

  Chapter 198 Yunshan wins over Guhe

  Yunlan Sect.

  In the hall, all the elders gathered together.

  Everyone looked unhappy.

  The entire Jiama had been planned for decades.

  But recently the sect has been hit by a wall, and bad news has come one after another.

  First, the action against the snake people was blocked by a mysterious strong man.

  Secondly, against the destruction of the Mitel family, a total of two Dou Huangs, two Dou Wangs, and a group of disciples were dispatched. Against the

  Mitel family, which only Hai Bodong was in charge, this should have been a crushing battle. Who would have thought that Xiao Yan, who was hunted down at the time, would come back.

  Not only did he improve his own strength, he also brought back three Dou Huangs and more than ten Dou Wangs, and massacred all the people of the Yunlan Sect.

  Now, such a force suddenly broke into Jiama, causing the Jiama Royal Family, the Alchemist Guild, the Nalan Family, and the Mu Family, who were originally watching, to have signs of standing in line.

  Facing so many forces and opponents at once, even the elders of Yunlan Sect could not bear the pressure.

  "Sect Master, we must think of a way. Once Xiao Yan and the others have reached an agreement, Yunlan Sect will have to face the invasion of the army."

  An elder cupped his hands to the old man in front.

  "Don't worry, I have made a decision. You just need to focus on preparing for the war."

  Yunshan's face was indifferent, without any emotion. "Give the order, and each disciple should adjust their status. You should check the sect's formation and don't miss anything."

  The elders present observed the expression of the sect master, and there was no falsehood at all. It was obvious that he was confident.

  Everyone was curious, but seeing that the sect master did not mention it, they did not ask too much.

  Soon, everyone left.

  The hall gradually became empty.

  At this time, a figure walked in from outside.

  The man was a middle-aged man wearing a pharmacist's robe.

  "Sect Master Yun."

  Gu He cupped his hands to him, "I wonder what's the matter with calling me back suddenly?"

  Yunshan frowned slightly.

  Ever since he sealed Yun Yun's power and locked her up, Gu He has been wandering outside the sect under various excuses of looking for medicine.

  "Elder Gu, you should have heard about the rumors outside."

  Gu He nodded after listening to Yun Shan's words.

  The whole empire was in an uproar, how could he not know.

  "Xiao Yan wants to call on other forces to launch a siege against Yun Lan Sect together. I hope you can help with this."

  Yun Shan did not beat around the bush.

  In the Jia Ma Empire, the reputation of the sixth-grade alchemist Gu He is greater than that of the president of the Alchemist Guild Fa Ma.

  And Gu He has been indebted to many people.

  "Master Yun, this matter..."

  Gu He frowned, his expression somewhat resistant.

  He was just an honorary elder of Yun Lan Sect, and there was no need for him to get involved in such a matter.

  "Elder Gu, I know you have always had feelings for Yun'er."

  Yunshan interrupted Gu He's words directly. Seeing Gu He's gaze, he looked normal, with a slight smile on his lips. "I've told you before about Yun'er and Xiao Yan. It's hard for you to get into her heart if Xiao Yan doesn't die."

  Hearing this, Gu He lowered his eyes and fell silent.

  It has always been no secret in Yun Lan Sect that he has a crush on Yun Yun.

  However, Yun Yun never had any feelings for him.

  At first, he thought Yun Yun didn't want to put her mind on this.

  Gu He waited silently.

  But with the appearance of the boy named Xiao Yan, he realized that it was not that Yun Yun didn't have this idea, but that she simply didn't have any feelings for him.

  "Master Yun, you are joking. More than two years ago, Xiao Yan was able to kill Dou Wang. Now he has been promoted to Dou Wang. I am not his opponent."

  Gu He hoped that Xiao Yan would die, but he knew in his heart that he had no chance of winning against Xiao Yan.

  "No, no, Elder Gu has misunderstood. Xiao Yan, I will deal with him personally. I came here today just to borrow your reputation."   

  Yunshan shook his head slightly, "I want to marry Yun Yun to you. Elder Gu just needs to nod, and I will arrange a wedding for you and Yun Er in three days."


  His breathing stagnated, Gu He was stunned for a moment, his eyes slowly looked at Yunshan, and after observing carefully for two seconds, he found that he didn't seem to be joking.

  "Elder Gu, although Yun Er doesn't have feelings for you yet, you can get married first. After Xiao Yan dies, you can slowly cultivate with her, which is not a problem."

  Yunshan smiled slightly, "What do you think of this proposal, Elder Gu?"

  Yun Yun represents the identity of the leader of the Yun Lan Sect. If Gu He is willing to marry her, it means that he and the Yun Lan Sect are completely tied together. As

  long as the wedding is completed, the Yun Lan Sect does not need to announce anything at all, and it can let others know the attitude of this sixth-grade alchemist.

  Gu He did not speak, but bowed to Yunshan.

  Yunshan's smile became even bigger.


  Jia Ma Empire, the imperial capital.

  In a hall of the royal family, everyone gathered together.

  Xiao Yan was the core of the scene, and Jia Xingtian, Fa Ma and others were sitting around.

  These are the leaders of the forces of the Jia Ma Empire.

  Their words basically represent the direction of the empire.

  At this moment, everyone's faces were full of smiles, which was in sharp contrast to the sad faces of the elders of the Yunlan Sect.

  As Yao Lao took the initiative to show up and take on the responsibility of dealing with Dou Zong, everyone present felt relieved.

  The fear of the Yunlan Sect is largely due to the oppression brought by Yunshan.

  "Jia Lao, the injury of the Youhai Jiao Beast is not a big problem. You should send the medicinal materials for the Hunyuan Bone Shaping Pill as soon as possible, and I will refine it immediately."

  Xiao Yan looked at the old man in hemp robe.

  The advantage of our side is already huge. If we can have another sixth-level monster join us, maybe we don't need the senior to take action.

  When the Youhai Jiao Beast recovers, it will be the day to launch a general attack on the Yunlan Sect.

  "No problem, I will arrange someone to get it now."

  Jia Xingtian's eyebrows flashed with joy.

  Seeing that everything was settled, everyone's faces smiled even more.

  Suddenly, a messenger bird flew over and landed on the windowsill. Hai Bodong raised his hand and the bird landed in his palm.

  Taking off the note he carried, Hai Bodong slowly unfolded it, and his face changed suddenly after a glance.

  "Hai Lao, what's wrong?"

  Xiao Yan asked hurriedly.

  "In order to win over Gu He, Yun Shan plans to hold a wedding for him in three days and marry Yun Yun to him."

  Hai Bodong looked at him straight.

  If I remember correctly, there seems to be an unclear relationship between this kid and Yun Yun.

  "Three days later? Then we will go up the mountain in three days and give Yun Shan a big gift on this happy day!"

  Xiao Yan set the date directly.

  Everyone looked at each other and had no objection. Everyone in the Black Horn Region hurried back and didn't want to stay too long.

  The Jia Ma Empire also had a similar idea. Gu He's influence could not be ignored. Solving Yun Shan as soon as possible can minimize the variables.

  After taking the medicinal materials, Xiao Yan left the royal family.

  On the way, Xiao Yan wanted to ask Lin Xiuya and others about the news of Senior Lin Xiu, but learned that they had no specific contact information.

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan had to give up.

  "Senior always keeps his promises, so he shouldn't be absent."

  He thought to himself.

  In fact, at this moment, Lin Xiu had already arrived in the imperial capital with Medusa and Zi Yan.

  A group of people walked on the street.