15. Tang San

Important Note :

Age difference between Xie Yue and Other Important characters (when Xie Yue is Just born)

Tang San : -6 years

Qin Ming : +15 years

Tang Hao : + 39 years

Yu Xiaogang : +32 years

Dai mubai : -3 years

Oscar : -4 years

Tang Xiao ; + 54 years

Bibidong : +33 years

Xue Beng : 0 years

Shui Binger : -4 years

Feng Xiaotian : +4 years

Meng Yiran : -2 years

Dugu Yan : +1 years

Yu Tianheng : +3 years ( guessing )

Qian Renxue : +3 or 4 years ( guessing )

Ning Rongrong : -6 years

Zhu Zhuqing : -6 years

Ma Hong jun : -6 years

( AN: Deference in months are omitted since Author is unable to calculate it correctly without enough data )


When inquiring, Xie Yue learnt that, there is still five months for the elementary schools starting time throughout the continent. Now not every 6 year old kids like him have awakened. Spirit hall deacons have only just started their awakening routine for this year. It will take another 3months to end their free awakenings and will take another 2 months for the schools to start.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena had awakened earlier because of Bai Wu. It is a good thing. With his and Nana's innate soul power level 9 cultivation talent. they will reach level 10 in just two months. He also need to get spirit ring at that time. Even if he delayed aquiring spirit ring for another 3 months. He can't postpone it anylonger at that time. Otherwise it will halter his growth. So he have to find a reliable backer or must join a good school that will help him hunt yellow spirit ring.

' From balak city to nuoding city is only 3 days traveling time. After all, fasinuo province is the north border of Balak kingdom'

Balak kingdom has two big cities. One is balak city and the other is soto city where Shrek academy located. To balak kingdom's south east is the star duo forest. From soto city to star duo forest Distance is only 500 km since soto city also located at the southeast direction of Balak kingdom.

' If I really can't join any good academy when I reach heaven duo city. I can only return to fasinuo province and go to Yu Xiaogang '

' Making him accept me as a disciple is quite easy. I can just say I am innately full soul power after reaching level 10. Who can prove that I am lying ? Hehe'

'From Yu Xiaogang, I can get storage soul tool and enough knowledge. Even if he is only a fake master who like stealing knowledge, His data's are still true. Afterall most of them are stolen from Spirit hall and BLTD family.'

' And he also has top level soul power cultivation technique. if I go to him, I can fullfil my current needs. But still, it's not the optimal way... Getting close to Dugu Yan is the most important. So I have to act according to the changes ' When Cultivating Xie Yue thought about what to do next.

After 6 or 7 hours of cultivation, Xie yue had his dinner with Nana and slept while hugging her.

Next day morning.... They got dressed neatly and left that hotel wearing a black hooded cloak each. Xie Yue knows the important of being anonymous.

" Nana.... Lets find a comfortable carriage. We may have to travel for more than 15 days to reach our destination. At that place, brother will find a good home for the two us "

Xie Yue said to her while holding her hand and walking.

" Mmm~ Nana will listen to her brother" Nana said to him. In her eyes there is hope and expectation. She believes her brother more than anything. In her mind, her brother can find solution for every problem they face. She just have to follow his words and protect his safety. That is her only duty. (Xie Yue had taught her very well over the span of six years)

' If she becomes rebellious one day or become a problem for me. I can just kill her simply' Xie Yue thought cruely. In his heart there is no place for emotions. What he care about most is whether a person is useful to him or not.

They kept walking for a while before they found the carriage park. For soul masters who have soul power, running for an hour continuously isn't a problem. So even though they are still kids, their physique is stronger than normal adult.

Xie Yue found a reliable looking and old driver among the Many drivers.

After that he asked if he can take him to the heaven Dou city...

" Yes young lord. But It will cost you 3 gold coins " Driver said while looking at the hooded Xie Yue. Through Xie Yue small hight and sweet little voice, the driver knows they are just two harmless kids. So he didn't mind them wearing cloaks.

" Mmm~ then grandpa. Please take us to the Heaven Dou city " Xie Yue accepted it after thinking about it... Comfortable carriage will indeed cost more than normal carriage.

They got on the carriage and left the Balak city...





Somewhere in the heaven duo empire, in one of the rural village.

One middle age man and a beautiful looking lady are running nervously.

In the middle age man's right hand, there is two meter long hammer. Around him, 8 soul rings are circling. 2 yellow, 2 purple and 4 black.

And that gorgeous lady was dressed in blue. In her hand, there is a new born child.

" Hao.. we have to leave this place faster. That title douluo you injured will surely bring back more reinforcement " That good looking lady said to the middle age man. Still running nervously, looking back again and again to make sure if anyone is coming.

" Ah yin... Believe me. I will definitely take you and our child safely out of this place. I will never let anything happen to you. I will protect you with my life. It's my promise" That middle age man reassured that lady, and promised with a firm looking eyes.

" Hao~ I believe you " hearing that man words... That lady looked at him affectionately and said.

( A: How can this silly women believe his words easily ? Sigh.... Love minded indeed )

These two people are Tang Hao and Ah Yin.

And that just born child is the 'Great Thief Tang San'

He had already came to this world successfully.





