17. best Three opportunities

The most important things is to find a powerful backer and the next one is to find a way to get close to Dugu Yan.

Putting aside first one about finding a powerful backer, The second one, Getting close to Dugu Yan is very hard. If he can meet her now, with his experience and craftiness, letting her fall in love with him is really not that hard.

But how can it be possible for him to meet or get closer to the great poison douluos' Granddaughter ?

' I only know that she joined the heaven Dou imperial academy before she is 18 years old'

' but now she is only 7 years old, as for where she is now, I really don't know '

' inquiring others about her is also not a good solution.... Even soul douluos may not know about her where abouts. If tracking title douluo was that easy, then everyone will know about them '

' I can only wait patiently or leave now and come back later before Yu Tianheng eats the meat.'

' I don't know about real medicine refining either. Even if by chance I happened to meet Dugu bo through Dugu Yan, I can't just talk about his poisoning.... What If he test my medicine knowledge ? If he believes me immediately, that would be fine, but If we Converse further, he will find out about my fake doctor certificate '


Xie Yue sighed, thinking about his situation.

' Immortal grass is the only opportunity I can put my hands on for now. As for Other opportunities.... Those opportunities haven't born yet '

' Even when Compared to other douluo series protagonists, Tang Sans' chances are bug like. Most importantly I must get that Spider External soul bone. That is the biggest bug '

In Tang Sans' many opportunities.... There three most important bug like chances. They are Blue silver right leg soul bone, Immortal grasses and Eight spider lances. Even though there still many chances like wisdom skull bone, Blue silver bloodline, 100000+ year soul beasts' soul rings and soul bones, Domains, etc. Only those first three are the most bug like. And in those three opportunities, Eight Spider Lance Ranks first because after 5 evolutions it will get perfect devouring ability. There is not even a single side effects like evil soul masters ( after draining the 50000 year man faced demon spider, it got this perfect devouring ability. The said energies will be automatically purified by the spider spears before feeding back to the owner )

Second is the ice and fire two Immortal grasses... it can increase cultivation talent by refining ice and fire alchemy body. Also ice, fire, poison immunities. And if used well.... It will pave the way for getting two god level soul bones.

And after absorbing all the medicinal properties, you can continue to take other immortal grasses (Tang San said it in ch 67 part 2) If one takes another immortal grass without fully absorbing the first immortal grass it will bring negative effects.

As for Blue silver emperor right leg soul bone..... It has two soul skills. And one of them is a healing ability. But it is not normal healing ability. Its skill name is " Wildfire Cannot Destroy the Grass, It Grows Again With the Spring Wind" as it's name says, A extremely powerful healing skill that will naturally heal the owner over time. By pouring more power into it, The owner can increase its healing effects, quickly restoring him to full health. It can even regenerate lost limbs and is said to be capable of restoring the owner to full health as long as he has a breath of life left inside him. And this opportunity is also the easiest to get, since Xie Yue knows about it's location. It was clearly mentioned in the original work so Xie Yue had memorized them very well before dying.

After shaking off his wandering thoughts, Xie Yue again thought about the main point

' since I can't get closer to Dugu Yan or Dugu bo now. I might as well concentrate fully in finding a good school or a backer'

Next day morning_

After finishing his daily duties and having breakfast. Xie Yue told Nana to practice well and went out alone wearing his black cloak.

Xie Yue left the hotel and went to inquire about some news about moon pavilion, Blue Tyrant academy (Lamba) etc.

His first intention is to find a way to capture Liu Erlong. But after much contemplation. He dropped that idea because of many reasons.

His second intention is to become Tang Yuehuas' son. That can be tried, but everything needs time and opportunity to play routines.

So after that, he inquired about some Primary Academies.

Academies are divided into several levels. Primary, intermediate and advanced.

They also have different graduation requirements.

Elementary academy requires a student to become soul master with one soul ring before age 12. Only then can they go to intermediate academy. To graduate from intermediate academy one must get 2nd soul ring before age 18.

The same goes for the advanced academy graduation, one must get 3rd soul ring to get graduation.

If your age is younger, you can join the academy that met the requirements early. For example, if you become 2nd soul ring soul master before age 12 you can directly go to Advanced academy.

Here in the heaven duo empire there are many advanced academies. Lamba academy, imperial academy and five elements academies are the leading academies In the current empire.

As for primary academies, there are not many academies that will take in common children. Even if some academies accepted him because of bis super cultivation talent, it will incurre other noble children's jealousy. In that case, his school life won't be peaceful.

" So my best option now is moon pavilion " Xie Yue soon came to the decision.





AN : Author will upload a picture of proof about fairy grass taking. Author Didn't lie about that.