Chapter 17

She had finally familiarized herself with this house, and it was so big. If she were sent to a place where she was alone, she would be scared. Sleeping on the floor would be fine as long as she didn't leave this person who seemed relatively normal in the mansion. Yes, someone who could smile was normal in her eyes.

David raised an eyebrow, amused as he looked at her. "Don't you want to leave? Your half-hearted resistance is indeed charming. Midnight..." He paused, thinking. He had promised to compensate her, so maybe he could let her stay here for a while. If she didn't satisfy him, he could still make her leave later.

"Fine, I'll grant you that. You can stay here for now." He winked at her. "But if you disappoint me, leaving will be the ultimate result." Ignoring her surprised and wide-eyed expression, he turned and walked towards the bathroom. He noticed a new dressing table in the corner. When did Henry take the liberty to change the layout of his room?

His brow unconsciously furrowed, feeling a bit displeased. "It seems like Henry has been with Sunyang for too long, and his mind has been tormented by Sunyang." He would address these issues after seeing his parents. "Prepare a set of clothes for me. I have something to attend to."

She was supposed to find clothes for him while wrapped in the blanket?! Why was this man so easygoing with people? Well, she was his wife, so it was normal to fetch clothes for him. Holding the blanket with one hand, she cautiously walked to the wardrobe to find clothes.

Soon, David emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Jennifer saw his bare upper body and blushed as she hurried into the bathroom. She also needed to freshen up, but her main goal was to avoid this embarrassing situation.

David shook his head with a smile. He would have plenty of time to tease her later. Her personality was truly different from many other women. He quickly dressed and shouted towards the bathroom, "You can sleep a little longer. I'll have Zheng Ma prepare breakfast for you."

With a naturally smiling face after washing her face with warm water, Jennifer felt that this man was actually quite good. Despite his occasional promiscuity and mischievousness, she could sense a hint of warmth in her heart.

If they could fall in love in the future, she would be willing to live with him for a lifetime. The sudden thought made her face even redder. Everything seemed to have deviated from her initial expectations. What would the future hold?

"It seems like you're in good spirits today!" Mr. William smiled meaningfully, picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip. "So, how about the gift? Are you satisfied?"

When it came to the gift, David felt that something was off. He turned his head and stared at Henry, who noticeably lowered his head, displaying some guilt. Since Henry was unwilling to speak, David could only ask his own father, "Dad, that woman wasn't arranged by you, was she?"

"The way you say 'that woman' sounds awkward, don't you think? Her name is Jennifer, and you can call her Jennifer. I thought you would be furious, but it seems like you're in good spirits today. It seems Jennifer is to your liking!"

His father wasn't someone who would send him women, so the unusualness of today made him suspect if his father had a different motive. Thinking about the changes in the room, could it be that his father ordered someone to make them? Did he want him to develop feelings for that woman and make them live together permanently?!

"Dad, you're not someone who beats around the bush. Just say it directly. If you want me to cohabit with that woman, you know my personality. I don't like being forced by others." His usual smile was put away, and his serious expression always made his subordinates tremble. Whenever he had this expression, everyone knew that Mr. William was angry.