"I've been called back to work" Ronto, (Luna's husband) said to her with a smile on his face.

Luna sat up in surprise and stared at her husband

"I'm serious"he said

Luna was happy for her husband, she hugged him and said "congratulations dear"

I want us to celebrate.

Celebrate really? Luna asked

How do you want us to celebrate?She asked further

"Let's go on a picnic".he said to her

Wow That is sweet

"And I would Want us go alone dear,No Bodyguard"her husband said.

But honey,they just for protection

"I will protect you or don't you trust me?"her husband said faking sadness on his face

No of course not OK we will go alone

Happy now.

"Yes sweetie you Are the best" he replied

An hour later,the left for the picnic the drive was a long one and Luna was already getting tired.

Aren't we there yet? Luna asked him

We will be there soon sweetie he replied

But there are other wonderful places that are much more closer,why go this far for a picnic?

"I want the best for us honey,don't worry you will be amazed" Ronto replied with a smile.

After a long while of driving,Luna Realized that they've taken a path that leads to forest,she could see bushes and mighty trees

He turned to him and asked "Are we leaving town?"

But Ronto was silent instead he stopped the car told her to get down.luna was confused.

Ronto stepped down from the car and dragged her down forcefully.

"Honey what is happening"?she asked frightful

Ronto ignored her he forcefully dragged her deep into the forest,sat her down beside a tree,put hands around the tree and tied it up.

Then he looked at her and said "This is a forest no matter how loud you shout and call for help no one will hear will only attract wolves,So better be silent".

Luna stared at Ronto her husband it has suddenly become clear to her she thought within her "All this while,I've been a fool" she nodded her head and smiled defeatedly.

What is it that you want?She asked him

"Everything" he replied smiling but this time around his smile was evil

"Then why can't you get it"?

"Because you have refused to sign the documents stupid" he replied.

"Is that what this is all about?Document?

But you would have asked nicely,I would have given them to you.Besides you are my husband what is mine,is yours.Just release me,I would sign them for you".Luna decided to play along.

Ronto squirt and looked at Luna's face then he began to laugh amiss the laughter he said"You think am stupid?"

Luna knew that Ronto couldn't be fooled,he had always been smarter than her.

She smiled and said "Fine then where is he"?

Who? He asked

"You know who I'm talking about cut the pretence"She replied.

Oh you mean the bodyguard you sent to spy on me?I killed him and before the fool died,he said that you sent him.

Luna scoffed "Such an idiot"she said and Ronto laughed at her.

Luna's face was filled with regret,she wished she paid attention to her friend Ona,she remembered ever word her friend said to her,Every advice not once or twice.

She was lost in thought when her husband suddenly said to her "Wait a second, is that regret?Are you regretting not listening to your best friend?She told you so right?"

What are you talking about?Luna asked him

Her husband squirt and whispered in her ears "Ona told you so, she warned you severally on different occasions,but you were blinded by love".

Luna's eyes were wide open,she was shocked to the marrow.

Ronto saw her expression and began to laugh,he laughed so hard and said to her"You are such a baby girl,you weren't even aware that you have always been followed by my spy.Well i'm glad that you are so dumb,If you had followed her advice,You would have ruined things for me,And don't you worry sweetheart she would go unpunished."

"NO,let her out of this,it is me you want right? Here i am,don't drag her into this"Luna said

"So sorry dear but I don't like to be told what to do besides BOTH THE CULPRIT AND ACCOMPLICE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE".

"Please Ronto i beg you just let her go".Luna pleaded

But Ronto ignored her and initiated a call and said to the person at the other end "Go to the address I sent to you, you will find her there,TAKE HER LIFE".

Nooooo Luna screamed You are a monster she said crying.

"Wow,This is the first time that I have seen your tears,you must really like this your friend,such a pity"Ronto scoffed.

Luna looked at him with so much hate in her eyes,she felt like strangling him.

Don't worry sweetie I'll put you out of your misery after you sign the documents"Ronto said to her but She began to laugh then she said to him"what made you think that I'm going to sign the documents?Over my dead body"

"We shall see then" Ronto replied.

He turned to make another call,Luna turned to looked at her hands which were tied to the tree and saw a piece of glass on the ground it was close to her fingers.she picked it up and began to cut the ropes.She could hear Ronto saying to the person at the other end "You are wasting time,bring the remaining documents".

She could feel the rope cut and she gasped slightly

Ronto ended the call and turned to her direction then asked her "What is it"?

She pretended and said" Who were you on call with?

He smiled and said someone"It's a surprise and i know you love surprises".

Suddenly She gasped again then screamed

WHAT?Ronto asked her

"I saw something,just like a snake please hurry,underneath my legs" Luna said.

Ronto bent close to her to check

Sharply with the swift of her hands,she pierced the piece of glass in his left eye.

Ronto screamed and fell back on the ground.Luna who was heavily pregnant struggled few second to stand up from the ground.she managed to pulled herself up from the ground and began to run into the forest.She looked back to see that Ronto was after her thou he wasn't fast enough due to the pains he felt on his left eye which was no more.

She ran and ran and ran with all her might.

[My dear readers, if you are confused, please go back to Recall 1👆 read Till where I made a reference in brackets then come back and continue reading below 👇 for a better understanding Thank you.]

After she killed Mr Farkas she turned to look at the body of Ronto and said "I don't like to be told what to do too and you are right BOTH THE CULPRIT AND ACCOMPLICE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE".

Luna could be seen in a jet,she was leaving the country back to her hometown in mexico,she wanted to clear her mind off everything and start anew.

She remembered her Good friend Ona and tears fell from her eyes.


Luna's phone rang she picked it up and it was a familiar voice

"Hello Luna"the voice said

"who am I unto"Luna replied

Ona"The voice said

Luna gasped loudly Ona?she said Is it really you?

"Yes baby girl" Ona replied

But I thought...Are you okay? Luna asked her

"Yes I'm fine Do you remember that I once told you that mother is a seer?"

Yes" Luna replied

"Well guess what? My mum saved me" Ona said 😊


Luna could be seen sipping her wine,she stood up and smashed the glass cup on the wall and said angrily"THE GAME IS ON".