40. Teachings

Tang Yuehua was still looking at him angrily,

"Moon, Go and put your pants before eating"

She said angrily again after seeing Xie Yue didn't reply to her question.

" Teacher why? What's the matter with this robe? Why do I need to wear pant? " Xie Yue asked looking like he don't understand the reason for her anger.

" You..." She got angry again.

'Is he still ignorant after growing this big? He was definitely acting' she thought.

"Don't you know how to dress when you are with others? Didn't I teach you, grown up girls and boys have to wear dress appropriately?" She asked angrily.

" Yeah you taught me teacher. But you didn't tell me why I have to dress like that.... You only told me to follow your teachings when I meet outsiders, Are you outsider to me teacher? No. You are my beloved teacher, you are also like a mother to me" He said with a wronged look...

Hearing him, she also felt what he said was right...

' yeah, I only taught him what to do, but didn't say why we have to do that... And my little moon also followed my teaching'

' sigh.... I thought someone will teach him about this matter(sexuality). Afterall, I only taught students who were over age 20 untill now. He was the first kid I taught. And Moon also didn't go to academy. From age 7, he was with me here. So I am sure he didn't go to academies. From sect master Ning Fengzhi's secretiveness, I can guess Moon is important to him'

'I have already guessed, Moon must be a talented soul master. His physical strength is stronger than me, who was level 9, when he was only seven years old. His hugs are very strong. Maybe Because of his talent they didn't send him to soul master academy, worried about his safety or maybe other reasons'

' Since he won't go to academies and interact with the same age children... Who will teach him about these knowledge about sexuality? Then It was his parent's and Teacher's job to teach him.'

'but he was an orphan, there is no parents to teach him. I am the only one he thinks as a mother. As for teachers.... I am the only teacher who he spends most of the time with.' Tang Yuehua thought many things in a minute. She felt pity for him, and scolded herself for doubting him.

Xie Yue was looking at her to see her reaction.... But he failed to see any changes in her expression. Afterall, who was she? She is Tang Yuehua, His Teacher. She know how to control her expressions and aura better than him. Even though his soul was already 70 years old, he was not better than her in this aspect.

Inside Tang Yuehuas' mind there is still a debate going on...

' So is it my duty to teach him about these things about men and women? It seems right... What If I didn't teach him and he misbehaved Infront of others. I can't let's that happen. I am not an outsider to him, He thinks of me as his closest person. Only I can teach him now ' She continued her thinking...

" Teacher am I wrong?" Xie Yue asked. His voice brought Tang Yuehua back from her thoughts.

"Ahh~ no moon, its teacher who was wrong. And I am really not an outsider so you don't have to treat me like them. But the reason why teacher asked you to wear pant is..." Tang Yuehua made up her mind to teach him.

" You know... There are some difference between men and women, when they grow up, they have to hide their body from seen by others. They can only show them to their loved ones" Tang Yuehua still avoided talking about sexual organs openly. She felt little awkward to talk about them directly. But will Xie Yue allow that?

" What are the differences teacher?" Xie Yue asked with a curious look. Since he was still only 10 years old, his baby look still haven't completely faded yet. His looks were adorable.

Hearing him, Tang Yuehua also understood, if she wants to teach him properly she have to talk openly,

'it's not like i can't talk with him openly. He is still a child. Teaching him is the most important' Tang Yuehua made her decision. But she don't know, the decision she made now will be the abyss where she falls.

" There are two most important difference between them. One is the location of their chest and the other is the location between their legs...." She started teaching him slowly.


" So this is the reason why we wear dresses huh? I understood teacher. I won't show them to anyone other than my loved ones" Xie Yue said as he nodded his head

" But teacher, I have one doubt " he asked her innocently

" What is it moon~ ask it" She said, She let out a long breath after teaching him about everything. Even though she felt little shame, but still, he only has her to guide him right? So she accepted her duties.

" Teacher see~ This is how I look down there now, but two days ago something happened to me...." Xie Yue stood up and moved his robe aside to show her his sleeping dragon.

" Moonnn... What are you doing? cover up" Tang Yuehua was shocked seeing his dick. Her face turned red. But still scolded him while looking at his dangling ball sack. It's also the first time for her to see a Man's male organ other than books.

" Teacher, listen to me.... Two days ago when I was sleeping, this thing got bigger suddenly. It was very painful for me. Do you know why that happened teacher?" Xie Yue ignored her and continued talking as If he was talking about some important matter.

" Moon.. you... " Tang Yuehua wanted to scold him. But when she listened what he said she was shocked

' did he had an erection? ' suddenly she became concerned in this matter that she forget about scolding him.

' is he already at that age? Yeah... He is already 10 now. It will start around at this age' She felt little lost. Her proud student has already grown up. After coming back to her senses, she decided to ask him clearly and answer his doubts after understanding them. Since she had already taught him about sexuality, there is nothing wrong with teaching him little more right? After all it's better to teach him now than to let him feel awkward outside. She don't want her best student to be criticized by others. That is her thought.

" Moon tell me clearly what happened that day, was that the first time?" She asked in concern. She also have doubt whether it really the erection. If it was erection, how did he calmed that down. Is her student's innocent had already taken away by others? She was really worried about some vixens trying to trick him.

" Ahh~ it's like this teacher.... That day while I was sleeping. My dick started hurting suddenly, I woke up to see why my dick is pushing through my pants and hurting me, but what I saw shocked me.... My dick had grown big, I wanted to ask for help. But I instinctively felt I can't tell this matter to others, I trusted my instincts since teacher had taught me, sometimes instincts are right. So I didn't ask for help and waited for it to go down on its own. But after waiting for so long it didn't go down, I don't know how I fell asleep with that pain. When I woke up, it had already became normal" Xie Yue explained and told her the new nonsense he had just made up. He highlighted the word 'pain' again and again to execute his next plan.







AN: Nonsense are sometimes really useful. But that depends on many factors such as: who was telling nonsense, how he was telling nonsense, to whom he was telling nonsense, and when he was telling nonsense. If everything align right with the situation, even telling nonsense can achieve some unexpected success...