Chapter 18

William Sr. smiled faintly, "I didn't force you. Think about your feelings for her. If you didn't have a good impression of her, you would've already made a scene last night and come to me. Why would you be in such a good mood to come here?" In fact, he had used a little trick, but he couldn't be blamed for it. He knew his son's temper very well.

"Really?" David sneered, "Just by having Henry not tell me she was your arrangement? Sorry, I'm not interested in her anymore!"

"Why do you always have to go against me? Is it because of her? You've become so promiscuous for a woman, and now you're deciding not to marry for life because of her?!" William Sr.'s temper finally flared up, and he slammed the coffee cup onto the wooden table. "You've already had a relationship with her..."

William Sr. looked up and stared at his son. As the head of the family for so many years, his authority was no less than David's. "Don't tell me you didn't touch her last night!" Ever since that incident, his son had never refused any woman who came his way. No, as long as they were decent-looking, he wouldn't refuse.

Jennifer, though simple, had a pure and charming face, and her shy expressions were endearing. She definitely had the charm to attract his son. Even if his son didn't like her, for Grace's sake, he had to secure Jennifer's position in the Anderson family!

"She's not the only woman I've been with. Dad, do I need to be responsible for every woman and consider her a wife candidate? Besides, she willingly offered herself last night. Our relationship was consensual, without any coercion. Why should I be responsible?" He would reject any woman forced upon him, even if he had hoped to spend more time with her this morning.

William Sr. slammed the table, spilling the coffee. None of the servants in the kitchen dared to come and clean up. Though usually kind, William Sr. could be quite frightening when angry. "I've already got your marriage certificate. You don't need to be responsible; she's already your wife!" He had anticipated his son's refusal and had taken precautions.

"What?!" This time it was David who exploded. "You made me marry a woman I don't even know without asking for my opinion. Dad, your methods are too despicable! Marriage laws state that parents cannot arrange marriages for their children. Do you think our marriage is valid?"

"Do you think someone like me, involved in the underworld, cares about such things? Since I managed to get the marriage certificate, you should know this is settled with no room for negotiation!" Who did they think Tiancheng Xie was? Would no one give him face over such a trivial matter? Even if he passed his position to his son, his status would remain unaffected.

"I want a divorce!" David gritted his teeth. This time, he was truly furious. His father had forced him once before, and now he was playing the same trick again. The only difference was that this time, he was being forced into marriage!

William Sr. calmly sat down. He had asserted his authority, and now it was time to adjust his mood. "If you want to leave the Anderson family, or step down as head, or enjoy being hunted, you can choose to divorce."