

  Chapter 199 Yun Yun's Wedding

  After entering the imperial capital, Lin Xiu and the other two found a restaurant.

  Because Medusa's figure was too hot, even with her face covered, she still attracted many eyes, so they went into a private room.

  After Lin Xiu finished ordering, Medusa looked at him with confusion, "Why don't we go directly to Yunlan Sect? This king can deal with Yunshan, and with you and the little girl, Yunlan Sect is not a threat at all."


  Zi Yan slapped the table, "I'm not a little girl!"

  Glancing at her, Medusa ignored it.

  "Why are you in such a hurry? Anyway, it's been a year since you had a conflict with Yunlan Sect, and there are only two or three days left."

  Lin Xiu didn't intend to explain.

  Thinking of the problems he had encountered with the magic core in the past two days, he asked directly: "How do you cultivate the poison attribute fighting spirit of the snake people? Do you need to use a specific technique?"

  "Huh? You want to change your cultivation?"

  Medusa was a little surprised. "Except for a specific environment, there is no such thing as poison attribute fighting spirit. The snake people's fighting spirit has toxins and corrosion, which comes from the blood.

  Even if you get the magic core, you can't cultivate it, unless you can find a poisonous place or a natural poison source that can provide you with a continuous supply."

  No wonder.

  Now Lin Xiu understood why he successfully opened up the Yuanqiao, but couldn't fill up the poison attribute fighting spirit.

  There is no poison in the air, so how can he absorb it?

  "You already have the strange fire, there is no need to make toxins. After all, it is very rare to have a poison as strong as the strange fire."

  Medusa persuaded out of kindness.

  At such a young age, you should focus all your energy on cultivation. Fighting skills and toxins will hinder the speed of cultivation.

  "Thank you for reminding me, I know my limits."

  Lin Xiu nodded.

  I have a poisonous orifice that can absorb toxins, so I don't have to worry about not having strong poisons.

  For example, the poison of the evil poison body.

  After a hearty meal, Lin Xiu planned to find a place to stay and go to Yunlan Sect in three days.

  From the news that Gu He married Yun Yun, it was possible to guess the day when Xiao Yan would go to Yunlan Sect without asking.


  Three days later.

  Xiao Yan and his party were ready. Outside the imperial capital, the army was neatly lined up and marched towards Yunlan Mountain.

  "Master Xiao, aren't you going to wait for Elder Lin?"

  Su Mei from Luosha Sect asked as they were about to set off.

  Tie Wu and Yin Lao stood beside her.

  Elder Lin?

  Hearing Su Mei's words, Hai Bodong, Jia Xingtian and others had a flash of doubt in their eyes.

  Feeling a bunch of eyes converging on him, Xiao Yan didn't know how to answer because he couldn't contact anyone.

  "I don't think we need to wait."

  Xiao Li spoke to attract everyone's attention, "We now have seven Dou Huangs and more than ten Dou Wangs. It won't have much impact if we lose one Dou Huang."

  "If we continue to wait, if Gu He and Yun Yun's marriage goes smoothly, many people will probably come out to interfere."

  Knowing that it was only a Dou Huang, Hai Bodong also agreed to go directly to the mountain.

  The people of Jia Ma Empire undoubtedly stood on Xiao Yan's side and agreed with Xiao Li's opinion.

  The minority obeyed the majority.

  Su Mei and the other two did not say anything more.

  "Don't worry, I will take care of Yunshan."

  Xiao Yan could guess their worries and emphasized it again, giving them a shot of cardiotonic.

  Then. One

  by one, the monsters flew into the air, and Xiao Yan

  and others directly spread their fighting spirit wings and flew towards Yunlan Mountain. On the other side.

  Yunlan Mountain was decorated with lights and colors, a festive scene.

  The huge square was filled with tables and chairs, and the banquet was full.

  Near the corner, Lin Xiu and Zi Yan were sitting at the table.

  "This is delicious, Lin Xiu, this is not bad either."

  Zi Yan kept her hands busy.   

  Next to Lin Xiu, a young man smiled and said, "The sect master should come out later. Let me tell you, our sect master is very beautiful, but it's a pity that she was married to Elder Gu."

  "Really? Do you have any thoughts about the sect master?"

  Lin Xiu asked casually.

  The young man was the young master of the Lin family in Telan City, and the owner of the horse that Lin Xiu had fed before.

  Three days ago, Lin Xiu had just arrived in the imperial capital and came out after dinner, and accidentally ran into him.

  The other party was very surprised to see Lin Xiu and came forward to talk enthusiastically.

  Later, he learned that Lin Xiu had returned from Canaan Academy and had nothing to do, so he invited him to Yunlan Sect to watch the ceremony.

  Because the young man was in charge of purchasing, it didn't matter if he brought one or two people in.

  So, Lin Xiu went to Yunlan Sect before Xiao Yan and sat at the banquet.

  The reason why Medusa was not there was because her figure and appearance were too outstanding, and it was not a secret in the Jiama Empire.

  Once she showed up, she would soon attract the attention of Yunlan Sect.

  A hint of shyness flashed across the young man's face, and then he nodded, with a somewhat regretful tone, "The sect master rarely shows up. Since Xiao Yan's battle with the young sect master, the sect master has not appeared again. The old sect master has been in charge of the sect."

  "Have you thought about your future plans?"

  Lin Xiu looked at him.

  The young man was stunned.

  Lin Xiu said, "For example, if the Yunlan Sect is gone, what will you do in the future? Go back to Telan City?"

  The young man's pupils trembled, and he quickly looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  He lowered his voice, "This is Yun Lan Sect, how can you say such nonsense, it will cause public outrage."

  After a pause, he added: "Yun Lan Sect will not be destroyed. I have also heard about what happened in the imperial capital a few days ago, but you are not from Yun Lan Sect, so you don't know it at all. In the past

  few years, the sect has produced many Dou Wang and Dou Huang. Many elders have stagnated at Dou Wang for more than ten years. During this period, they have broken through to Dou Huang. With Xiao Yan and those people from the Jia Ma Empire, they can't be our opponents."

  "Because you are not from the sect, there are some things I can't tell you, but there is one thing I can be sure of. The old sect master has made a lot of arrangements. If Xiao Yan dares to come today, he will be annihilated here."

  The young man pointed to the end, and said it very implicitly, but from his expression, it can be seen that he is full of confidence in Yun Lan Sect.

  Zi Yan next to him curled her lips.

  These people didn't realize who was the winner.

  What's the point of guarding against Xiao Yan? Lin Xiu and the snake girl are enough to subvert Yun Lan Sect.

  She didn't say these words.

  The whole square was very lively, and people kept passing through and heading to the hall in front.

  Although the Yun Lan Sect is now surrounded by enemies, some people still come to give gifts and congratulations.

  And these people are all for Gu He's face.

  In the hall.

  The elders are smiling brightly. In the middle of the crowd, Gu He is wearing a festive robe, with a glorious face and radiant spirit.

  With a call of "Sect Master", Yun Shan walked in from outside.

  Seeing this, the other elders left one after another.

  "Sect Master."

  Gu He saluted him, and his arms were supported before he bowed down.

  "Haha, Gu He, after today, you will be a member of my Yun Lan Sect. If I am not here in the future, the sect will rely on you."

  Yun Shan smiled.

  Gu He waved his hands repeatedly.

  "By the way, according to reliable information, Xiao Yan is going to bring people to attack Yun Lan Sect today."

  Yun Shan's face suddenly became serious.

  Gu He's smile faded, his eyes sparkled, he was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Sect Master, I won't let anyone ruin my wedding with Yun Yun."

  "Haha, with your reputation as Dan King Gu He in the Jia Ma Empire, if someone ruins the wedding... it would be a shame."

  Yun Shan said with a hint of instigation in his tone.

  "Sect Master, I'll go out to entertain the guests first."

  Gu He nodded slightly and found an excuse to leave.

  This provocation was too straightforward, but for Yun Yun, he could only accept it.