I closed the door behind me and stretched, feeling a bit refreshed after a long day. Well, it wasn't over yet. Looking out, I could see the beach beckoning me. There were still a few hours of fun to be had. I headed across the street and to the beach where I could hear various yells and cries of people at play. I scanned the beach, looking for my girls, and when I couldn't find them, I used the Slave Location skill to track them. They were a bit farther down the beach, so I followed along the sand trail.
The girls were on a ledge that overlooked the ocean, and they appeared to be jumping off it into the water below. Just as I was going to go greet them, I noticed a glint of something in a large outcrop of rocks nearby. Frowning, I snuck around carefully, approaching from the back end. I quickly realized that there were some shady people who seemed to be hiding in the back behind the rocks. More suspicious, they appeared to be watching my girls play.
Of course, I could react swiftly and violently so that my girls didn't have their day ruined. They had all been working hard, and even if they might have left me tied up on a bed in a certain room for a while, well, that all worked itself out fine. Faeyna was having a good rest on that bed, and that's all I had to say about that. However, I didn't need some stereotypical bad guys coming in and making the short rest of the day with the girls something less than fun.
"Lydia…" I called out with Slave Communication.
"Master? Have you reflected?"
"Twice… but that's not what's important right now. I just came to see you guys, and there seem to be some suspicious people watching you."
"Ah, yes, I noticed them, but they've been keeping their distance. Should I take them out?"
'No, keep playing. I just wanted to let you know I was going to dive into your DP for a bit and borrow some skills."
"Ah… Master can use me whenever."
I had been very slowly reviewing what skills the girls had and deciding what to give them. They were mostly limited to tier one DP skills, which cost 1 point each. 5-point skills could be selected, but the consequence would be they couldn't use Reset. Yes, I had already tried to give one of the girls Reset, and then use Duplicate Slave Skill to use that Reset on myself. The result was simply that I remotely activated her own Reset. This was convenient because if I couldn't reset her skills myself, it'd be a bit tricky having the girls Reset their own skills. I wasn't even sure how it'd work out as they didn't have access to the store like I did since my access was granted through my blessing tattoos.
The DP skills I had given to Lydia were Explosive Movement, Silent Feet, Hide Presence, and the Sword of Growth. I left one open for Reset as well. Explosive Movement allowed her to move with aggressive attacks. Silent Feet allowed her to scout quietly. Hide Presence was exactly as it suggested. The Sword of Growth was interesting. Supposedly, the sword had experience and would grow stronger the longer it was used. I was worried that when I Reset it that it'd start back to 0, but we tested it out, and it seems to retain its level. So, the more Lydia uses it, the stronger the sword will get. Of course, if it was destroyed or lost, then so was the dungeon point. It left me a bit worried, but Lydia really liked it.
Right now, the two skills I was borrowing were Silent Feet and Hide Presence so that I could get closer. It was a continuous spell drain on me, where Lydia could use the skills basically indefinitely and turn them off and on. That was the separation between a skill supported by the dungeon points and me using it second hand through Duplicate Slave Skill.
Furthermore, there was a limit to the distance we could be, and it could still work. If we were in a different place, like only one of us was in a dungeon, it wouldn't work. I'd say the range I could use a slave's skill was about the same range that I could still get experience for a slave's kill.
I got a bit closer to the suspicious people and managed to get sight of one of them. This wasn't because they weren't trying to be stealthy, but rather because they were big and it was difficult for them to hide. I immediately recognized them, and my face went white. The ones that were watching my girls intently were five large women. It was Titan Fall, and at their head was Alysia!