Chapter 16

"This... Kid Yun... this??"


"Can...can fly?"


"Did you see that? That little guy Ron can actually fly?"


"Am I seeing things?"


Seeing this, all the villagers were dumbfounded, disbelief flashing in their eyes. Some even rubbed their eyes, thinking they had misread it! Even the old village chief opened his mouth wide, his precious pipe falling to the ground!


Ah Han, who had seen the world, widened his eyes and muttered, "Did I miss it? So it turns out that Boy Yun is actually a strong man who can fly into the sky?"


But Xiaoya looked at Ron's departing figure with adoring eyes.




At the port.


As Ron expected, Germa 66's fleet had arrived near Donzik Island. Seeing a ship departing from the port, Judge didn't hold back and directly ordered the bombardment!


With a bang, the ship near the port was blasted into pieces! The people inside were killed and injured countless times!


This was a ship owned by the nobles on the island. The people on board were noble gentlemen who had heard the news and wanted to leave before the Navy's dissuasion. However, their luck was poor. As soon as they went to sea, they met Germa 66's fleet and were bombarded and sunk immediately...


At the port, those who wanted to flee by sea saw this with frightened expressions.


"They've come! Germa 66's fleet has really come!"


"We're doomed. No one can escape!"


"Who will save us!"


"The Navy! There's a naval base on the island. They should protect us!"


"What nonsense are you talking about? The Navy will be their first target. Let's run to the other side of the island! It's too dangerous here!"


Originally, a large number of people had gathered at the port to escape, but now they all fled, causing dozens of stampedes. Some were unlucky and were trampled to death. It was extremely tragic.


For a while, the scene was chaotic. There was only one thought in everyone's mind: escape from the port and get far away. It was too dangerous there!


"Block all the islands. No ships are allowed to go to sea!"


On the main ship, Judge didn't even look at the fleeing people. With a wave of his hand, a snail ship blocked the huge port, preventing any ship from leaving the island.


After doing this, the main ship docked at the port, and Judge and his party disembarked, followed by the four Vinsmoke siblings and a group of clone soldiers!


Judge was tall, with disdainful eyes full of power. He glanced around, finally looking in one direction. A cold light flashed in his eyes as he snorted, "Hmph! Navy!"


Over there, the Navy was waiting in full force, with thousands of soldiers forming a square formation, their guns aimed at Judge and his party.


The leader, Yara, looked extremely solemn. Facing Judge, his eyes were full of vigilance. Despite this, Yara stepped forward and spoke with the authority of the Navy.


"This is the P-5 Naval Branch Base of Donzik Island. This island is under the protection of the World Government. May I ask, His Majesty Judge of the Germa Kingdom, an ally of the World Government, what brings you here?"


Yara mentioned the Navy and the World Government to deter Judge and make him feel cautious. But Judge was not someone who would be deterred easily. The kings of the four countries he had beheaded were also allies of the World Government, yet they were destroyed by him. Did the World Government say anything? No!


As long as one had enough strength, rules could be trampled on!


Judge glanced at the Navy, then at Yara, and said in a flat tone, "Navy, where are my things?"


Seeing Judge's attitude, Yara's heart sank, knowing things wouldn't go as planned. Judge didn't care about his threats at all!


Yara took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about!"


Hearing this, Judge's eyes flashed coldly, and he snorted, "Hmph, Navy, don't play dumb. If you don't hand over what I want today, everything on this island will cease to exist!"


"King of Germa, are you threatening our Navy?" Yara's tone was low, but his voice sounded harsh, lacking confidence.


"Threat?" Judge sneered, squinting his eyes. "Navy, I'm just stating a fact!"


"If your Navy doesn't deliver what I want today, then your Navy, along with all the inhabitants of this island, will be wiped out by artillery fire!"

After hearing this, Yara's face changed completely. Suppressing the fear in her heart, she shouted coldly:


"King Judge, do you know what you're talking about? This is a naval branch base. If you do this, you will face a full-scale pursuit by the navy! Even if you are a member of the World Government!"


"Oh, the navy? Let them come if they have the guts!" Judge sneered, his eyes cast a contemptuous look, the same arrogance that had beheaded the heads of four kings revealed at this moment.


"Father, why are you talking so much nonsense with them? Let's go to war!" Niji, dressed in blue at the back, had a ferocious smile on his face. Looking at all the navy, his eyes were full of tyranny!


Among Vinsmoke's sons, he had the most violent temper, striking if he disagreed! In fact, it wasn't just him. Besides little Reiju, Ichiji and Yonji were also ready to move, but they forcibly held back the urge, not daring to go beyond their father's order. Although they were still young and looked like little kids, the aura that emanated from them was not weak. The cold and heartless expressions on their faces were not at all what they should be at this age!


Seeing a few brats dare to be so arrogant, some in the navy had angry looks on their faces. But they didn't act rashly, just looked at them with angry eyes.


Yara stared at Judge and said word by word, "King Judge, can we take this as a declaration of war with our navy?"