57. Random-Luck

Few days later_

Xie Yue and others had been staying in this place for more than 6 days. It's already time for them to leave, since Ning Fengzhi had only allowed them to stay outside for only 10 days.

During these days, Xie Yue was able to meet Dugu Yan. But it was only once. And even at that time, Xie Yue was unable to have conversation with her, since the circumstances didn't allow him to contact her.

After that, he didn't get any other chance. So today Xie Yue decided to leave the place and head towards his sect.


Inside a hotel room_

" Little Rongrong, Nana... Get ready, we have to leave today " Xie Yue reminded them about their departure.

" Ummm... Big Browther can't we play here for a little longer. Home is very boring~" Rongrong said as she hung her head low.

" Haha, It's enough playing this time, We will play again next time. Now we have to go home, Father and grandpas will miss us" Xie Yue said as he picked her up from the bed. He carried her outside as hu Liena followed him.

..He also wanted to stay outside for a long time, it will help him very much. But he still can't ingnore the words of Ning Fengzhi, If he stayed outside for more than ten days, Ning Fengzhi may get angry. At that time crying won't help him gain back his freedom.

_Soon they reached outside the hotel.

Xie Yue and others got inside their luxury carriage that is waiting for them there and headed towards the direction of STGT sect.





The inside of the carriage is luxurious and Spacious. There, Xie Yue layed his head on Hu Liena's lap as he closed his eyes. Hu Liena also started massaging his head as she conversed with Ning Rongrong who was playing with her newly brought toys.

Although Soul masters doesn't need massages or anything like that to relax themselves, Xie Yue still liked that feeling of getting served, so he taught her to massage himself. Getting massaged by Hu Liena's soft hand always brought him peace.

_As he enjoyed her soft hand, Xie Yue thought about the gains he had this time.

' It seems I didn't gain anything that much in this trip. Although I was able to interact with some other important people made some plans, I still didn't accomplish my main goal. I failed to get closer to Dugu Yan and only saw her from afar'

Xie Yue lamented about his shitty luck. The so-called coincidence didn't work between him and Dugu Yan. Although he always played around with Ning Rongrong within the vicinity of Heaven Duo imperial academy, he only get to see Dugu Yan for once. And that is also from afar, before he had the time to plan and interact with Dugu Yan, she already left.

' Sigh.... I can only blame my shitty luck for this'

' But it doesn't matter, Afterall, I only wanted to try my luck with Dugu Yan. If I was able to capture her heart at the first sight with my Handsomeness, it was always good. But since it didn't work out this time, I can only go for my second plan. Afterall, I can't always wait for her like this everytime and try my luck'

Although he had thought about many ways to get close to Dugu Bo, His best plan and solution for this problem had always been Dugu Yan. Other plans has many loopholes that can back fire him. So he didn't mind wasting some of his time to try this shitty method by stalking the snake woman, even though he had known the success rate of this method is very very low.

Getting Dugu Yan's heart will help him immensely. Afterall, once He capture her heart and body, even if Dugu Bo was dissatisfied with him, Dugu Bo won't do anything excessively.

And the value of Dugu Yan will never stop at that, After he gets his hands on those immortal grasses, even if Dugu Bo gets to know the value of them, he won't go as far as to kill himself. Afterall he was also a granddaughter slave like Qian Daoliu.

But now, without the protection of Dugu Yan, Even if he somehow meets Dugu Bo and fool him, Xie Yue was not sure Dugu Bo won't kill him when Dugu Bo become suspicious of his actions. Xie Yue's background won't protect him at that time.

A Title Douluo has many incredible ways to erase someone off this world....

But these are only when Dugu Bo gets to know the value of the Immortal grasses. It won't happen anytime soon. Afterall, Unless Xie Yue himself or Tang San, Yang Wudi or Yue Guan opens their mouth, there won't be any chance of Dugu Bo knowing the value of those godly immortal grasses.

' Now, I have to be careful in my actions... Sigh.. What a hassle ' Xie Yue thought in his mind as he furrowed his eye brows subconsciously.

Even though there is not much chance of Dugu Bo knowing, He still didn't want to bet on this possibility. Afterall, what he was stealing is Tang Sans' opportunity that the Plane spirit had set up. As the current child of luck of this world, Stealing Tang San's chances may backfire sometimes.

Although the chances of that backfire happening is little, since The plane conscious is currently in a slumber.(AN: Read CH 13 if you wants to know how things work in Douluo World)

But still being careful is never a bad thing. The matter regarding luck had always been mystery, Xie Yue didn't want to be careless.

Tang San's opportunities can be stolen by Xie Yue since he was an anomaly of this world. And the so-called luck is the opportunities and the growth route the plane spirit had set up and calculated. So the so called luck can be stolen by someone outside the 'Box'. Here, the so-called luck is not that mysterious.


But after living in this world for more than 10 years... With his current knowledge and brain, Xie Yue was able to see many things clearly.

Although the child of luck is someone choosen by plane conscious, why was it Tang San?

Although it can be justifiable when someone says that the plane conscious have woke up not long ago and choose the most potential one... Why was it wasn't Qian Renxue or Bibi Dong who got choosen? Their potential is better or equal to Tang San.

And in Douluo Dalu 2, is Huo Yuhao someone with more talent than others?

_There maybe many reasons for that. Maybe Huo Yuhao was chosen after examining his life experience and other things that was needed for that time's Imprisoned plane conscious which wanted to create someone against Tang San, who imprisoned it. Or maybe it was solely 'Random'.

So here, didn't getting choosen by plane conscious depends on some mysteries luck in the first place? Is 'Random' not luck? Why is it Tang San who was chosen but not others?

It seemed Like this luck was some universal law that is higher than Planetary luck that also can influence planet spirit.

When thinking about these things Xie Yue felt head ache. He was unable to understand this mystery currently so he put them aside for latter. But he understood something when connecting with his past life knowledges. This Luck is not something like the so-called Fate the people spoke of in his past life. This mysterious universal luck feels like some utterly 'Random' thing without a conscious.

But Xie Yue also knows that the so-called 'Random' is the outcome of this mysterious Luck. Here 'Random' Plays a mysterious role. Very Very random role.

Maybe he himself was also one of the outcome of the 'Random'. If it wasn't, he don't believe he can occupy Xie Yue.

'Random' Works in some mysteries ways... 'Random' was the outcome of luck and everything was the outcome of Random. _It was his current understanding.

But still the truth that he was unable to completely understand this mysterious luck proves that, there maybe or may not some chances of unexpected things happening against himself was possible.

Xie Yue was not sure if Tang San or others will meet Dugu Bo by some shitty 'Random' coincidence and somehow plot against himself. So he have to be careful of that until he devour those grasses completely.

But that will take decades since He can't absorb another immortal grass without absorbing the previous immortal grass completely. That duration is more than enough for some shitty coincidence to happen. So he always wanted a fool proof plan where Dugu won't do anything to him.

'It's better if I change my second plan a little bit.... Missing Dugu Yan will not do me anything good' Xie Yue thought things through as he relaxed his eyebrows.

Seeing his furrowing and relaxing eyebrows Hu Liena felt little worried.

' it seems my brother was in a bad mood. Sigh... I wants to help my brother. But he won't say anything to me and kept all his hardship within himself ' Hu Liena felt sad thinking about Xie Yue facing everything alone.

_Hu Liena was always like this, Although Furrowing eyebrows were a small matter, She didn't think that way.

She wanted her brother to live worry free.

He had always Protected her when she was child. Now she had already grown up, she thinks it was now her duty to safe guard him. So she had always thought of many ways to ease his worries.

But Xie Yue won't say anything to her which will allow her to help him effectively, so now she can only do...

' I can only help my brother ease his stress by letting him ravage my mouth~~' Hu Liena thought, her charming face blushing.








Note: 'Random' will be explained later. Trust the Author and Enjoy the Story.