Luna could be seen running in the forest she was pregnant, she was breathing heavily and sweating all over.

One who didn't know would wonder what was chasing her in the forest,but few meters away was a huge man with a heart on his head.He was obviously the one after her

She was looking tired from the run but she couldn't give up her life was in danger.

As she ran she remembered the very words of her,All the warnings kept flashing to in her head "Be careful I heard that he is a bloody killer".

She ran with all her might just when she was about to step out of the forest, the huge man caught her by her hand and through her on the floor.

She winced in pain placing one hand on her belly and the second one on her waist.

The man stared at her with an evil smile paste on his lips and whispered to her "I want it all".

Just as he was about to grab he, a gunshot was Heard and the huge man fell on the ground,he looked dead.

Luna looked up from the ground and standing before her was another man,she could recognize him. luna Force herself up from the ground she looked at the man holding the gun he used to kill the huge man.Then he said to her "Do you trust me now".she nodded in affirmation and said "but I do not trust that" her finger pointing at the gun "so I will hold on to it".she said stretching for her hand.

Looking so innocent, the man turned the gun and handed it over to her when she saw that she was now in control she lifted it and shut the man right on his forehead.The man fell down dead.

[Yeah she killed her helper but was he really a helper? let's go back a little shall we, Let's start from the very beginning]

Luna could be seen working into a building she went straight to the counter and ask the young lady behind it Attorney farkas?

"IN ma'am" the young lady replied

Luna walked through the hallway and pass by two doors then stood before The attorney's door.

She was about to knock when she realized that it was slightly open and she could hear his voice as if d

talking to someone.

She peeped through the slighted open door and saw that he was on the phone she listened for a while and could hear him say "Just a little while ....just a little while man be patient, it will soon be yours. He dropped the call and laugh then he said to himself "they are both fools little Luna everything will be mine very soon".

Luna stepped back and Rushed out of the building unnoticed she went straight to her trusted friend's apartment and explained everything to her "I never liked him" Ona her friend said to her after hearing her story

luna stood up immediately and picked her bag

where are you going? her friend asked "Home" Luna Replied "I need to tell him" but her friend held her hand and said "No luna that has always been your problem you trust him too much"

"I should Ona,he is my husband"

Her friend stood up and said "Great,just so great.Can't you hear the rumors around?

For goodness sake ona I don't care about the rumors.

Okay let's forget about the rumors for now,but can't you see it for yourself Luna? that man does nothing at all, but leaves the house as early as 5:00 a.m. and return as late as 11:00 p.m , 12:00 am even 1:00 a.m. at times and you are comfortable with that, you see nothing wrong with that, you can't even investigate

Investigate what? Luna asked

"Men are different beside he will soon be called back to work,then he won't have time to go where you usually go"Luna defended.

Soon be called back?Really? How soon Luna? Oh wait a sec,that same SOON he told you three months ago? or is it THE SOON he told you last year when you both just got married?Will you stop defending him for once?

It doesn't work that way Ona besides,I ain't complaining,I have the money,I have excess of it.It doesn't really matter if Ronto (her husband) works or not.

Seeing that Luna wasn't getting her point,Ona took her hand sat her down and said to her."Understand me Luna your money,your companies,your assets,your lands,your cars,you are the wealthy one here.

If anything bad happens now who is going to lose? YOU.

if someone is to be targeted now who is it going to be?YOU

And do not forget Luna "You are pregnant"

Somehow those last few sentence touched her but she couldn't still believe that her husband could hurt her.

So she stood up,she picked up her back and say to her friend "I've heard you" then she worked out of her apartment.

One afternoon while Luna was seated in her company,Attorney stepped in and smiled at Luna they discussed for a while.Then he suddenly said to luna "Do you trust me? Of course she answered then he told her "Hand over all your Documents to me let me keep them for you,it will be best if you can sign them too.

Why? Luna asked

"Nothing dear Just for safe keeping he answered" Luna look at him and laugh a little

"I..I know its its funny but then"he stammered

Mr Farkas i understand your concern she said but I feel safer with the documents with me.Thank you so much she faked a smile.

Mr Farkas stood up and left her office but Luna could see the disappointment plastered on his face.

Luna assigned a bodyguard to keep an eye on the attorney and also another to watch her husband.She decided not to tell her husband anything and do things her way first.

They were to report daily to Luna.

While the bodyguard that was assigned to watch the attorney reported to Luna, the second one never came back. Luna became suspicious,she wondered what had happen to him.

Few days later,her husband said to her "I haven't seen one of your bodyguard,the tall dark one,is he on break"?

No babe she replied I haven't seen him either i was kinda worried.

I even wanted to ask, if you've seen him anywhere

Me? No he said innocently

But if you want we can search for him we can even report to the authorities.Her husbad added.

Luna was surprised,she couldn't find a Trace of guilt on his face

So she said "never mind dear I'll do something about it"she thought within her Ona was wrong after all, perhaps the bodyguard have gone to see his mother who he constantly talked about,I will do well to punish him,when he returns.


It was 6:am,Luna opened her eyes to see the smiling face of her husband staring at her.

She wondered why he was staring at her smiling like that but his next words surprised her...TBC 😊