Chapter 540

"M-master…" Faeyna breathed.


"Oh, Master…"


"A-are you sure?"


"Ahh… I can feel it."

"It's big!"

"That's why you can't be gentle!"

"OK, I'll start!"

"Ahhhhh! Don't stop!"

"Master, I can't."

"No, right there, it's almost there!


"Ah…" I relaxed as I flopped back down on the bed. "I've had that kink in my back for days."

"Hehe… as I said, Master, I've got the Basic Massage skill as part of Maid."

"I can't believe that's a technique, but I'm not complaining." I murmured. "I wonder what it would take to get the Masseuse job?"

"Is there such a job?"

"There has to be, doesn't there?"

After she came on to me, she insisted on giving me a backrub. As she claimed, Elves gave backrubs as a form of expressing their love to each other. She insisted that this also explained a certain enthusiastic rub she gave me in the bathtub one time. Well, she was so insistent that I didn't object. After being with Astria, I couldn't say a nice rubdown wasn't relaxing.

It wasn't as exciting as the other thing, but that was probably for the best. I had been caught up in the moment, but if we went any farther, then she would be stuck with me as a partner for life. That would be unfortunate. I already had to deal with becoming a father to one child. I wasn't sure about adding a second already. That's when I recalled something.

"Did you mention something about wanting to have my baby?"

"Ah! N-no! Don't be ridiculous, Master! Just stop thinking and enjoy the massage!" She increased her efforts, and I decided it wasn't worth getting into as I groaned in pleasure.

"Master…" she said a few minutes later, her voice somewhat quiet.

"Hmm?" I asked, my hands under my head as I allowed her to rub my naked back.

"I'm the last of my kind, and that has put… certain restrictions on me…"

"The last living Elf definitely puts a lot of pressure on someone," I agreed.

"R-right…that's why I needed to be extra careful when I selected my mate."

"Well, don't select too fast, but if you're asking if you can be freed once you've found the proper mate, then I will give you that freedom."

"Ah! That…"

Her massaging had stopped, so I raised my head and looked back at her. "Hmm? Anything wrong?"

"N-no… rather, let me continue to express my love for Master!" She blushed, pushing me back down to the bed.

"I really thought when you said that, we were going to have sex," I laughed.

"S-sex!" She cried out in a panic.

"Ah! But I realized that was ridiculous because then you'd have to mate for life!" I quickly added before I dug myself into a pit.

"I see…" She sounded a bit unsure.

She was already a girl who didn't want to be my slave. I recalled that when it came to it, she preferred freedom over being restricted. She just chose this restriction because I had saved her life and because it was convenient. That put her in a hard place, it seemed, where she wanted to show she appreciated me, but didn't want to risk losing her chance at love. I started to grow frightened that she was thinking I was creeping on her, so I decided to say more.

"Ah! You don't need to worry. I have no interest in having sex with you! I have so many women, don't feel like you need to fill that desire. Your cooking, cleaning, and management are all I want from you. I don't desire you sexually!"

There, with that, she wouldn't feel pressured. She'd continue to be my maid for the foreseeable future, and everything would progress smoothly. Suddenly, Faeyna flopped down next to me on the bed. She was facing away.


"Massage over."


"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."

"Ah, you don't want to play with the girls on the beach?"

"Don't feel like it!" she said into her pillow.

I see, in the end, I went too far and made her uncomfortable. Elven ways were different than human ways. I had misinterpreted things, and I made her angry.

Since she had already removed my restraints to better massage me, I got up and left the bedroom. As the door closed, she uttered a single phrase in the empty bedroom.

"Stupid Master…"