

  Chapter 201 Xiao Yan vs. Yunshan Dou

  Qi emerged, and the light bloomed.

  Pairs of wings condensed by Dou Qi, in different colors, stuck to the backs of many elders of Yunlan Sect.

  They looked up at the sky and flapped their wings into the air.


  The whistling sound continued, and these white-robed figures surrounded Jia Xingtian, Hai Bodong and others.

  Among the crowd, only Xiao Yan was ignored.

  "Little bastard, I will crush your bones bit by bit with my own hands."

  Yunshan raised his right foot, and when he fell again, his figure suddenly appeared in the air, as if there were invisible steps supporting him to approach Xiao Yan little by little.

  The dark green Dou Qi flowed out of his body, and the majestic energy emitted made the space around Yunshan constantly vibrate.

  "This is Dou Zong. Even the overflowing energy is enough to make the space tremble. It's terrible."

  As soon as he sat down, Master Lin saw the scene of the old sect master's attack and exclaimed in shock.

  The last time he saw it, it seemed to be against Xiao Yan.

  It's just that the old sect master didn't seem to have mastered his own power that time. Today, both the momentum and the pressure are much stronger.

  "Can Xiao Yan do it?"

  Zi Yan tilted her head to look at Lin Xiu who was sitting upright. He didn't seem to have any intention of taking action.

  "It's hard to say, but one thing is certain, he won't lose immediately."

  Lin Xiu replied.

  Master Lin next to him was immediately surprised and said, "No way, do you know who that is? The old sect master of our Yunlan Sect, a Dou Zong strongman, a Dou Zong, Xiao Yan can indeed beat Elder Gu with some strength, but if the old sect master takes action personally, he will definitely not be able to hold on for long."

  Lin Xiu smiled and said nothing.

  On the surface, anyone can see that Xiao Yan is only at the peak of Dou Wang.

  But the description of Xiao Yan in the book is that he can temporarily have the peak of Dou Huang by using the Three Mysterious Changes of Sky Fire and his constantly tempered physique.

  What's more, Xiao Yan has the support of Yao Lao.

  In the air, Xiao Yan's handprints changed, and then his momentum suddenly rose, exuding the oppression that only Dou Huang has.

  The people who were paying attention here were slightly surprised, without too much shock.

  It is indeed terrifying to have Douhuang power in his early twenties, and his talent is amazing.

  But when the person he faces is a Douzong, this strength still seems a little pale.

  Soon, Xiao Yan and Yunshan collided with each other, and the Dou Qi between the two was surging, and there were roars one after another.

  "Hiss... My God, is this the fighting power that a twenty-year-old can have? Then who the hell am I?"

  Master Lin raised his face, full of astonishment and shock. That kid can actually fight with the old master.

  If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it if it spread out?

  Hearing Lin Xiu's laughter next to him, he turned his head, "What are you laughing at? We are the same, and you are still practicing in Canaan College. When you meet such a person, you feel more frustrated than me."

  "Just kidding, Xiao Yan regards me as a role model."

  Lin Xiu pointed at himself.

  "You have learned bad things when you came to the college. You were the most honest in the Lin family before."

  Master Lin sneered.

  Don't I know you? It's enough to have the opportunity to enter Canaan College and practice well.

  You are still bragging to yourself.

  Do you really think I'm stupid?

  Lin Xiu saw Zi Yan glancing at him and spread his hands.

  No one believes the truth.


  Zi Yan couldn't help laughing.

  "Look, your companions are laughing at you. Next time you brag, remember to find a place where there are no familiar people. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing to be exposed."

  The young man patted Lin Xiu on the shoulder and advised earnestly.

  Suddenly, Zi Yan couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

  The battle became more and more intense, and Master Lin turned his attention to the battlefield.   

  Soon, his face turned gloomy.

  Because on the Yun Lan Sect side, many elders gradually fell into a disadvantage.

  The previous attack on the Mitel family lost two Dou Huangs, and the attack on the Snake People caused the elders to be injured.

  Now facing the forces led by Xiao Yan, they were actually somewhat unable to resist.


  The tip of the gun flashed with cold light, and directly pierced through the shoulder of an elder, and the blood stained his clothes red.

  The elder screamed in pain and was thrown to the ground.

  Xiao Li looked around with a gun in his hand, and a happy look appeared on his face, "We got the advantage at the beginning, and now it's stable. After cleaning up these elders, even if Yunshan is a Dou Zong, one person can't make any waves."


  If I had known that the Yun Lan Sect was so weak, why would I have asked my third brother to invite Lin Xiu.

  Moreover, this guy is too unreliable!

  He was obviously invited to deal with the Yun Lan Sect, but he disappeared as soon as he entered the territory of the Jia Ma Empire, and he didn't even have a way to contact him.

  When the battle started, there was no sign of Lin Xiu. It is naturally impossible to say that he has no complaints at all.

  Xiao Li knew that Lin Xiu and his brother had put forward many conditions. In addition to the entire Yunlan Sect, he also asked his third brother to owe a promise.

  "You are not old, but your desire is not small. How many years of accumulation of the entire Yunlan Sect, can you eat it all by yourself?"

  Xiao Li's eyes flickered, and a touch of inexplicable color swept across them, and then he rushed towards another elder.

  "Elder Hai, I'll help you."

  Hai Bodong heard Xiao Li's voice while fighting with his opponent.

  A spear carrying an arc of electricity pierced out from a hidden angle, pointing directly at the elder's head.

  The elder obviously did not expect someone to sneak attack, and flashed a trace of panic.

  As soon as he dodged the spear, a bone-piercing chill broke out of his body.

  "You kid has developed well in the Black Horn Region, and your spear skills are more vicious."

  Hai Bodong praised.

  It was indeed a wise move to invest in Xiao Yan at the beginning. There are three brothers in the family, and now there are two Dou Wang.

  In the entire Jia Ma Empire, who else can have such vision as himself.

  "Old Hai, now is not the time to chat. Go help my third brother first. Yunshan is too flexible."

  Being praised, Xiao Li smiled and pointed to another battlefield.

  After using the Three Mysterious Changes of Skyfire, Xiao Yan's strength has been improved, but compared with Dou Zong, his speed is his disadvantage.

  Although Xiao Yan even propped up the Purple Cloud Wings and activated them together with the Dou Qi Wings.

  However, without the blessing of Three Thousand Thunder Movements, he couldn't do it like the original work, with a speed that was not inferior to Dou Zong.


  Hai Bodong flapped his wings and turned to fly towards Xiao Yan.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity when Xiao Yan attacked Yunshan, Hai Bodong drew a circle with his palm, and several ice spears condensed.


  With a low shout, Hai Bodong stretched out his hand and pushed it out, and suddenly a series of broken winds sounded.

  Yunshan noticed the movement and slapped those ice spears hard. The void shook, waves appeared, and the ice spears were directly broken.

  "You think you can sneak attack me with just this little skill?"

  Yunshan glanced at Hai Bodong with disdain, only to find that the corner of his mouth slowly curled up.

  At this moment, a strong wind blew from behind.

  A fist mixed with power was smashed towards his face by a young man with a ferocious look.

  "Looking for death!"

  Seeing that Xiao Yan dared to get close, Yunshan laughed angrily, and his other hand stretched out like lightning, grabbing the fist firmly.


  Being caught by Yunshan, Xiao Yan not only did not show panic, but a hint of sarcasm appeared in his eyes.

  Yunshan was startled, and immediately felt a chill erupting behind him. This chill was different from Hai Bodong's ice-attributed fighting spirit, and it was mixed with a strange heat.

  He wanted to fight back, but Xiao Yan grabbed his arm with his five fingers.