43. Freedom & Restriction

Coming out of the Moon Pavilion, Xie Yue walked in the direction of the crowd. After entering the crowd, he hid his presence and didn't use his soul power. Now, even if he walked past someone, If they didn't use their eyes to see, they will ignore him. His current aura is that of a ' I am nobody'. No one will take note of him, even if they did, they wouldn't care as his presence was very common feeling. Controlling his fluctuations, he moved quickly and disappeared.

Arriving on top of a tall building, he looked around to see whether someone was following him. Afterall, he has his guards. He don't want them to follow him. Although he can't sense dark type martial soul masters, he can still make sure about other martial soul masters from high raising building. Afterall, they don't have the ability to hide from the eyes even if they are of high soul power. Only shadow or darkness type martial soul users and some exceptional agility attack soul masters have the ability to hide from the naked eye.

Other than that, one have to learn to control their soul power fluctuations and aura to be able to hide from others. That also requires exceptional talent. Once someone reach title douluo level, they will Naturally be able to hide their presence by controlling their soul power fluctuations and Aura. Although they can't hide from a naked eye, but even if we see them, we will subconsciously ignore their presence. That is the usefulness of learning how to control aura.

After waiting there for 5 hours, Xie Yue started to move.

' it seems no body is following me, if someone was following, they would have already appeared. Continues Soul power consumption is not easy even for a soul saint' Xie Yue was not surprised. His guards were used to him. He was using this tricks to put down their guards for more than a year.

For more than a year, Everytime he goes out, he will play tricks on his guards. He will leave them behind to go for shopping, eating, playing etc. Every time his guards find him afterwards, they will see the playing Xie Yue. They also reported these news to Ning Fengzhi many times.

Ning Fengzhi also understood Xie Yues' new nature from this. Ning Fengzhi thought:

' it seems, Ning Yue was feeling little rebellious after reaching that age. he and Ning Lihua seldom left the sect. He also wants to go out to play, since he was at the age of playing, his rebellious nature is understandable. It just that he is little more intelligent than others, he knows I sent guards to protect him but still knows how to shake off them. Sigh.... This kid ' Ning Fengzhi also discussed this issue with two sword and bone. After that they decided to give him little more freedom. They contributed everything to Xie Yues' playful nature.

Throughout the year Xie Yue also didn't missuse his freedom. He always played alone and never got into any trouble. He never releases martial soul to showcase his abilities. After playing enough, he will sit at some places to wait for his guards to find him obediently. Sword Douluo also checked his routines secretly, He also felt relived after seeing Xie Yue's nature.

Xie Yue also learnt about his acting' successfulness from their reactions. So after a year, he started his plan. He still kept his vigilance. Afterall, he was not sure whether there was still someone was following him. Even though he knows how to control his presence, he haven't reached the level of title douluo. So he kept checking the credibility again and again in many places.

The truth is, more than one year of his obedience already let Ning Fengzhi and others put their guards down. And who in the Heaven Dou Empire has the ability to target him? they are not worried. So Xie Yue doesn't need to worry much.

But Xie Yue still decided to control his true nature. Last night was very risky, he let the lust overpower him. If someone from his sect had seen his actions.... It will be the end.

' I need to find some alternative ways ' Xie Yue thought about it as he moved past many buildings. He was wearing his signature hooded black cloak.

'if I stay in the sect, I can't act freely. I also need to continue my torture learning.... Taking whale glue secretly also a problem. Even though I have a way to preserve the melted whale glues in the same state, I don't have enough opportunity to take it secretly, and once I take it, I will be overpowered by lust. It's very dangerous' Xie Yue thought about his predicaments.

At first, he wanted a place to growup safely, so he choose STGT sect as his target. He also got whatever he needed. But he lost his freedom. At first he didn't mind, loosing little freedom for perfect growth environment is a best bargain and He can act freely after becoming stronger right? For a genius to have a safe environment to growup is a luxury. Afterall, they can't survive all those threats and assassination without sufficient background. So Xie Yues'decision is not wrong.

But now, his decision greatly restricted his actions. He have to be careful of everything and act in secret.

*Deep sighing*

" In this world, having everything one desire is very hard. If I want something, I have to loose another thing. I can't have both safety and freedom at the same time without enough strength " Xie Yue thought as he stopped at some point. He waited there for a while, again checking if anyone was following him. After seeing no one, He went inside a house and dug a pit in the back yard.

This was a noble second generation's private house. He happened to know about that noble teenager. So Xie Yue knows about this house.

'Sigh, I have to dug this pit myself' Xie Yue thought as he dug the pit faster. After digging enough, he took out the three corpses from his storage tool and buried them here.

They were the corpses from his last night activity. He slashed them to pieces before buring.

' in heaven duo empire, finding a place to dispose is very hard. Because it was a capital city, there is not many deserted places ' Xie Yue didn't plan to keep them in his storage soul tool forever. If he were to keep every corpses in his storage soul tool, maybe in 2 or 3 months, his storage space will become brimmed with corpses.

' If I don't handle these corpses properly, Maybe I will be mistaken as fallen person' After closing the pit and erasing the traces roughly, he disappeared.




