44. Personality & Character

That night, Xie Yue went to visit another fire soul master, he used the same method as last time, using money to ask the soul master to melt his Whale glue. He spent 4 hours in there, and got two melted whale glues. After receiving it and putting it inside his heat preserving storage soul tool, Xie Yue killed that Fire soul master neatly. He cleaned up the scene cleanly and left in another direction, Trying to find a beautiful woman.

In the nearby houses, he found an acceptable target. It was a family of three.

A husband, a wife and a daughter.

After Fixing his pray, He took out one of the melted whale and ate it before entering the room.

After entering, he unleashed his lust on those two women.He fucked the mouth of the daughter and mother Infront of that man. He sucked their tits like a beast and cummed all over them. After calming down his lust, he killed them all and cleaned up the crime scene.

Xie Yue didn't feel bad about destroying that happy family. It's not that he was an emotionless person. He has his own emotions, He can feel pain, he can feel angry, he will also feel joy. But he never gave any important to feelings like love, Friendship, Righteousness or any bullshit.

He is not someone who only lived his entire life as a bad person in his last life. He knows what is right and wrong. He knows what is love and hate. He had experienced everything he could in the short span of sixty years.

But in the end, knowing everything about good and bad, he still choose the path of unrighteousness, dark and evil.

Why is that...?

Because he knows the darkness of the world. Even in those so-called goodness, what was lurking is the hypocrisy of human greed. That doesn't mean there is no pure people in this world, There are. But Those with pure hearts will only face destruction and exploitation at the hands of the so-called righteous people, once they truly enter the society.

So what creates a person's character? It's the environment they live in, the people they interact with and the things they experience with their own five senses. Even though everyone will think that their decision are made by themselves, but the truth is we are not ourselves. We are only thinking using what the world had taught us and inputted inside our mind.

Did anyone had the chance to choose what to hear and what not to hear?? The answer is a big NO. You can't control your ears. If someone talk about some nasty things when you were walking on the road, your mind will still remember them. If you don't understand what they said, you will become curious and will try to know what the meaning of their sentence. Similar thing will happens every day, We will hear many things, we will learn many things and so on. Using what we got, we will think afterwards. That is the nature of us humans, that nature is also the reason why everyone has different personalities.

If your mind got corrupted before understanding the so-called righteousness, you will never become a good person again. And even the pure hearted person can become evil depending on the situation he faces in his life. Afterall, every child was born innocent, but still, is everyone's character is same after living in this world for a while? Hehe. There are billions of different people with different characters in this world. The path they walk may become similar, but No one is exactly same.

Xie Yue is also one of those people. It just that, the earth he had lived in had created him as a monster. A monster who knows the difference between good and evil, That is also the most dangerous thing about him. A person who lives as an evil person from the birth is not that dangerous compared to Xie Yue.

So One can guess..... Will Xie Yue pity those happy family? Hehe. There is no way he will pity those people. His goal is what important to him. The current him won't produce emotions for those insignificant people.

Now, His selfishness knows no bound, he was hungry for power, he will destroy anything for his goals. He will be the epitome of the evil itself. There is no place for any stupid emotions to play in his life.





Next day noon, he went near the moon pavilion again after a long traveling. He got inside his sect carriage and left. Before leaving, he also called all his hidden guards to see their facial expression. Seeing everyone's reaction is normal, he prepared to leave.

After a day of slow traveling, they reached the STGT sect the next morning.

Xie Yue went towards his residence to freshen up. After freshening up, he went to meet his Father Ning Fengzhi...



Inside the main hall, Ning Fengzhi sat there at his main seat.

Infront of Ning Fengzhi stood a teenage young man,

The young man was handsome looking, he was blond youth of medium built, he has tall nose and square mouth. His short yellow-white hair is neatly combed. He was wearing ornate red and gold adorned robe. He exudes an aura of extraordinary charisma, giving off a fresh and cool feeling.

That blond youth looked at Ning Fengzhi with revered look. Ning Fengzhi also full of smiles when talking with him.

At that time, Xie Yue entered the hall....

"Fath.... Sect master" Seeing there is someone was with Ning Fengzhi, Xie Yue changed the way of his addressing immediately.

Hearing his call, The two of them turned their eyes towards him. Now Xie Yue was wearing Simple white robe with gold linings. With his good looks, he radiated a noble charisma. He greeted Ning Fengzhi with proper etiquette.

After greeting Ning Fengzhi, Xie Yue took a look at that young man carefully.

'This....' Seeing that Young Man, Xie Yue's red-brown eye pupil strung a little for a second. Even with his excellence in controlling his reaction, Xie Yue still showed this change in his eyes, He was really shocked. But no one noticed that little change as he composed himself the next moment.

" Haha, Ning Yue~ You don't need to be polite with your uncle, Come here, let me take a look at you " Ning Fengzhi choose to hide Xie Yue's identity from that young man for a while. But he will tell that young man sooner or later.

But what he didn't know was that young man is the biggest threat to Xie Yue. His decision avoided a big trouble for now. But once he said, It may bring death upon Xie Yue.

Xie Yue went to Ning Fengzhi as Ning Fengzhi stood up to pat Xie Yue's head, And started talking with him. After they talked some familiar things, Ning Fengzhi took the initiative to introduce that young man to Xie Yue.

" Ning Yue, This is the disciple your uncle took in three days ago. He is the crown prince of the Heaven Duo Empire, Xue Qinghe " Ning Fengzhi introduced.

"Ahh~ Greetings Your highness" As if he only new that now, Xie Yue greeted him excitedly. But inside his heart he was thinking at rapid speed. Who is Xue Qinghe? Only he understand the severity of this matter.

" Little Brother~ Don't need to be polite, You can call me Big Brother If you wished to~ " Xue Qinghe said gently.




