Chapter 28

"Hey, with this ability, there are many places where you can operate!" Ron put away the Gigai bead, an inexplicable smile appearing on the corner of his mouth, and walked in another direction behind the mountain. There is a place where villagers take refuge. Now that Germa's people have left, it means the incident is over and safe. I should also report that I am safe, lest they worry.




The news of Germa's defeat quickly spread throughout the island from the mouth of the navy. For some unknown purpose, the Navy concealed the existence of Ron and did not publicize it. According to rumors on the island, it was the navy that repelled Germa. No details, just a few sentences. The Navy didn't even exaggerate its credit. But they can't control other people's imagination! Most people in the North Blue know what Germa is. But such a force was actually beaten away by the navy? Then how powerful should the navy be! Many people had this idea and couldn't help cheering, celebrating the Navy!


For a time, the prestige of the navy on the island reached the highest level in history!




Here, Ron came to the place where the villagers took refuge, and after simply brushing off the villagers' rambunctious questions, he followed them back to the village. Ron also learned the news from some places, but his eyes flashed, and there was no expression on his face. This kind of operation by the navy is very normal. Compared to promoting a person of unknown origin, it is better to promote the strength of the navy. Judging from Ron's words and behavior style before, he is definitely not a decent person, maybe even a criminal. It would be embarrassing to promote him rashly, but later find out that the pirates saved Donzik Island.


When did saving others become a matter for pirates? What do your navy do for food? Based on this idea, Vice Admiral Bastille ordered the concealment of Ron's existence.


Two days have passed.


Donzik Island.


In just two days, the island had returned to its previous state. Everything seemed normal again, except for the remnants of the artillery bombardment at the port. It felt as if the recent events were just a dream.


Life had to go on, and the residents of the island couldn't afford to dwell on what had happened—they still needed to survive. Ordinary people in this world find it very difficult just to live.


Perhaps due to the Navy's deliberate concealment or other reasons, the incident barely spread. There was not even a ripple in the sea. Only those who experienced it firsthand knew about Germa's actions. Germa remained a member of the World Government.


Ron didn't see any newspaper reports about the incident, probably guessing that Judge Vinsmoke was behind the scenes, minimizing the impact. It's likely that some price was paid, but this was out of Ron's control.


At this stage, he couldn't use Germa's power to do anything for himself. When needed, Ron would take action. For now, he considered how to join the Navy.


Ron had always planned to join the Navy, not only because it was the most powerful organization in the pirate world but also because it belonged to the justice camp. This was a perfect place for Ron, who wanted to be a good person... err, who advocated justice and had a strong sense of justice! Ron said he was a villain? Impossible, absolutely impossible!


More importantly, the Navy had a complete training system, which would allow him to avoid many detours on his path to becoming stronger. This was crucial for Ron, who needed to strengthen his body as soon as possible at this stage.


Moreover, all his life-saving skills came from the system. Although the skills were powerful, Ron felt uneasy without thoroughly understanding the system panel. He feared that the system might fail or that the skills obtained might become unusable. What would he do then? Just wait to die!


The cautious Ron considered this, so joining the Navy and learning the world's power system became essential. Strengthening his physique would not only better support the consumption of skills but also prevent him from becoming weak if the system skills became unusable. It was the best of both worlds.


But now Ron needed to consider how to join the Navy. Although he had made a disguise before, it didn't mean he wouldn't be found out. There were such things as Devil Fruits in this world...


However, with the clone of Yihu, things might be much easier. Ron's only worry was that his predecessor came here as a refugee, raising concerns about his identity. Ordinary people might be fine, but if he were a fugitive prisoner, it would be a disaster.


After some thought, Ron decided to proceed with his previous plan. He would join the Navy! But there was no rush. He would wait until the turmoil of the incident completely subsided.


Moreover, Ron's clone of Yihu had made a disguise in the morning and had already gone out to sea with a merchant ship. Ron had two purposes for this move. The first was to take out the vest of the Quincy Master and do something to completely separate it from Ron's body, removing any suspicion. This was crucial as Ron was very cautious and would hide any details that could reveal himself.


The second purpose was to test whether those achievement titles could be 'scanned' out. Since both bodies could see the system panel, could they be rewarded simultaneously? Furthermore, on the island, unless he attacked the Navy branch, Ron's current strength wouldn't gain any rewards from ordinary soldiers. This was one reason why Ron sent Yihu out to sea separately.




P-5 Branch Base.


A conference was in progress.


Rear Admiral Bastille of the Navy Headquarters, wearing a mask, sat at the main seat. The head of the branch base, Lieutenant Colonel Yala, sat on the second seat, looking at Bastille with hesitation. "Sir, the news on the island is getting more and more exaggerated. Will it affect you badly?"