54. Tang Yuehua's Lonely Life

Two days later_

Heaven Duo City, Inside a luxury hotel room.

" Rongrong, Nana... You two can stay here for the day. I'll go and meet the teacher before taking you two out for playing"

"And Nana, Take care of Rongrong" Xie Yue instructed the two of them.

" Mm okay brother, I'll take care of Rongrong" Hu Liena assured.

" Mm~ Big Browther... Come back quickly, Rongrong wants to play more~~" Rongrong replied as she closed her eyes to sleep.

She was already tired playing all day. Because of her, they took nearly two days to travel from STGT sect to Heaven Duo city. But even after all that, she still wants to play more.

" Yeah, I'll come back soon" Xie Yue patted the sleeping Rong Rong's head as he said.

" Additionally... Nana, if some people try to bother you two, you know what to do right?" Xie Yue asked Hu Liena meaningfully.

" Brother... I know." Hu Liena replied to him.

" Okay then, I'll leave" Xie Yue left the room.

He is not worried about their safety, there are many guards in the dark to protect them, and the guards were already settled through out the hotel and the surroundings. Even before anything happens to Hu Liena and Ning Rongrong, they will take actions.

And because of Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi arranged more tight protection for them. But since he didn't want to affect their playing, he let most of the guards hide in the dark.

_After coming out of the hotel room Xie Yue called out mildly:

" Uncle Long..."

" Yes Young master...." With an old voice, a man appeared wearing a black hooded cloak.

" Please take care of their safety while I was away, And if the two needed anything, help them with that" Xie Yue said to the man.

" As ordered " the man replied.

Although there are many guards to protect them, Xie Yue was mostly familiar with this man named uncle long and has good impression of his attitude, so Xie Yue instructed him specifically before leaving.



Soon after_

Xie Yue reached the moon pavilion and met Tang Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua was still teaching her students so he went upstairs and reached his room(Tang Yuehua gave him) to take a short rest until Tang Yuehua comes.

' The academies have all started last month, It's better if I can meet Dugu Yan this time ' Xie Yue thought as he sat on the bed.

Last month he didn't come to meet Tang Yuehua, rather he went to try his luck near Heaven Duo imperial academy, to meet Dugu Yan. But he didn't succeed in that.

Dugu Yan was 1 year older than him, So now at the age of 12, she had already joined the Heaven Duo imperial academy for studies. But since the year beginning is only a month ago, the academies only started a month before, for the year. So even if Dugu Yan was already 12 years old, she still had to wait for the academies to start and only joined the academy a month ago.

Before, it is also the reason why the six-year-old Xie Yue had five months time after awakening his martial soul, until the school starts for that year. Xie Yue had used that 5 months to travel to Heaven Duo city and tried his luck before deciding on which academy to join.

Now that Xie Yue was 11 and a half years old, the academies have already started for more than a month.

Last month Xie Yue had stayed near the Heaven Duo imperial academy for three days to meet Dugu Yan, in the hope that she will leave the academy to play outside with her friends. But he failed to see even her hair.

In Xie Yue's plan toward Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan is the key. So he have to try this waiting method even though it was very inefficient.

He knows this plan being successful and the probability of him meeting Dugu Yan is very small, so he had already made many alternative plans.

'If I can't meet her this time, then I have to go for my next best way' Xie Yue thought as he drifted to take a short nap.


After a while Tang Yuehua finished her teaching and came upstairs to see Xie Yue.

Seeing no one inside the hall, she went towards Xie Yue's room with an angry expression on her face. Seeing the opened door, she went inside, only to see the sleeping Xie Yue.

'He is sleeping peacefully... I better not disturb him' Tang Yuehua thought as she decided to hold back her anger.

She had many questions to ask him as to why he didn't visit her last month. Other than her two brothers, Xie Yue was the only closest person to her.

With the passing years, as she aged, Tang Yuehua also understood that having children is not possible for her, since she won't marry anyone. Her ill-fated love gave her much more pain that wasn't bearable with her little heart.

Amidst all these pain, Tang Yuehua considered Xie Yue as her son and poured all her motherly love to him. In this regard she was same as Liu Erlong who adopted Xiao Wu and showered all her motherly love towards that girl.

But Tang Yuehua had known Xie Yue from little age and had spent more time with him unlike Liu Erlong who had only met Xiao Wu when the latter was 13 years old. So her attachment towards Xie Yue was more than Liu Erlong.

The more the attachment, the more the pain she felt when Xie Yue kept distance with her. She felt heartbroken when Xie Yue didn't visit her last month.

During the past year, she also thought about possible ways to mend their relationship. But everything failed, Xie Yue still kept the same attitude towards her.

' Sigh... If it wasn't for my decision. It would have never reached this point ' Tang Yuehua sighed in her heart thinking about the decision she made back then when Xie Yue was just 10 years old.

Now she felt her decision was not good and questioned herself. With the increase in her motherly love towards Xie Yue, she felt it was normal for a him to sleep with her.

What about age, what about Xie Yue growing up and what about her not being Blood related mother ???

It doesn't matter to her now. She even subconsciously forget the reason about why she wanted Xie Yue to sleep alone in the first place.

Some times emotions will indeed do wonders. If Xie Yue had know her thoughts, he will surely question himself.

' What happened to the love minded women? Won't they keep their distance with other men other than their lovers?' He is sure to feel stupefied.

But the truth is.. it is not that Tang Yuehua changed. Her love towards Tang Hao was still there and it was still increasing with the passing time. But Xie Yue was also important to her, her motherly love towards him also improving very much.

She was already in her Early thirties now and this age is where the women gives more important to becoming mother rather than love life. She is not at the lively age and already reached the age where she must have child. So her motherly love towards Xie Yue was increasing more compared to Tang Hao.

Afterall, In this world most women will become grandmothers when they reach age forty. Most women will marry at the age of 12, So it was understandable.

_There were many people in this world, but Tang Yuehua only has three people as her closest ones. She had her father as her relative who didn't love her that much, but he was already dead now.

And Among the three most important people, First person was Tang Hao, her second brother and true love, but he wasn't with her. The Second person was her big brother Tang Xiao, but because of their current circumstances, they don't meet each other. And the third one was Xie Yue.

Xie Yue has significant importance in her life now when her two brothers were not with her.

_After many uncontrollable and unexpected situations and meetings, Xie Yue had occupied a huge space in her heart. Now even if she wanted she can't shake that off. And now she was ready to do many things for him, to mend their relationship back together, and to shower him with her motherly love.

' It was adorable when he behaved all cute and clingy with me. If he was still the same as before.... ' Tang Yuehua thought as she watched the handsome face of Xie Yue. She stood there for while watching his sleeping face before prompting to leave.

Hearing her leaving footsteps, Xie Yue opened his eyes slowly;

' This woman.... ' Xie Yue thought in his mind.

Yes, he was indeed not asleep. He had already woken up when Tang Yuehua had first stepped inside the room. If he can't wake up, he can die earlier as not to burden this world.

Every soul master must be vigilant about their surroundings when living in a cruel world like Douluo. if Xie Yue slept like a dead turtle, he wasn't qualified to become a powerful soul master or to have a grand ambitions such becoming eternal. Afterall, having abition alone is not enough, one must have befitting attitude.

Xie Yue didn't open his eyes earlier because he felt the Aura of anger from Tang Yuehua. He also know why Tang Yuehua was angry, but he didn't care, so he still kept his sleeping action as not to bother with answering her questions, knowing she won't wake him up.

But what piqued his interest was that Tang Yuehua didn't leave the room immediately and stayed inside for much longer.

' Did this woman became obsessed with my handsome face? ' Xie Yue can't help but think beautifully.

Although Xie Yue kept his eyes closed and don't know why Tang Yuehua stayed here or what she did, he can still guess that she must have watched him sleeping. Afterall, there is no other new thing or unfamiliar things inside this room that can make her stay, other than Xie Yue. In the end, this is her house.





A/N: I want to stop writing, but I also don't want to half-ass my first creation. I hate not to finish the work I started. So even though I am occupied now and also lost motivation, I will complete this book slowly.