41. Tang Yuehua's Decision

Tang Yuehua watched Xie Yues' Dick as He showed it to her. Her eyes full of shock and embarrassment. She watched his little dark and big sleeping dragon for a while before saying,

"Moon I understand, Cover yourself first" She was feeling little irritated inwardly. Why is he showing himself to her.

' why is he being like this.... Sigh, I should think about what he said first' She thought about his matter, she was sure it was erection he had after listening to his explanation.

'That means he have already grown big to have sexual urgings?' she questioned herself.

'But why he felt pain?' she also had doubts, her knowledge didn't say anything about men feeling pain or anything.

"Moon~ Don't worry, it may have happened because of some allergies. Let's see if it happens again.... If anything happens like this again. Let's ask a doctor" Tang Yuehua concluded her opinion with that. Since it was erection, she didn't want to get involved with this matter.

" But teacher...." Xie Yue tried saying something. But Tang Yuehua didn't want to continue this topic so she said:

" Moon, don't say anything. Eat before the food becomes cold. We can ask a doctor if anything happens like this"

"Oh~" Xie Yue didn't say anything after hearing her and started eating.

' it seems my plan didn't work...' He also felt confused, isn't everything going well? Didn't she ask himself to explain clearly about himself? Didn't he also said he was in pain? Why didn't Tang Yuehua take the initiative to help him relive his pain? He was confused inside, but continued eating silently with the same innocent look.

Tang Yuehua too ate silently, they didn't talk while eating. She also took some glances at her proud student. She also thought about his dick. But that's all. She never thought anything inappropriate. She has someone in her heart, she never even thought about other men other than Tang Hao. To her, Until now, Xie Yue was a child she had watched growing up. She is her proud student and also like her son.

She let him hug her Forcefully, because she was weak to begin with, while Xie Yue was strong. In her mind, Xie Yue was child that time, she attributed his behaviors to the childish nature. And most importantly, Xie Yues' advancements are very little. He took little steps at a time. So even when he hugged her like a cola and buried his face on her boobs, she just thought it's normal for him to hug her like this. When Xie Yue sucked her tits last time, she thought it was his sleeping behavior or something like that. She didn't want to think in that negative direction, her subconscious mind don't want to think about Xie Yues' actions as deliberate. He was her proud student and most closest person to her.

Today she taught him about sexual knowledge because she felt it was her duty to teach him as a teacher and a half-mother. But that's all... She never thought anything In the negative direction.

But after listening to Xie Yues' explanation about his erection, she understood that her student was already grown up. Now it's time to keep little distance. Even though they were close, her rationality was still there. She was not his birth mother.

' Moon has already grown up. It seems I have to teach him many things. And I also have to keep little distance with him. ' Tang Yuehua thought to herself. She still didn't think Xie Yues' today actions as deliberate. Her subconscious mind didn't allow it. But as a woman in love, after seeing his dick today, she also woke up from her senses.

' it's fine sleeping with him before, But now he has already grown up.' Tang Yuehua made her decision as she ate her food.



It's bed time now, Xie Yue wanted to go inside Tang Yuehuas' room to sleep. But he was stopped by Tang Yuehua.

" Moon... You can't sleep with me anymore. You go there and sleep in that room" She said to him strictly as she pointed towards a room

" Why teacher~" Xie Yue showed an aggrieved look. But Tang Yuehua didn't take back her words. She was firm on her decision to change his habits.

" Didn't I say, we have to sleep separately before?, you also said you will do that next time. Now you have already grown up now. It's not good to sleep together from now on. So go now" she said.

Xie Yue tried to convince her by saying many things. But seeing how firm she was, he didn't continue to say anything more. He left in the direction of that room unconvinced.

Inside the new room,

Xie Yue was lying on the bed. Thinking about today's events.

Xie Yue didn't try to sneak inside her room to sleep or anything like that. he felt the changes in Tang Yuehuas' attitude towards him. He can see, she had already made up her mind in this matter. If he tried anything funny without understanding todays event, it will lead to uncontrollable situations. Xie Yue understood this, he don't want to add fuel to the fire without knowing why the fire was burning. so he was thinking about the reasons for her change.


Xie Yue let out a deep sigh after thinking for a while.

' I was rash I guess..... I shouldn't have underestimated these love minded Womens' Xie Yue understood little about Tang Yuehuas' thoughts.

Xie Yue let out another sigh,

' if I had stayed with her continuesly, I would have succeed'

After leaving the moon pavilion, Xie Yue can only visit her 2 or 3 days per month. It had already dulled the physical warmth Tang Yuehua felt from Xie Yue. It's not enough for her to miss Xie Yue more than Tang Hao. If Xie Yue had always stayed with her and made her feel familiar with him completely for another 3 years or so.... He might have succeed in his attempt to fuck Tang Yuehua. Even if he can't directly take her down, he can still start with handjob or blowjob by acting innocent. But everything went in drain after he graduated from mood pavilion.

' My today actions were also rash. I shouldn't have directly told her about my erection. Because of that I even lost my chance to sleep with her' Xie Yue thought about this.

Xie Yue's initial plan was to act little at a time. But because of the topic they talked today, Xie Yue wanted to take this chance to improve further. So he changed his plan. Today night, He wanted to act like he was in pain because of erection while they were sleeping to get Tang Yuehua to help him relive himself.

But is it some hentai world? No.... Even though his dick was impressive, It didn't work on Tang Yuehua. She was love minded. In Douluo continent, Love minded woman are almost impossible to change. For Example Bibi dong. Even after getting raped by Qian Xunji, she still loves that thief Xiaogang wholeheartedly. Is Qian Xunji's dick small? No.... He was from Angel linage and has seraphim martial soul. Best martial soul will give him the best physique and appearance. That is the ceiling of Douluo's martial souls. He is also title douluo. So his appearance and dick size was a Pass. If we thought about the emotional advantage he had over bibi dong, He is also Bibidongs master, he taught her from childhood And raised her like a father. But still he didn't succeed in getting her heart with his big dick or raising gratitude. Bibidong became white eyed wolf just to be with that shit Xiaogang.

Xie Yue also learnt his lesson today. He can make other women to submit to him by fucking them. But it won't work on those who are already in love....

' Alas.... If I had know this, I would have fucked a pussy already'

' it seems, the first pussy I fuck will not be Tang Yuehua's ' Xie Yue understood.

he is not a stubborn person. Satisfying his lust is not his first priority. Even though it will feel good to fuck a woman, His main goal is more important. He will not throw a stone at hornet nest just to fuck Tang Yuehua. Clear sky sect is not something he can mess with...