Chapter 15

Hearing this, Han shook his head and smiled wryly: "I know you're strong, Ron, but this is different. This isn't some wild beast but an evil organization that once slaughtered four kingdoms. How could you be their opponent?"


Although Ron's strength was obvious to everyone—even the beasts on the mountain were no match for him—what he had to face now was the evil organization Germa 66. How could Ron deal with that? In Han's heart, maybe even the Navy couldn't resist such a force!


Han once traveled with a business group and had seen many powerful forces and men. This is why he knew the horror of Germa 66. It was too dangerous to stay on the island!


Ron didn't refute but could only spread his hands and smile. The strength he had shown was just the tip of the iceberg, so it was normal for Han to have such thoughts.


At this time, a little girl with a bandage on her face and an empty sleeve stood up and complained for Ron: "Uncle Han, how can you say that about Brother Ron?"


The little girl wanted to refute Han but couldn't find the right words. So she could only pout and say dissatisfiedly, "If you keep talking like that, I...I will ignore you!"


"You little girl!" Han could only give a wry smile at her words, but his eyes showed pity when he looked at her.


"Xiaoya, Uncle Han didn't mean it that way. He's just worried about our safety." Ron came to the little girl's side, smiled, and patted her head. "How is your arm now? Does it still hurt?"


This little girl, Xiaoya, was the one injured by the wolf gang when she went to sell goods in town. Hearing this, Xiaoya's eyes dimmed, but she quickly regained her spirits and said with a big smile, "It doesn't hurt anymore, thanks to the village chief's treatment!"


Hearing her words, everyone fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere became dull. Someone even cursed in a low voice, "Those villains in the chaotic zone really deserve to die!"


"I heard they got what they deserved. They were all killed. It's a relief!"


"It's a pity about Xiaoya..."


"If only someone had done something sooner, Xiaoya wouldn't have suffered."


Hearing these comments, Xiaoya waved her hands and said, "Don't worry about me. It doesn't hurt anymore!"


She then turned her gaze to Ron. Yesterday, after Ron asked her who did it, he said, "I'll avenge you," and left with a gloomy expression. Today, the news came that those people were wiped out. 'Could it be that Ron did it?'


Xiaoya cautiously looked at Ron, who noticed and raised an index finger to his mouth, making a shushing gesture. "It really was Ron..."


Xiaoya's eyes turned a little red, touched by his actions, but she resisted the urge to cry. She didn't want to make it obvious that Ron didn't want anyone to know.


Seeing Xiaoya's eyes turn red, Ron thought it was because of her arm. He walked over, patted her head, squatted down, looked directly into her eyes, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to heal your arm and make it as good as new!"


The others smiled slightly at Ron's words, although they didn't believe such a way existed. They didn't say anything to refute it, taking it as a hopeful wish.


"Yeah! I believe in Ron!" Xiaoya pursed her lips and nodded firmly. Others might not believe Ron, but Xiaoya did, because Ron had never lied to her!

The elderly village chief took a puff of dry tobacco, changed the subject, and said, "Ah Han, if you want to leave, go now. Take the juniors with you and leave us old folks behind. It's just a waste of time."


With the topic shifting from Xiaoya to the matter of going out to sea, Ah Han finally came back to his senses and said anxiously to the old village chief, "Village chief, it will be very dangerous if you stay here any longer!"


The old village chief waved his hand dismissively, his attitude firm. "Needless to say, we old folks will not leave. You take all the young people and leave as soon as possible!"


"But... this..." Ah Han still wanted to persuade the old village chief, but the chief shook his head resolutely.


When Ah Han was about to say something more, Ron turned his head to look in one direction and said lightly, "Uncle Ah Han, village chief, don't argue. They... have already arrived!"


As soon as Ron finished speaking, there was a roar of artillery fire from the town!


The port!


Everyone present, upon hearing the roar, turned pale.


Ah Han's face was even paler, and he whispered, "Damn it, they came so fast!"


It hadn't even been half a day since the news broke, and they had arrived so soon!


At this moment, Ron's eyes narrowed, and his aura changed slightly. He said directly, "Uncle Ah Han, take the village chief and all the villagers to the back mountain. There's a cave I opened up there. You can go in and take refuge."


"Ron, you..." Ah Han wanted to say something, but he was intimidated by Ron's aura and didn't dare object. He was even more surprised in his heart: "What a strong aura..."


Ron continued, "Xiaoya, you lead the way. It's near the field where I practice. Just look for it, and you'll find it."


"Got it, Brother Ron!" Xiaoya nodded firmly. She was a smart child and knew when to do what.


The old village chief frowned and looked at Ron. "Boy Yun, what are you trying to do?"


Ron turned around and smiled. "Village chief, you gather all the villagers and take care of everyone. I'll go over there and have a look."


Without waiting for anyone to respond, Ron turned around, stepped on the air, and jumped high into the sky. When he reached a peak, he suddenly dived in one direction!