Chapter 14

Later, because of the intervention of the World Government, this crazy team was completely disbanded. Some were captured, some escaped, and some became pirates. The original members parted ways completely, but they continued their research in secret. Relying on the previous research results in [MADS], Vinsmoke Judge used the blood factor theory to create a clone army, becoming a well-known mercenary force in the underground world. He also used the blood factor to transform his children, giving them physiques beyond ordinary people. Even as teenagers, they had strength unmatched by ordinary people. Even the Navy and the World Government were hesitant to provoke them because his clone army was an absolute weapon in war.


However, just yesterday, there was news from the pirates under his command that someone was targeting their research results and had already taken action! This made Judge furious. Now, someone dared to attack Germa 66? He immediately thought of the World Government. Only they would be interested in his research results.


"Father, where are we going now?" asked the pink-haired Reiju, looking cautiously at her father. 'Since my younger brother Sanji ran away from home, my father's temper has become worse and worse. Or, it was the previous war that didn't reap enough benefits? No matter the reason, you have to be careful even talking to him now,' Reiju thought to herself.


Judge cast a sideways glance at Reiju and snorted coldly: "Don't worry about it. You just need to follow orders!"




Seeing their father getting angry, the other children, including the mischievous Yonji, dared not provoke him and could only respond obediently. They had been indoctrinated to obey orders since birth and dared not even think of rebelling against their father.


At the bow of the boat, Judge stared intently ahead, lost in thought.




On the other side of the sea, the P-3 and P-4 naval branch bases were dispatching fleets from their ports, heading for Donzik Island. This was in response to a notification from Navy Headquarters to provide support!


At the same time, on a naval ship returning from a mission in the Grand Line to the North Blue, someone picked up a Den Den Mushi and asked in a calm tone, "Hello, this is Rear Admiral Bastille."


A voice came from the Den Den Mushi: "Hello, Rear Admiral Bastille. This is the intelligence department of the Navy Headquarters. Are you still on a mission in the North Blue?"


This was a burly man with a horn mask and long red hair. Next to him was a machete as tall as a man. This man was Rear Admiral Bastille of the Navy Headquarters.


Bastille responded, "The mission has been completed, and we are on our way back to the Grand Line."


The voice from the Den Den Mushi continued, "Rear Admiral Bastille, on Donzik Island..."


The voice recounted what had happened on Donzik Island.


"Oh? Germa 66? I happen to be not far from that sea area. I'll go and take a look," Bastille said with an interested expression. As a rear admiral, he had naturally heard of the infamous Germa 66. He was very interested in this force known as the "Evil Army."


"Then we're counting on you, Rear Admiral Bastille!"


After the voice finished speaking, the call ended.


Bastille stood up abruptly and shouted to his subordinates, "Turn left and head to Donzik Island!"


At this time, on Donzik Island, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and the wind and waves were sweeping the shore, looking like a storm was about to come!


When Ron woke up, he felt refreshed, his state having returned to its peak. After getting up and washing briefly, Ron opened the door and walked out of his room. As soon as he stepped outside, Ron frowned suddenly; his keen perception alerted him that something was strange on the island...


There was a loud noise coming from a distance. Ron followed the sound and walked forward for a while, reaching a small village in the back mountain. Though called a village, it actually consisted of only a few dozen families living in the simplest wooden houses.


Despite its small size, the village was well-organized and considered part of the public security area, though it had become somewhat independent from the main town. If asked, the townspeople would call it a backward place.


Ron had been living in this village since he was rescued. At the beginning, Ron hadn't figured out how to use his powers, which left him feeling powerless. Back then, even having enough to eat was a big problem for Ron. It was only with the help of the villagers that he got through that difficult time.


Ron noticed a group of people gathered ahead, discussing something anxiously. Familiar with the residents, Ron walked up to a middle-aged man and asked, "Uncle Han, what happened? Why is everyone gathered here?"


"It's Ron. Here's what's going on..." The middle-aged man, named Han, explained what had happened and then sighed: "We want the village chief to leave with us, but he's unwilling."


After hearing Han's words, Ron was stunned. The people on the island had somehow learned that Germa 66 was going to attack, and they were all panicking. The deeds of Germa 66's annihilation of four countries were well-publicized and had spread throughout the North Blue. Facing such a notorious organization, any individual would feel fear, let alone ordinary civilians.


Some villagers were already planning to leave by boat to seek refuge. However, there were stubborn old people in the village who refused to leave. They felt that having been born there, they should also die and be buried there. Otherwise, they wouldn't know where their souls would go. Moreover, they were too old to withstand any troubles and just wanted to stay on the island quietly.


It was precisely because of the stubbornness of this group of old people that the adults in the village were trying to persuade them. Seeing this, Ron smiled and said, "Uncle Han, isn't there a Navy presence on the island? Can't they handle this? Besides, don't you have me? You know my strength. I'll protect you!"