16. Martial Soul Fusion Skill

Inside the carriage_

"Nana~ while traveling we can't waste the time. So you must cultivate diligently" Xie Yue instructed her.

Xie Yue knows he and Hu Liena has Martial soul Fusion skill. The day he awakened his martial soul, He felt the throbbing of his martial soul when he went near Hu liena, Hu Liena also felt the same. with that he already confirmed about their martial soul Fusion skill. It's just that he didn't have time to practice with her.

He knew how bug like skill it was....

This ability is extremely rare and requires Spirit Harmonization. The degree of Spirit Harmonization reflects on the final output power of the Spirit Fusion.

Their martial soul Fusion skill name is "Charm Demon"

It is the only humanoid martial soul Fusion skill in the current era. Other martial soul Fusion skills are either beast form or any other forms. Example Golden triangle, serpent dragon joint assault, nether white tiger etc.

( Note : Fusion ability and martial soul fusion skills are different. Seven fusion ability of Shrek seven monsters are such an ability. That is not the real martial soul Fusion. Even though both can improve the power of the output.... Normal Fusion ability is 1+1= 2

But martial soul fusion ability is a divine skill. It is 1+1= more than 3.

The higher the spirit harmonization, the higher the output will be. Xie Yue estimation is, with his arrival, it won't be high as 95+ percent. their spirit harmonization will be only around 85 percent or something.

Afterall, their martial souls are born compatible and they also have the same blood in them. Even if he doesn't have harmonization with her, it will still be over 60 percent. But with hu Liena's attachment over him, it can be raised to 80 percent or more. To her, he is everything. In the future he will increase this further using other means. Such as, fucking her brains out.... Hehe. Sex is the shortcut to many things.

_Charm demon ability is to Produces a red fog which obstructs the opponent's vision.

The range of fog can be increased with the soul masters' soul power.

In the fog,

Senses reduced by 50%

Spirit Power suppressed by 50%

All actions slowed by 50%

Even poison attacks are almost ineffective.

( It's is mentioned in the original work when Charm demon fought with Dugu Yan and the Heaven Duo imperial team )





13 days later_

This day they reached the place where Heaven Duo imperial academy is located. HDIA is located outside the Heaven Duo city. If they go towards the north for another hour they can reach the Heaven Duo city boundaries.

One hour later, The carriage reached the City gate. The Carriage driver isn't going to drive in since he will have to pay more than the driving cost to the city guards. To enter the city, everyone have to pay 5 gold coins each.

So he dropped them at the gate and left after collecting his money.

Standing at the side of the road, Xie Yue and Hu Liena looked at the city gate by raising their heads.

The city gate was more than ten meters tall and also ten meters wide. Enough for 5 or 6 carriages to pass side by side. To the sides were also two secondary gates, five meters high and wide. Pedestrians could only pass through the secondary gates. The central gate was closed tightly.

After watching from the sideline, Xie Yue pulled Hu Liena's hand and left. Not in the direction of the city Gates, But in the direction they came from. He is not going to enter the city today... He is now wearing hooded cloaks. It's better to not act suspiciously. Heaven Duo city has tight security.... Even though they were kids. The guards may not buy his bullshit.

After finding a hotel and booking a room. They cleaned themselves and continued cultivating. After that Xie Yue also gave teaching to Hu Liena, such as.... What to say If others ask about their origin or where they came from etc. Even if Hu Liena can't act perfectly, it is better to say the same reasons. If each of them tell different things, it will arouse suspiciousness.

Hu Liena, an obedient girl, listened to her brothers' every word and memorized them very well.

" And from now on if others ask about our name, just say we don't have any formal name. Just Nana and Moon. Never mention our Original name. Do you understand Nana?" Xie Yue asked her.

" Yes brother~ Nana understood" Hu Liena nodded obediently. Xie Yue patted her head, satisfied.

She also enjoyed his patting like a puppy with closed eyes.

Two days latter_

Nana and Moon left in the direction of the city gate. Wearing Rich looking clothes and carrying two languages in each of their hand.

After few minutes they successfully passed the gate after giving the money. The guards never dared to to stop them after looking at their attire. Many second generation noble kids likes to play outside the city without informing their family. But those little things are not kids but devils. If the guard tried to obstruct them, then next day he don't have to come here again to do his job.

After this incident, Xie Yue had new understanding of the city security.... Afterall he don't know much about these things until now, since he came to this world only for five or six years.

' It's seems like, I don't need to be overly careful with the city security..... But it's better if I don't put my guard down ' Xie Yue thought

It's still the same.... Searching for a hotel and settling in. Xie Yue still has four and a half months before the schools starts. And he will reach level 10 within two months.



In the hotel room_

while sleeping, Xie Yue felt bewildered. He had many reasons for coming to this city. He also had many plans as to which backer to choose. But when he finally came here, he don't know how to start. Even though he is a man of two lives. He is not omnipotent.

Even if he was able to plan everything carefully, implementing them are really hard....

' let's take one step at a time ' Xie Yue thought as he slept.