14. Martial soul levels

At the shop Xie Yue brought black suit with gold edges. This type of suit is now trending In this era. It alone cost him nearly 100 gold coins. But what can he do ? He have to buy it for his subsequent plans.

As for his sister, He brought yellow-gold long dress. It will definitely match with her hair colour. It also cost him another 100 gold coins.

With that he also brought two set of black cloaks and four sets of normal comfortable clothes for him and Nana. All of them cost him another 100 gold coin.

'Sigh.... I can't buy too much. And I might as well change my outfit here' Xie Yue thought.

" Beautiful sister~ Can I change my clothes here~" Xie Yue asked the shop lady With puppy eyes.

" Yes Yes... Dear customer~ come with me I'll show you the way" looking at Xie Yues' good facial features, shop lady decided to personaly help him change the dress.

" Ahh~ " Xie Yue followed behind her.

When changing his dress shop lady also had the chance to get a glimpse of his little Dragon. ' what a cute little thing. My husband is also only this size ' The shop lady also dumbfounded. But she knows how to calm herself. So she soon dressed him up while touching here and there.

In his new dress Xie Yue really looked like a proper noble kid. Rich and Cute.... Even those from the rich family kids can't compare to him. Afterall, dress alone is not enough, good looks also needed. And Xie Yue has that.



Coming Out of the changing room.

" Dear little customer~ Total amount is 278 gold coins. How are you going to pay ?" Shop lady asked him.

" Ahh sister~~ can't you give me some discount. See, I brought so many things from your shop. Also... I will only come to your store when I need to buy things next time " Xie Yue said to her cutely while looking up to her.

'my neck is sore' Xie Yue thought.

" Ara.... Since my little customer will come to visit sister from now on, you only have to pay 250 gold coins " That middle aged shop lady also liked it when he called her beautiful sister. He is also cute.

" Thank you beautiful sister~ here is the card" Xie Yue took out the bronze card with his little hand.

After deducting the money, shop lady returned the card to him.

" Here take it back, I hope to see you soon my little customer~ " shop lady said to him with some bad thoughts In her eyes.

" Mm~ I will come to you often sister. I'll take my leave now " Xie Yue said in a sweet voice and bid farewell.

" Ok dear~ be careful on the road" shop lady send him off.



After coming out of the shop, Xie Yue went to some places and interacted with others to learn about general situation about balak city.

It's just that, when inquiring, he have to avoid being spotted by someone with bad intentions. With his 6 year old body and cute looks, if he meets someone who is stronger than him, it will become a big trouble for him.

So he only interacted with womens with kind looks so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Even if he becomes unlucky and have been targeted by others. He can still escape safely with his level 9 soul power... Unless that person is more than level 15 soul master with normal martial soul or a soul master with level 10+ and high level martial soul.

Martial souls also have levels. They are divided into Trash, Low, Medium, high and top in this current era. There is also God given martial souls. But only one or two top level families and spirit hall knows.

(But In the later periods of douluo series Martial soul levels will be divided into Trash, high, top, super, Ultimate, evil, God given and god)

And Martial Souls can be roughly categorized into two types: Tool-type Martial Souls, Beast-type Martial Souls ( In the future era it will become even more detailed such as body martial souls)

These can further be subdivided into smaller categories such as Control System, Attack Power, Agility Attack System, Support System, Food System, Defense System, and Healing System. The strength of a Soul Master is closely related to both their soul rings and soul power, with each aspect complementing the other in their growth process. Different categories of martial souls serve different purposes.

Xie Yues' martial soul is a top level martial soul. But even between these top level martial souls, there will still be differences.

For example... Golden crocodile king and Bule lightning tyrant dragon. In truth Golden crocodile king is superior to BLTdragon. But it's not known to the whole world.

When it compared to Clear sky hammer and Seven killing sword tool spirit martial souls, Moon blade martial soul is little bit inferior. But Xie Yues' martial soul is not one moon blade but two Moon blades. So when they were used together Xie Yues' martial soul will reach the same level as that of Clear sky hammer and Seven killing sword. One point to note is, every martial soul has its plus points and minus points. If the spirit rings they add are not upto standard or the talent of the soul master is lacking.... That time, it can't be compared.

Not every soul master with high level soul power than him can threaten Xie Yue. So after inquiring, seeing no one is following him he went in the direction of the hotel.

Coming to the room and eating the lunch that is ordered by him. Both Xie Yue and Hu Liena started their soul power cultivation.

This common soul power cultivation technique is taught by Bai Wu on the day they awakened. They have only practiced this once that day. After that, they have never cultivated since they are always on the run until now. Even in the carriage Xie Yue didn't practice since he have to be vigilant.






AN : This chapter is mostly info dump. Sorry for that. Author have no way of explaining the reasons without mentioning those infos.