

Mutekino egaode aras media~(無敵の笑顔で荒らすメディア)

Music in incomprehensible languages is played. It has a cheerful and cheerful rhythm. However, the dancer with the music showed off her strong muscles with glow sticks in both hands. In addition, Made Bok is one of the highlights of the charm. 

The sight of a man in his late 20s in a made uniform dancing to an animation song made me wonder if the world is okay to go like this without realizing it. 

Even though he was dancing in a strange outfit, his dance was theft, so it was certain that a plausible video would be taken if he filmed it in a dark place with the glow stick on. 

After dancing so hard that the heat came up, he put down the stick and saw Lee Ji-hoon. 

"Are you here?"

"···. I feel it every time I see it, but it's a great dance without a waste."

"It's great to tackle like that every time."

He replied sourly and left the room after taking a shower. Lee Ji-hoon was familiar with his friend's room. 

Unknown figures and gunfras are on display. Additionally, it is equipped with all kinds of electronic devices, including the PlayStation, the latest computer, and Nintendo Switch, and posters of what game it is and whether it is Annie are displayed on the wall. 

The room was spacious enough to use. One side had a computer and several monitors, while one side had a separate workstation to make a gunfra. 

He earned a lot of money and spent it on things like this because he didn't go out much. Lee Ji-hoon felt a sign while looking at figures. 

It was a friend who took a shower and changed clothes. 

"Kim Minjoon, are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done. What is it today?"

Minjun asked what Lee Ji-hoon came for. 

"I robbed a drug gang in Gangnam..."

Lee explained the situation. Then, he took out his cellphone and handed it to Min-joon. 

"I robbed the smartphones of the guys there. I turned it off just in case. Please hack it and look into the data inside."

"What do you want to see?"

Kim Min-joon was seated in a chair. Lee Ji-hoon also brought a chair from the workbench and sat down. 

"Contact with the drug gang. If there's anything else that could be criminal, look for it. I'll look for it one by one and sort it out later."

"Well, they must be bad guys."

"I've killed the worst, and the rest have become very hard to live."

"Um, I see."

Kim Min-joon nodded as if he knew everything. 

"Well done. Then I'll check this out."

Kim Min-joon received four of the latest smartphones. 

"There's something more important than that."

"Not this one? What is it?"

"The drug gangs made a peculiar drug trade. They told me to take myaak from Mokpo, but I don't know exactly where it is."

"Um, Mokpo?"

Kim Min-joon told me to keep going with my arms crossed. 

"The gang boss in Gangnam told me to pick up the drugs from there. Maybe it's from China or North Korea. That's why he chose the port. I got the goods from somewhere else and in Gangnam, I was just calling them to see each other and talk..."

Kim Min-joon nodded. 

"Um, it's inefficient, but I understand."

"Can you find the deal happening in Mokpo?"

"Let me think for a moment. How to find it."

Kim Min-joon wiggled his eyebrows and agonized. 

"First of all, I think we should focus on suspicious ships. I think we should track cars coming from outside the country, and there may be cases where they trade directly at the port. Or take it? Near or in the center of Mokpo, ···"

Kim examined various possibilities. While mumbling to himself, he organized his thoughts and told Lee Ji-hoon his plan. 

"I think we need to hack the car registration system, hack the CCTVs, and track the vehicle numbers coming from outside the country. I think we need to monitor the ships coming and going from the port."

"Can you do it?"

Kim Min-joon shrugged his shoulders. 

"It's not what I do, it's what artificial intelligence does."

Kim Min-joon shrugged his shoulders. 

"I thought he was only good at investing."

"Investment algorithms? I have to keep supplementing that. You're doing well with that, right? Calibrating algorithms."

"I'm doing it. Please take a look at the data later. Yields are good these days, but just in case."

"Leave it to the master."

Lee Ji-hoon got up from his seat after saying that he would take good care of me. 

"Are you going to go?" 

"Uh. A foreign worker is dealing with overdue wages."

"Do you still have such a wickedness?"

Kim Min-joon kicked his tongue. There are still many owners like that, though many of them are no longer there than before. Even in 2003, the unpaid wages amounted to 1.78 trillion won (1.78 billion U.S. dollars). This means that Koreans are also heavily in arrears. 

If you just close your business without paying overdue wages, there is no complete answer, and labor inspectors who report to the Labor Office are often not on the workers' side. 

This is the case, for example. A supervisor insisted that the court drop the charges if he wants to receive part of the unpaid wages paid in lieu of the government. The "partial" cap is 10 million won. The rest will never be returned. 

Most of the people have a negative perception of the word 'worker' and think that they are not workers, so most of them do not sympathize with this news. This is because humans are better at empathizing with the 'stronger' rather than empathizing with the weak. 

"I sent the proof of content and asked for the return of the unpaid wage, but I haven't heard from him yet. I think I'll have to visit him."

"Yes. Make sure you get it."

"I'm going to file a complaint against the departure, so I'll get the money."

Lee Ji-hoon left home after saying goodbye to Kim Min-joon. He left a text message to Kim, saying, "Let's go to the factory in Osan together tomorrow." 


"Here it is."

Kim Woo-jin arrived at the factory in Ansan in Lee Jin-hoon's car. The factory that said that Somchai's wages were delayed. There it is. 

Arriving on a weekday morning, the workers are working hard as expected. There are Koreans among them, but most of them seemed to be workers in Southeast Asia. 

They were busy working, printing something out of the factory line or grinding something into the machine. 

After parking the car in front of the factory, Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Woo-jin approached a middle-aged man who was burning cigarettes in front of the factory door. 

He stared at Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Woo-jin, who looked clean after smoking deliciously, as they approached. 

"What's going on?"

"Is there a factory owner here?"

Lee Ji-hoon asked. 

"Who is it?"

"I am a lawyer for Mr. Sommchai Suparat, who worked here. I'm going to meet with my boss about unpaid wages."

Then the middle-aged man crumpled his face. 

"Somchai? Oh, that guy? The one who asked for money after collecting it and feeding it? You're the lawyer? Hey, don't you know that it's like Princess Yang in the past to side with a foreigner without being able to tell the truth? If you're Korean, you should side with the Korean."

He vented his emotions like a flash of fire, perhaps because there was a lot of accumulation. 

The logic itself is funny. Nationality has nothing to do with working. Why do Koreans help Koreans? In crime. 

Lee didn't even laugh. He doesn't know if he's smiling, but if he looks expressionless, his impression quickly becomes chilly and he feels a chill. If you are a criminal who cannot be rehabilitated, you will feel awkward just by staring at you like masters of martial arts, and in severe cases, your heart will tremble. It is like letting go of an intangible life. 

A middle-aged man also spat out words in excitement, but his heart trembled at Lee Ji-hoon's cold expression. 

"Hey, you said you were a lawyer, but you're just a gangster."

This type of person is weaker to the strong and stronger to the weak. Fearing that he might have made a mistake, he dropped the cigarette he had in his hand and rubbed it roughly with his feet. 

"I'm the boss. Follow me. Let's go to the office and talk."

I knew it. I can't believe I'm smoking alone while others are working with their eyes turned on to make money. Lee Ji-hoon, who was cynical, made eye contact with Kim Woo-jin, who looked similar. 

"This is a common place, too."

"That's what I'm saying."

Following the boss, the two shook their heads. 

When they entered the president's office, they faced a middle-aged man. He asked them to call him a "test site." He didn't even hand over a cup of coffee to Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Woo-jin, perhaps because they didn't like him. When the employee who got up from his seat tried to bring him coffee, the test site said.

"Oh! Mr. Kim. Did you finish your work yesterday? You still have a lot of work to do?"

"What? Yesterday?"

"Yeah. Yesterday. Hurry up and work. You have to work hard."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes"

I dissuaded him with clear-cut words. 

It's too small. 

Kim Woo-jin laughed at the absurd behavior. The test site, which was not interested in the feelings of the two people who were getting colder, urged them to speak like a human with their jaws. 

"Yeah, let's try it. Is it Sommcha or Chacha? What do you want money from him? Why me? Why do I have to give all the money to the deceased? Can't I give him less anyway, a person who came in illegally?"

He chose to come out shamelessly. He even pretended to stare at his belly by sticking out his protruding belly fat to the front. 

"How long have you been in business?"

Lee Ji-hoon suddenly asked a random question. 

"Huh? Has it been about three years for me? I was originally a member of the Daeyang Group. I even served as an executive there."

He was as condescending as he could, bringing up his proud past. Oh, you brought a share of it when you came out of the ocean?

"Then what are you making here?"

"We're a company that supplies parts to Ocean Robotics. We're making precision parts."

He once again preached the excellence of Koreans, saying that Korean employees with tight fingertips manage final quality and poor foreigners do less precise work. I don't know what the rationale was, but the prejudice in his head was like that. 

"So I guess you don't know it yet."

Lee sat down after changing his posture. He was as powerful as a single blade. As I sat down after changing my posture, I felt as if I was aiming at him with a sword blade sticking out. The examination site cringed by itself. 

"What do you mean?"

He severely changed his expression to hide his embarrassment. He was determined not to let anyone talk nonsense. 

``What Somchai claims is basic rights. Foreigners can be granted equal rights under the Constitution, just like Koreans. If you don't give me money, I have to go to court and pay you. The boss will lose anyway."

"Does Somchai think he'll be safe? He'll be deported."

Mr. Koh, the factory owner, snorted and refuted the claim. He stubbornly tried to push through his argument. 

"I'm already prepared. I'll be out once I get the money, and I can come back in."

When I heard from Kim Woo-jin, Somchai had a reason to call his salary in some way. He said he had a sick mother in Thailand. I tried to gamble with the money I saved for him, but I failed in the end. He lost even the money he had. 

Lee Ji-hoon, who heard the situation in the car, was increasingly angry at the Nolbu Simbo of the test site.

"But I can't give it to you. You want me to give money to a criminal?"

"If you go before the lawsuit, you can pay as much as you want and get a prison sentence."

Lee Ji-hoon opened up the prepared newspaper articles and litigation cases. 

"Read it. These are the events that have happened recently. You can sue the boss. You'd better give him the money right away."

The test site looked at them with its eyes and changed its complexion. 

He would never have been like that if he had a longer history of running a factory and had a good understanding of the principle of running this floor. But when he was an executive, he was a person who took orders through his personal network, so he just acted vaguely. 

"Think carefully and contact me. I'll put my business card here, too."

Lee Ji-hoon left the office with his business card on top of it. There was no farewell. 

"I'll hear from the boss soon."

"Yes. I think it will be solved soon."

Lee Ji-hoon and Kim Woo-jin were optimistic as they got into the car. At the time, someone sent a Kakaotalk message. 

- I think it's an abandoned factory near Mokpo port. Come home when you have time.

What I had hoped for was solved. Lee Ji-hoon smiled satisfactorily.