55. Doing Anything For Him

On the other side of the villa, inside the kitchen, Tang Yuehua was cooking with utmost concentration.

'I must make his favorite foods for the lunch' Her eyes sparkling as she started cutting vegetables.

She continued to work as she thought about the reason why Xie Yue didn't visit her last month...

' Is this the sign of him trying to keep complete distance from me?'

' No... No... how can that be, Moon won't do that. He won't' she shook her head repeatedly.

' Even though he didn't talk to me like he used to be, but he never ignored me and will not ignore me'

' But then why he didn't visit me last month in the first place?' Tang Yuehua thought many things in her mind.

She really can't figure it out. She felt her heart hurt thinking about the possibility of Xie Yue trying to leave her. Her motherly love for him had nearly reached the point of madness, and that love made her to think more wildly about the possible reasons for his absence last month and made her unrest.

' I must ask him directly. If he is angry with me or anything, I can find a way to calm him down' Even though she was blinded by worries, she still though about the best way to clarify everything, and got her concenration back to cooking.


Knowing Tang Yuehua will finish the cooking soon, Xie Yue washed himself and went outside his room.

Soon enough, Tang Yuehua prepared the lunch and called him to eat. Xie Yue also went there, talked a little with her and started eating her food greedily. He really likes her cooking.

_Since Tang Yuehua can't cultivate, She spent most of the time improving her other skills, Cooking is one of them. And because of Xie Yues' arrival in her life, she spent most of the time horning her cooking skills, just to make him delicious foods.

Seeing him devouring her food, Tang Yuehua felt happy inside her heart and held back asking him about the reason for his absence last month. Xie Yue's eating is more important to her than these questioning.

Soon after, Xie Yue finished his lunch, Tang Yuehua dragged him towards the hall and made him sit on the sofa.

She sat beside him, taking his hands in hers and asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

" Moon why didn't you visit me last month...?"As she asked her eyes were already started filling with tears, given enough time, her tears will surely overflow.

Even though she didn't want to behave like that and wanted to ask the question without making a scene... when she really asked him, she couldn't hide or control her emotions. Even with all her emotional cultivations all these years, she couldn't stop her eyes from brewing tears.

She was currently not in the mood to control her emotions or hide and act strong in front of him.

Seeing her reddening eyes, Xie Yue was caught little unguardedly. He couldn't find the reason for her sudden change.

He had met fair share of women in his life and understood most of them. But still he can't know, how a person will react or act in different situations beforehand. It is not within his control. So how can he expect Tang Yuehua to be like this in today's visit.

But after connecting the question she asked him and her current reaction, he understood a little about the reason behind her emotional fluctuation.

' Is it because of me? ' Xie Yue asked himself

Considering everything, he made the decision to tell her a new nonsense. Even though he was surprised by her reaction, He still didn't see any benefit or a reason to coax her. So he decided to answer her perfunctorily.

"I.." Before Xie Yue says anything, he was interrupted by Tang Yuehua who continue her insecure questioning.

" Moon, Are you angry with me?"

" Did I do anything wrong? Is that the reason why you didn't visit me last month?"

" What can I do to keep you here with me?"

" Are you angry with me because I didn't allow you to sleep with me? "

" Will you be happy if I allow you to sleep with me? "

" Or do you really don't want to see me anymore? Is there anything I can do to to make up to you?"

" What can I do to let us go back to the way we have been? What can I do so that you won't ingnore me anymore?" As she continued her questions, she started crying pitifully, Like an abandoned kid.

Initially she only wanted to question him about the reason for not visiting her, but after asking him, she was not prepared to listen to his answer.

_What if Xie Yue outrightly told her that he didn't want to see her anymore?

She feared hearing similar answers and thinking about it made her heart ache. So she poured down all her questions that she kept in her heart with an emotional outburst.

Seeing the pitiful Tang Yuehua and listening to her questions, Xie Yue understood her current mood thoroughly. He is not that ignorant as not to understand a woman's feelings.

Deciding quickly, Xie Yue moved his hands from her's and hugged her into his arms.

" Teacher~ Don't cry..."

"I am indeed little angry and heartbroken because you didn't allow me to sleep with you. But I really didn't want to leave you or not see you because of this reason"

" You are the most important person to me, like a mother. How will I have the heart to leave you...?"

"Since teacher also don't want me to leave her, Moon won't be angry with her anymore" Xie Yue said in a coaxing voice a he patted her back while hugging tightly. He felt her juicy melons pressing against his chest.

'Soo Soft~'

_Xie Yue didn't say anything like 'I was never angry with you', 'I will never leave you' or anything similar which can coax Tang Yuehua immediately, he made it clear that he was indeed angry with her.

It's not that he won't talk like that because of his ego or anything, if a situation needed him to act like a licking dog, he will act like that without any reserve. He only has benefits in his eyes. If behaving like a slave is the only way to achieve his goals, then there is no harm in that.

What can a shitty ego give him? Will it bring him benefits?

_Although he was an Alpha and a Sadist to his core through and through, if a situation permits, he didn't see any reason as not to behave like a licking dog. Afterall, in the end everything revolves around Benefits. His past life made him understand that in a hard and painful way.

_But there is no need for him to faun over Tang Yuehua in the current situation.

Indeed..., he can coax her better if he said some bitchy dialogues that will bring most satisfaction to her. But it's effect won't bring him any benefits. He has better way to take advantage of this situation. Letting her know that he was angry is the best way.

Although it was a best way, he can't say it outright. Xie Yue knows that.


Hearing his words, Tang Yuehuas' eyes brightened a little. She took every word he said into her mind. At last, she raised her head and said, still crying;

" Really? Then from now on call me mother~" Listening to him saying she was like a mother to him, Tang Yuehua decided to take advantage of the situation and Asked him to call her with that title.

(Author: Women are such a creatures)

" Mm, Don't cry teach... Mother~" Xie Yue also complied without asking unnecessary questions, keeping the facade of an understanding and obedient boy. He didn't see any reason to oppose or not calling her mother.

In his opinion, It's always good to have one more mommy.

'After Coming to this world, this is my third mother. Hehe ' Xie Yue was amused thinking about this. His real age was already over 70. But he got a mother who was of the age of 30+

Even though Tang Yuehua collected her emotions together, she still felt little insecure, so she asked him again.

" Moon... You really aren't angry with me anymore?" She asked looking into his eyes.

" Yeah, Since mommy said she will do anything for me, I won't be angry with her " He said as a matter of fact. Using the word mommy felt naughtier for him.

"Oh~ Yeah. Mommy will do anything for you" Tang Yuehua also didn't feel anything, She also felt his statement is correct, Didn't she say that herself? She will do anything for him.... (Author: Did she really said that?)



