Chapter 27

Ron circled back to the public security area from the other side of the island, and after reaching the back mountain, he didn't care about these things anymore. He was wearing a mask at the time, so no one would see his true face. He also made a disguise beforehand, with different heights and weights. The blade in his hand had been sunk by him; it was just a fine iron sword, so it wasn't a big loss. Everything that could reveal his identity was hidden by him, and no one would associate him with the masked man. Unless he used the skills he had just used, but he wasn't so stupid.


Ron turned to look at his system panel.


[Ding, defeat the Vinsmoke family and get 200 achievement points] 

[Ding, subdue Germa Kingdom, get 350 achievement points] 

[Acquisition of the achievement of "Behind the Scenes" will reward [Special Category] a lottery draw!] 


After leaving, the system's notification sound came again in his mind.


'Another special category lottery? Moreover, they are all rewards obtained from title achievements...'


Ron had obtained these achievements like 'title' a few times in total. The first time was an achievement called 'Animal Killer,' but it was just achievement points. The following 'killing a hundred people' was all achievement points. The first lottery was drawn when he got the 'Evil Buster.' Now it's the second time!


Ron didn't know the difference between these two achievements and other achievements. Are the rewards random? Is there a special reason behind it? If there is a special reason, what is it? If he knew the reason, could he reproduce it? Ron had many questions and speculations. Just like playing a game, you could directly grind achievements to get rewards. That would be great!


Of course, Ron was just thinking about it. The more difficult it was to get achievement points later on. It used to be possible to kill rabbits and beasts to get achievement points, but now it is no longer possible. In the words of the game, if you grind low-level monsters at high levels, you will get fewer and fewer rewards, and you will not get any rewards in the end!


'Don't fight the Four Emperors to get the reward at that time, that's a trap...' Ron murmured in his heart. 'Let's draw a lottery!' Ron calmed down and clicked on the lucky draw.


[Ding, I got [Gigai]!]


"Gigai?" Ron was a little surprised. He naturally knew what it was. It is an item in Bleach that can be used to carry the spirit body of a Shinigami. But isn't this thing an item? Why can I still get it by lottery? Ron looked at the panel and suddenly found that there was an extra icon in the [Special Category] branch.


[Special Category]: Shunpo (proficiency 50), Gigai (1/1)


'Not proficiency? What does 1/1 mean?' Looking at the icon, Ron frowned a little, clicked on the icon, and got an introduction from the Gigai.


[Gigai]: A product of science and technology that can carry the actions of spirit bodies.


Ron was slightly stunned. That's it? Always tell me the specific use. Ron was speechless; from the introduction, he couldn't tell what it meant... 'Forget it, let's try it first...'


After taking a look around to make sure no one was there, Ron decided to try to use it. Upon using it, Ron felt a sudden strange sensation in his body, followed by a tingling sensation in his soul, but it disappeared in just a short moment. When he opened his eyes again, Ron saw a figure appearing in front of him, startling him. After a closer look, he found that this was another him! From appearance to dressing, there was no difference from himself!


Ron's eyes were fixed on the panel, but the icon behind the Gigai turned into (0/1)!


'Gigai? Doppelgänger?' Ron was a little confused about the operation of this skill. That's right, Ron found that this Gigai icon is also a kind of skill, not an item! However, what can you do with a clone that needs a spirit body to act?


Ron was puzzled, looking left and right. But at the next moment, Ron suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling and connection from the depths of his mind. Then he saw that the other self who had been tightly closed suddenly opened his eyes. Ron was not frightened but grinned: "I see!"


"Is it equivalent to having another body?" Another Ron also said with a smile. "Also, this feeling doesn't look like a double body, but does it mean that one person has two bodies at the same time?" The two Yuns Ye spoke at the same time, with the same tone of voice. "However." "I still need to try." "..."


For a whole morning, Ron was getting acquainted with his other body. The physical quality of the two bodies was not much different; it could be said that they were exactly the same. This feeling is very strange, as if one person can control two bodies at the same time without interfering with each other. It can be one individual or two individuals. Moreover, Ron found that both of them could see the system panel, and after trying it, both of them could use all the skills that had been lit up. It just consumes a lot! All aspects of consumption. The spirit and energy are all like this!


Of course, the Gigai's avatar can be put away and turned into a shining black bead, minimizing the consumption. As long as Ron's mind moves, the Gigai bead will change into Ron's appearance again!