42. Whale Glue's Power

After sorting out the thoughts about Tang Yuehua, Xie Yue felt his physical strength.

" It's seems, Whale glue is the best way to improve my physical strength" Xie Yue clenched his hand and felt the difference.

There are currently three ways for him to improve his physical strength;

Firstly, it was to take Ice and fire immortal grasses( Octagonal Mysterious Ice ,Infernal Delicate Apricot: Shortly Ice and Fire immortal Grasses). It will improve his physical strength greatly and will also give him the physique of Ice and Fire Alchemy. He can also take other immortal grasses to increase his physical fitness too, like Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum.

Secondly, it was to take whale glue. After experiencing his first attempt, Xie Yue understood that taking whale glue may bring more benefit to his physical strength than Ice fire alchemy body. It's because he wasn't going to take only one whale glue but many whale glues. Although ice and fire alchemy body increase physical strength, it's main benefit wasn't solely physical strength improvement.

Ice and Fire alchemy body Allowed Tang San to absorb Fourth ring as 10,000 years. Fourth Soul ring Optimal age is between 3000-5000 years. But Tang San absorbed third soul ring by leapfrogging 300 extra years( His Third Soul ring Is 2100 Years, Optimal Age is between 1300-1800 years) So Tang San can initially will be able to absorb 6000 Years as his 4th soul ring. It is also 1000 years leapfrogging (6000-5000). But after Taking Ice and fire Immortal grasses he absorbed 10,000 Years soul ring. That is more than 4000 Years Increment from the soul ring age he can initially absorb. 4000 years improvement is equal to 8 Whale glues.... But Xie Yue has 12 ten thousand+ years whale glues and many more Thousand year whale Glues.

So now the easiest and very very effective way to increase his physique foundation was to take whale glues.

Thirdly, it was to take medicinal bath and exercise his body regularly beyond the limit. But Xie Yue didn't give a damn about this. It's very negligible compared to the above two methods. Although Xie Yue exercises his body, but his objective was totally different, he only exercises to get his desired body shape.

Now after taking the first whale glue, Xie Yue can absorb his third soul ring with the age of nearly 2300 years. Optimal third soul ring age for those with high or top level martial soul is between 1300-1800. Now with the improvement of taking 10,000 year whale glue his upper limit improved by another 500. Maybe it seems not impressive but If it known to the world, he won't survive even for another 2 days. (AN: Author had uploaded An Auxiliary Cultivation chapter, You can read that chapter to know the optimal soul ring age)

Why one can only absorb 474 years old soul ring as his first soul ring but not 475 years old soul ring until now? Hehe. Its because it was very very hard. There have never been a case of someone absorbing 475 or 480 years old soul ring. Even this optimal age of 474 years also only for those high level or top level martial soul owners. Even one year improvement in soul ring absorbing is very hard, there have never been such a case until now. Tang San is the only anomaly, but that is also in the future. His otherworldly cultivation technique improved his physical strength. If not for this reason, he wouldn't have absorbed that 2100+ years man faced demon spider soul ring.

And his fourth 10,000 year soul ring absorbing is because of Ice and fire alchemy body.

In early levels, every improvement in soul ring age, even if it is only one year more, will bring enormous change in the later levels. If one has the physical strength to absorb 600+ year soul ring as his first soul ring, he can surely absorb 2nd soul ring as purple. That's the improvement In foundation. If one has solid physical foundation, with the improvement brought by soul power afterwards, he will leave others of the same level in dust. Tang San absorbed 10,000 Years soul ring as his 4th soul ring. But that is the 5th soul ring of the Other soul masters. After his 4th black soul ring, Tang San absorbed 25,000 Years soul ring as his 5th soul ring; That is other soul masters 6th soul ring. Tang San directly bypassed a whole level soul ring age difference because of his foundation physique improvement when he absorbed his 4th soul ring.

Now, If Xie Yue improves his foundation greatly, with every soul power improvement, his physical strength will also improve defaultly. So he have to increase his physique foundation now. It's better if he can take every whale glue's before he reaches level 30. Afterall, the earlier the better. (Soul Ring Age is just a measurement to compare physical strength. Author was using it to make you understand Physical strength better. Although physical strength also improves when absorbing soul ring, But Physique doesn't improve just because of soul ring. It improves because of soul power improvement mostly[Nearly 90%])

Because of Tang Yuehuas' attitude, Xie Yue didn't plan to stay here for 3 days.

'I should improve the speed of absorbing Whale glues, I can only leave the sect for three days per month at most. I already absorbed one whale glue now, I should go hunting tomorrow for another Fire soul master' Xie Yue changed his plans. Since Taking down Tang Yuehua is hard now, he shall use these three days absorbing Whale glues. He has 11 more 10,000 years whale glue and many other 1000 year whale glue's.

But that's all... Even though he has money, Whale glue is not easy to get. He already brought all the whale glues he can buy with money. Maybe he can get some in the future, but that won't bring that much benefits to him at that time.

If he ask Ning Fengzhi, he can indeed get another 10 or so high quality whale glues. But it will bring unnecessary troubles and questions, Afterall, whale glue is known for its aphrodisiac nature. He also doesn't want others to know about his physical improvement.

'As for this bitch Tang Yuehua...'

'For now I can only use her as a reason to leave the sect, so I have to keep coming here' An eerie light flashed past Xie Yue's brown-red eyes.

After thinking for a while, Xie sat crossed legged on the bed and started cultivating. He never misses his daily cultivation.

Next day morning, Xie Yue ate breakfast with Tang Yuehua. He didn't show any reactions on his face,

" Teacher, I have to leave early this time..." Xie Yue said to her slowly

" Why? " Tang Yuehua became worried immediately. She looked at Xie Yue too see his reactions. But to her disappoinment, she didn't see any clues about his current mood.

Although she felt disappointment, she also felt proud.

' Sigh, I really can't guess anything from his reaction once he decided to hide...' Tang Yuehua thought to herself. She knows his talent, when he graduated a year ago, Xie Yue can already control his aura and emotions. But Tang Yuehua also felt headache because of this, there is no way of knowing his mood now.

' Is he angry with me now?' Although she can't find anything from his emotional fluctuations. She still guess something because of his deliberate hiding. Why is he hiding his emotions Infront of her for no apparent reason? He never behaved like this Infront of her. That's why she thinks like this.

"Sect Master Ning gave me a task to complete, so I have to leave early teacher. I will visit you next month earlier" Xie Yue said without showing anything on his face, still looking down and eating

"Ahh~" Tang Yuehua wanted to ask him more. She knows that Xie Yue was telling lie. And felt little pain in her heart. Afterall, Other than her Two brothers, Xie Yue was the most closest person to her. She also felt little sad at making him angry. But she didn't say anything after thinking.

After eating, Xie Yue chatted with her for a while before taking his leave.

"Teacher, I'll take my leave, See you next time" He said to her as he walked towards the villa door.

" Moon wait" But Tang Yuehua caught upto him and gave him a hug.

" Why didn't you give me hug?" She asked him.

" I forget about it teacher. I was thinking about Father's task" He hugged her back lightly. He didn't behave like he usually do.

" Oh~ Even so you can't forget it next time"

She said as she kissed his cheeks as she usually do.

" Mm, I'll keep that in mind teacher" Xie Yue left after bidding farewell.




