island?"


"Sword hero?" Lawrence's eyes narrowed as he dodged Ron's attack and fired again. "Is the guy hiding behind a mask a righteous man on the island?"


Lawrence smiled ferociously. "I said, I want to slaughter everyone on the island. Stop me if you can!"


"Hmph!" Ron snorted coldly, his eyes turning icy. He could tell that the guy in front of him had more tricks up his sleeve, and those two pistols were just one of his means of attack.


"If you won't talk, then go to hell!" Lawrence's eyes turned cold, and while shooting, he moved towards Ron. The gunshots continued.


Ron dodged a few shots, saw an opportunity, and pointed forward. "White Lightning!"


A thunderous beam pierced through the air, aiming for Lawrence.


Lawrence's expression changed. He tried to dodge, but the attack came too fast! The lightning reached Lawrence in the blink of an eye, making it difficult for ordinary people to react in time.


At this critical moment, Lawrence's hands moved at an extreme speed. As the White Lightning struck, his hands blocked it, just in time to prevent it from penetrating his body.


'Boom!' When the White Lightning hit Lawrence, it exploded on his arm instead of penetrating his body, generating energy that blasted him away!


Lawrence grunted, his feet dragging long marks on the ground, his arms scorched black.


"The technique just now was... the Six Styles' Shave and Finger Gun? Are you a member of the World Government?" Lawrence twisted his neck, the sound of cracking bones echoing, his eyes cold.


The way Ron dodged the bullets and the lightning attack from his fingers resembled the techniques of the Six Styles!


Lawrence had fought a navy master of the Six Styles before, so he knew how challenging they could be. He knew that some navy members specialized in the Six Styles, and their techniques were different from the ordinary navy. Some even combined Devil Fruit abilities to create more powerful moves!


Moreover, judging from Ron's attire, he looked like someone from the World Government's CP organization, known for wearing masks and acting like ghosts in the night.


Guessing this, Lawrence looked indifferent. Sure enough, even the World Government was after the materials?


"You think you have it figured out," Ron said lightly, not surprised that Lawrence could withstand the White Lightning. People in this world had extraordinary physical fitness, so it wasn't surprising they could resist such attacks. The ones who couldn't were just weaklings.


"Hmph! It seems you've planned this well. It took less than a day for the research results to come out, and you're already mobilized. You really think highly of us!" Lawrence's voice was cold and stern, his fists colliding with a 'bang.'


"However, don't think you've succeeded. As long as the materials are still on the island and I'm still here, you'll never get them off the island!" Lawrence put on spiked knuckles and swung his fists, sparks flying as they moved through the air.