In the mystical kingdom of kron, King Elvis enters an eternal slumber, leaving his throne to his second son, Lucas. Trusted with the kingdom's future, Lucas's reign is abruptly challenged when his older brother, Trivia, seizes the throne in a swift and ruthless coup. Forced to flee for his life, Lucas escapes to Earth, seeking refuge and time to plan his return.
On Earth, Lucas discovers a world unlike his own, filled with both wonder and peril. Amidst the unfamiliarity, he finds companionship in a diverse group of allies, each bringing unique strengths and insights. Together, they embark on a journey to help Lucas reclaim his rightful place as king.
As Lucas and his companions prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Trivia, they face numerous trials, forging bonds and uncovering hidden strengths. With the fate of kron hanging in the balance, Lucas must harness his courage and the support of his newfound friends to reclaim the throne and restore peace to his homeland.
nice i love this book, can't wait to read more of the chapters. It will be fun to continue and I'll love to read to the end
A heroes journey at this point of time? Respect
so impressive, I love this story wow, need more of it
nice, so far keep going, no I'll be glad to read more of your books