

"Is it there?"

Lee Ji-hoon was on the roof of an old building near the abandoned factory building in Mokpo. The building weathered by the distant sea breeze was old and the tenants inside were convenience stores and manpower offices. On the rooftop, plants that were unknown whether it was a hobby of the building owner or not were grown in a disorderly manner in pots. 

(Singing "Fight")

The smartphone I was holding became bright. A text message came in. 

Let's agree. I'll pay the unpaid wage. Let's meet if you specify the date and location.

It was a text from the test site I met last time.

Did you meet a lawyer? Then you know how unfavorable you are. 

Lee Ji-hoon put his smartphone in his pocket. I looked at the abandoned factory again. Hundreds of meters away, it is far from the road. Similar factories huddled around. The devastated scene was just ugly. There were no cars during the day. After all, is the appointment night. 

Lee Ji-hoon jumped from the building just as the sun was about to set. He sat down on a nearby wire. It floats slightly on a wire with a strong current. Strong magnets repel each other and push each other, like exerting repulsive force. Lee Ji-hoon's body was floating slightly on the wire. 

And glide on it, moving quickly through the dim and run-down streets. 

Lee Ji-hoon jumped from the front near the abandoned factory. It is where all the fallen buildings are located. 

In the past, it seems that these factories used to process marine products from ports. Now, only buildings that have been completely broken and torn down are located. 

Lee Ji-hoon breaks through the darkness and heads to the abandoned factory. From there, he goes up. There was nothing in the abandoned factory. Only half-broken instruments and bugs are ringing occasionally. 

Lee Ji-hoon, who sits on top of an abandoned factory, looks down there. 

He reportedly used artificial intelligence to find places where vehicles from outside the country constantly come and go. He used CCTVs everywhere. He selected candidates for places showing suspicious movements and looked at the flow of cargoes unloaded from the port. 

And the overlapping point. 

When I specified the place, I said it was right here. 

He said he used more information to verify it, but it was almost certain. A suspicious waste plant with vehicles coming and going every night. 

It must be a very suspicious place for those who don't think much about it, but it must be a very suspicious place for those who know that drug trafficking takes place somewhere in Mokpo. 

Lower your body and hold your breath. The time is 7 o'clock. The area around here, where there are few light sources, is already soaked in darkness. The occasional sea breeze smells like the sea. 

a not-too-distant time. 

Several cars were coming in. It's not that they came in wrong. They came exactly inside the abandoned factory and settled down. The men in black who poured out of the SUV got something off the car at someone's direction. 

Bioelectricity enhances the five senses. It sounds vividly what they are doing and what they are saying. 

"Hey! - Move it carefully!" 

Tung! Tung! Tung! 

I plunked them up in a black bag and turned on the prepared LED lights. The inside of the factory becomes as bright as day. 

Let's get ready and wait for a while. 

"Oh, why aren't these kids coming?"

The bald head, who appears to be the leader, grumbles. Looking into the watch, he couldn't bear it and picked up his phone. 

"Brother, it's coming."

"Really? It's not too late."

There were vehicles entering the abandoned factory. They drove down the rattling unpaved driveway in front of the abandoned factory. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. It took a while because it wasn't properly navigated."

They are not ordinary either. At first glance, the seemingly hideable tattoos on the neck were threateningly reflected. 

Such men got out of the car in a stampede. They also have heavy bags in their hands. 

"You're here. Let's hurry up and go."

The bald man who arrived first gave instructions to his subordinates with his chin. His subordinates lifted the bag like lightning and opened it. Inside, suspicious white powder is in plastic. 

"Let's check it out."

After that, a person walks out from the side of the arrival and picks up a vinyl. Examine the suspicious white powder. Tear it slightly and taste it. The texture and taste are very good. 

"Well, I'm sure. I think the quality is better than last time."


The man tells me to bring it by chin. The subordinate politely dedicates it to the boss. The boss peeks into it for a second. He never intends to take drugs. 

Methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl, etc. It's full of drugs, but he never intends to do it. It's because I've been in this industry for a long time and I've seen a lot of horrible human figures who have fallen into drugs. 

'I prefer money.'

He only looked at the goods with his eyes. 

This drug that these guys bring. 

It is a drug called 'Night Fog'. When administered, it becomes dull and snowy as if there is a thick fog on the head. There are colorful fantasies as you feel like your body is popping up. Night Fog is so good when you have sex while administered, and it is sold a lot in clubs or to women. 

This new drug also seems to be causing problems for the police, but it's not hard to catch. The drugs that are airlifted from here are sent to the buyer on Telegram and then delivered by throwing. 

Since the project is carried out in that way, no matter how much you catch it, you will only get to the end, and you will never reach the upper line. 

"What about the money?"

The bald man asked for the money. 

"Show us."


Men open their bags and show them the money. The men behind the bald man come forward to check the money in the bag. All of them are 50,000 won new notes. I think I can smell something fresh from the hard money. 

They check the money in the bag one by one. 

Organizers wait for it with persistence. This process is the most important. At this moment of checking the goods and checking the money.

There were some cases where we couldn't see good things with each other because it went wrong, but we try to avoid such a case as much as possible. Wouldn't it be possible to win-win by continuing to exchange goods only when you have credit, instead of doing business on a narrow Korean land once or twice. 

"That's for sure."

They were satisfied and exchanged goods. They looked at each other with cuteness to see if the other person was doing anything else, but they traded things steadily. 

"It was a good deal. I'll see you next time."

"I see."

The two organizations decided to break up after a cool deal. The organization that arrived behind tries to get back in the car first. 



I heard something heavy falling. My eyes went there at once. Naturally, my hand went to the Sasimi knife and hand axe that I wore behind me. 

A black shadow popped up there. 

The gang members, who fixed their eyes there in surprise, looked at the figure with their whole body hardened. 

The shadow jumped from the spot. 


Whether it was a human or a ghost, it flew in at once after narrowing the distance of several tens of meters and punched the face of a gangster standing in front of it. 


Ugh, Ugh, Ugh!

The fist that flew in as it was. The fallen gangster's mouth had white teeth flying in the air. Blood spouted out and he was stuck on the floor with his face twisted. His eyes were turned upside down, he lost his mind. 

"You punk..."

Only then did the gang realize the situation and took out the weapon and charged. The opponent must be a drug addict. Otherwise, you'll come here alone? You can't do that unless you're an addict who came for drugs. 

Gangs with knives and axes in their hands rushed in swearing. 

The deadly weapons of gang members were reflected on LED lights and flashed. The weapon targeted the abdomen to target the neck. But that is also possible only when it touches the neck.

The shadow was like a ghost. 

Weapons that cut through the air. They activated bioelectricity and couldn't touch any of the enhanced five senses. They plugged in the counter for the gap caused by the weapon wielding. 

Jaw, abdomen... 

Every time a punch to the counter touched the bodies of the gang members, the bones broke and the muscles ruptured. 

In the midst of some violence, gang members who did not even nod rolled on the floor, complaining of pain. He also dropped a weapon he had firmly in his hand. 

The boss felt uneasy as things turned out to be unusual. 

"You're crazy!"

They instinctively felt wrong and tried to get into the car. But.


Two Sasimi knives, which were rolling around on the floor with a threatening sound, flew exactly to the mound of the leaders running hard by car. 

"Oh, my!"

Two people screaming and collapsing. The flying knives were so powerful that even the handles went deep. 

The gang members who remained in the unrealistic scene were unable to run away because their cracks had hardened. The gang members, who had been beating somewhere every day, collapsed and struggled with their arms on the spot. He resented his legs, which did not move in fear, and tried to move them somehow, but he did not budge. 

They shouted out desperately to ask for help. The place they chose is not even within a few hundred meters of the neighborhood. The place where there are people is a convenience store next to the road with lights in the distance. Even so, I can't hear them because of the sound of cars coming and going. 

"Oh, my!"

The shadows electrically burned the legs of the living ones, making them unable to walk. The vocal cords were also damaged to prevent them from screaming. 

In the end, they only follow the movement of shadows with harsh breathing and anxious eyes. Lying on the floor of the abandoned factory, they try to run away even if they are lying on their hands, but they have not gone far. 

One by one, the shadow seized them with great care and threw the powder from the bag into his mouth at random. One by one.

They immediately became vague and their eyes lost focus after shuddering whenever they were given drugs. Everyone was mesmerized, and the sound of "hehehe" filled the abandoned factory. 

Shadow grabbed bags of money rolling around on the floor and threw them into the car driven by the bald boss. He got in the car. He jumped on the car and drove off the road. 

I checked the driving records of the navigation system. Where did they get the goods from? If you know the place, you can find out from which ship you received the goods. If you know the ship, you can also know where the goods came from. 

We need to check that. We destroyed all black boxes of cars standing nearby and erased traces. We collected cell phones of dead bosses and got into the car. 

Lee Ji-hoon lowered his mask and drove. The goal was Mokpo Port.