

  Chapter 202: Come out quickly? !


  The next second, the fierce attack landed on Yunshan's back, and the momentum contained in it exploded.

  Yunshan rushed out, and under the gaze of many people, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

  When his figure dived straight down and was only a dozen meters away from the ground, Yunshan finally stabilized.

  His ferocious face, coupled with the glaring blood stains left at the corners of his mouth, was even more terrifying.

  "How could it be? Who did it? Who could actually beat the old sect master who is a Dou Zong to vomit blood?"

  The young master Lin jumped up from the chair and couldn't sit still.

  The old sect master is the pillar of the Yunlan Sect, like a stabilizing force.

  He must not get into trouble!

  If the old sect master falls, what can the Yunlan Sect use to face these enemies?

  "Is that... a soul?"

  Young Master Lin looked up and looked at Xiao Yan's side. A floating transparent figure was reflected in his eyes full of astonishment.

  What kind of mysterious strong man is this?

  Everyone in the Yunlan Sect was stunned.

  Yunshan's figure rose again until he was level with Xiao Yan and the others. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I vaguely felt that Xiao Yan's power was a bit strange back then. I guess you were the one who was playing tricks on him back then?"

  "That's right!"

  Yao Lao looked down on him with a faint smile on his face, "How can a small Dou Zong like you insult and bully my student Yao Zun?

  If it was back then, I only needed one word and your Yunlan Sect would be expelled from the continent!"

  As soon as the words fell, even the people in the Black Horn Region or the people in the Jia Ma Empire.

  Those who had met Yao Lao also had a storm in their hearts after hearing Yao Lao's words.

  On the continent, those who can call themselves "Zun" are generally Dou Zun strongmen.

  No wonder Xiao Yan, at such a young age, has the strength of a Dou Wang peak and is also a sixth-grade alchemist.

  It turns out that there is a Dou Zun teacher teaching him behind the scenes.

  Envious eyes swept over Xiao Yan, and at this moment, many people's hearts were filled with a sour taste.

  You know, in the Jiama Empire, Dou Zong is already an extremely rare strong man.

  And Dou Zun, that is a word that can only be found in historical books.

  But this little guy who came out of Wutan City on the border of the empire actually worshipped a Dou Zun.

  "Ahhh!! I should have asked my father to move our family to Wutan City. It's only a day's walk from Teran City."

  Young Master Lin beat his chest and stamped his feet, extremely emotional.

  "Calm down, have you ever considered that Dou Zun may also look at conditions when accepting disciples? You can't even enter Canaan College, and even if you meet him, you may not have a chance."

  Lin Xiu wanted to comfort him, not wanting this guy to make too much noise and attract other people's attention.

  The person behind Yunshan has not appeared yet, and now is not the time to close the net.

  "Lin Xiu, you must not have comforted people often..."

  The young man covered his face with his hands, wanting to cry but without tears.

  Just don't yell.

  Glancing at him, Lin Xiu achieved his goal and ignored him.

  The drama in the sky is about to enter its exciting moment.

  Even Yunshan, after learning of Yao Chen's true identity, his pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a little shocked.

  However, he adjusted quickly.

  It is true that the other party is a Dou Zun.

  But the past is the past, and the present is the present.

  You are just a soul body now. Comparing yourself with the past, how much strength can you exert? Taking

  a deep breath, Yunshan smiled grimly, "Old thing, you are just a soul body, do you really think you are a big shot? Today I will send you and your master and disciple on the road together."

  "Just you?"

  White flames danced in Yao Lao's hands.

  "Hehe, I don't want to play with you, but someone has been looking for you for a long time."

  Yunshan's face flashed with pride, and he clapped his hands with a crisp sound, "Guardian Wu, you really guessed it, then this person will be handed over to you."   

  His voice echoed.

  A large amount of black fog suddenly emerged from the main hall of the Yunlan Sect below, covering the sky and the earth.

  "Another Dou Zong?!"

  "Xiao Li, what's going on? How did you investigate?"

  "Damn it! Don't you take my life seriously?!"

  The three people from the Crazy Lion Gang and the Luosha Sect felt the breath coming out of the black fog and their faces changed.

  Originally, they had dealt with several elders of the Yunlan Sect and now had the upper hand.

  This was a sure win.

  As a result, this Yunlan Sect actually hid a Dou Zong.

  If they had made this news clear before coming, they would never have participated.

  An Imperial Pill is certainly good and can help break through the realm.

  However, the premise of this is that you have to be alive to enjoy it!

  The aura of this newly appeared Dou Zong is even stronger than that of Yunshan. What can

  they use to stop it?

  The other Black Horn Domain powerhouses also looked bad.

  And Jia Xingtian, Fa Ma and others directly became very ugly.

  From the moment they set foot on the Yunlan Sect, they made a choice. If they cannot destroy the Yunlan Sect today, then the Jiama Royal Family and the Alchemist Guild will no longer exist.

  Even from today onwards, the name of the Jiama Empire may have to change.

  The two old men looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

  "Damn, what's going on? Where did Yunshan invite this guy to help?!"

  Facing the scolding of Tiewu and Su Mei, Xiao Li didn't even have the courage to refute.

  Originally, he smiled as he watched the scales of victory tilt towards his side.

  At this moment, the smile that should have been brilliant completely disappeared, and all that was left was the dullness that gradually lost its spirit.

  "Don't panic, everyone. The current situation, the old man and Xiao Yan have already anticipated it. Everything is still in the plan. The old man will go to hold that guy back. You help Xiao Yan solve Yunshan as soon as possible. We may have a chance to compete."

  Yao Lao's steady voice resounded in everyone's ears, as if with some kind of magic, and the people who were a little nervous and flustered gradually calmed down.

  As their minds calmed down, everyone's face showed determination and seriousness!

  Whether it was the people of the Black Horn Region or the people of the Jia Ma Empire, they all knew that things had developed to this point, and there was no turning back.

  Try your best, there is still a glimmer of hope!

  Otherwise, once Xiao Yan was defeated, they had no way to resist the offensive of the two Dou Zongs.

  The higher the realm of Dou Qi cultivation, the smaller the advantage brought by numbers!

  After a short pause, a more intense fight began.

  Yunshan commanded the elders and disciples to activate the Yunyan Sect's Yunyan Furi Formation.

  He rushed towards Xiao Yan.

  The battle between Dou Zongs was huge and powerful, and a little aftermath was enough to seriously injure people.

  Xiao Li, holding a spear, could only watch from a distance, without even the opportunity to join.

  "Where are the people! Where is Lin Xiuren? Why hasn't he appeared yet? What on earth does he want to do? Come out quickly?!"

  Xiao Li was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

  Having seen the battle between Lin Xiu and Han Feng, he knew that as long as Lin Xiu joined in and joined forces with his third brother, even Yunshan would not be able to hold out for long.

  Now was a race against time, and every minute and every second was particularly precious!

  At this moment.

  Lin Xiu, who was constantly begging for help from Xiao Li, was sitting at a table in an inconspicuous corner.