56. Age Old Philosophy

The day passed by and the night came;

" Mother, I have to leave now...." Xie Yue said to Tang Yuehua.

" Next time, you must stay with me for longer" Tang Yuehua said as she tiptoed and kissed Xie Yue's cheeks. Without her heels it was harder for her to kiss him.

" You have already grown this tall~" She said with a smile as she felt the changes in his height.

_Xie Yue was now nearly 170cm in height, Tang Yuehua was 164cm.

Now, with Xie Yue's height being taller than her, she can't kiss him without tiptoeing.

" Yeah... I have grown taller and I will continue to grow taller " Xie Yue said as they hugged and bid farewell.

Tang Yuehua didn't make a scene about him leaving earlier since Xie Yue had already explained to her the reason. He said that he had came with his uncle's daughter, and she was at a hotel waiting for him, So he have to leave.

Xie Yue still didn't tell her about his biological sister Hu Liena. So until now, Tang Yuehua only thought that he was alone. And Tang Yuehua thinking that way was favourable for him in many situations, so he continued to let her think that way.


Leaving the moon pavilion, Xie Yue felt little sorry for this day.

' if I had stayed here today, I should be able to take advantage of my little teacher. Ohh~ Now mother...'

' But I have my schedule tight already... Although corrupting her and making her my pet mommy is fun and enjoyable, still I can't waste my time here. Immortal grass is the main priority. Until I can have those grasses in my hand, I can't be careless' Xie Yue thought in his mind.

_Anything related to Dugu family is very important to him. He can't delay the plan regarding Immortal grass.

_Yeah, if he had wished he can indeed spend the night with his new mother. After all, it's just a half day more delay...

Is he going to capture this world in this half a day? No, He isn't going to and He will not loose anything.

But he is still not going to take risk in this matter regarding Immortal grass.

_A place to flirt is a hero's grave

Tang Yuehua can wait. She is not going to run away. But Dugu Yan can't wait...

What if Dugu Yan came out of the city half a day before Xie Yue reaches there? At that time it will be a loss for him.

' The next time I come here.... I will enjoy my new mother's milkers~

After all, now she is my mother, Her milkers belongs to me, She can't say anything to that' Xie Yue licked his lips with his tongue as he thought evilly in his heart.

Since Tang Yuehua wanted to be his mother so much, how can he say no to her?.

Hehe... But being his mother comes with a price. The price can be small or big depending on one's perspective; That is, Tang Yuehua must do her duty as her mother properly.... Feeding him milk is one of them. Even If she can't produce milk, Xie Yue will try sucking the milk out of her milkers all his life. There is no harm in trying.

Didn't everyone says that Hardwork will always bear fruit? He wants to confirm that ancient saying. He will keep trying... He won't get tired unless her boobs gets old. (Kekkkee)




2 days Later_

A carriage left the Heaven Duo Empire City Gate.

Through the carriage window, A beautiful little girl was waving her chubby little hands at the passerbys. That girl was Ning Rongrong.

After two days of traveling, they have already reached their destination; Heaven Duo Imperial Academy.

Since the academy is situated outside the imperial city, they have to leave the City gate before reaching here.


As the carriage continued to move; Through the carriage window, one can see a tall mountain in the distance. That is where the Heaven Duo imperial academy is located.

" Woww... Big browtherr is that the mountain you mentioned? It's getting bigger and bigger" Rongrong exclaimed cutely as she saw the mountain. In her view; As the carriage traveled in the direction of the mountain, the mountain became bigger.

" Rongrong... It's not the mountain that is getting bigger and bigger. The Mountain was always staying there. It didn't move or change it's size. It's us who are going near it. So in our view, it was getting bigger.

It is similar to how we usually see the people and things, when they were near, they will look short or tall. depending on how close we are" Hu Liena explained to the little girl patiently.

"Ohh~~ So big, is it really possible to be this big?" Rongrong opened her cute mouth in a 'O' shape. It was really a novel experience for her and it was little hard for her to accept.

" Haha... Little Rongrong... It's really possible. There are many mountains bigger that this. There is also many rivers bigger than the little water pool we have in our home" Hu Liena said as she patted Rongrong's head.

She had experienced the same when she was young, At that time She had her brother to explain these things to her. Thinking about the experiences she had with her brother brought a big smile on her face.

" Ohh~~" Rongrong still kept her Mouth in O shape.

Hearing Hu Liena explaining to Ning Rongrong, Xie Yue smiled.

' This situation very common, it's not that Rongrong never experienced this, it's just that she was seeing something this big for the first time. So it was hard to accept for her. Once she gets used to them, she won't feel this shocked anymore.

And the problems we human faces in his/her life are also similar to this situation' Xie Yue thought in his heart as he smiled to himself when he remembered some philosophy related things.

Be it humans or other beings, everyone will face many problems in their life.

If a similar problem was given to everyone, each person will say different opinions.

_One will say that the problem is too big for them, And it is hard to solve.

_The other one will say that the problem was too easy for him, and he will be able to find the solution and salvage the situation within few days.

_There may also be someone who will be able to solve the problem easily within a minute.

Did the problem ever changed? No, the size of the problem was always the same.

It was the Humans who were different, it was the perspective that is different, it was the experience each have that is different.

Same as the mountain;

_If one look at the mountain closer it will look big, if one looks at the mountain from far, it will look small. It is the difference in perspective. The closer we are to the problem the more bigger we feel and the harder it will be to accept them.

_And if a person who had seen a more bigger mountain sees this little mountain, He won't even feel anything. That is the different in experience. If we have already faced a bigger crisis in our life, we will feel that the other problems are small.

A 6 year old kid won't feel anything when facing with a regular life things. Be it their family members or their toys etc, the child won't doubt when she saw her father looking small in the distance or her toy looking bigger up close. Because she was familiar with them for a long time.

But once she meets something very big, she will have some reactions. After getting used to that feeling of awe and so on, she won't feel that way anymore. It's is the same as getting experience in one's life.

'Here, the size of the mountain never changed, And there in our life, the size of the problem never changed. Perspective and Experience are the one that makes everything different'

During his life on earth he had experience many things and had faced many problems. That is why he was able to navigate through many problems easily. His age gave him enough experience, and his experience gave him the ability to think in many different perspective.

Though his IQ also allowed him to think in many different perspective when he was young. But his IQ was average compared to other geniuses on earth. It was his age old experience that really gave him many different perspectives.




