Ava was seen driving into an estate,the inside was very beautiful,flowers all around with grass carpet.Sand couldn't be seen anywhere,the ground of the estate was German floored and the some part were beautified with grass carpet.

By the both sides were beautiful mansions no little house could be seen around except the little penthouses far from the main building.

This was Ava grandfather's estate,but after his death,Ava personally decorated and renovated it.

Ava comes from a polygamous home,Her grandfather Honorato Diaz was an extremely wealthy man,he acquired alot of land and properties and married four wives.

He loved his wives very much and provided all their needs.He acquired a very big land turned it into an estate and built mansions on it.Each wife had her own house where she stayed with her own kids.

Although Mr Diaz Cherished all his wives,but he loved the last wife the most,He treated her special and gave her whatever she wanted.

You might think it's because she have more children or perhaps because she is more beautiful than the rest.No he cherished her the most because he believes that she have a good heart.

The last wife had just one daughter which she named Yolanda.

Yolanda grew up to be like her mother,she had no issues with anyone but when she got married,her husband always beat her up Yolanda hid it from her parents,especially her father knowing the kind of man he is.

The beating Yolanda got from her husband got severe and she decided to tell her mother.She visited her family and went secretly to her mom then explained everything to her but wasn't aware the her father heard everything.

Her father was furious and secretly assigned an assassin to kill Yolanda's husband,when Yolanda returns to her husband,she found him dead with a short note written "I TOOK CARE OF MY FOUR WIVES WITHOUT LAYING A FINGER ON THEM YOU FOOL".

Nooooooo Yolanda screamed in tears father why?

Yolanda ran back to her parents and went straight to her father's personal penthouse. He was there seated with coffee by his side.

Why? Yolanda asked him

"Because he is a monster" He replied calmly.

"You didn't have to kill him,you shouldn't have,It isn't for you to decide". she said with a loud voice.

"It is,you are my daughter," He said lifting his voice too

Then in a calming voice he added "A man who beat his wife is an animal".

" I'm pregnant"she said to her father.

That's is good I will have a grandchild her father replied.

No Father you've ruined everything, your grandchild will be fatherless

Hahaha her father laughed,that child in you will be glad of what I did,don't worry dear if there isn't a father,there is a grandfather.

Yolanda went away angrily,Her mother stayed with her and tried to calm down her daughter's mind as time goes on Yolanda decided to let go everything but still had this little hatred for her father

Months later ,Yolanda gave birth to a baby girl and named her Ava.

Ava got fond of her grandfather she hardly stayed at home,she was always at the penthouse with her grandfather.

Her mother told her severally to stopped going to her grandfather,she didn't want her to grow up and be like him heartless and cold but Ava always find a way to sneak to her grandfather.

Ava always asked her mother of her father but never got a good response from her.

So one day, she decided to grandfather and he told the truth

"I Killed him" he said

Little Ava was shocked "Why"? she asked him.

"Because he was a monster,He always beat up your mother.And any man who beat up a woman,is a monster".

Ava was silent for a while then suddenly she looked at her grandfather who was waiting for her reaction and said to him

"I want to be like you grandfather"

He smiled to her and said "Wise words from a wise child,I'm proud of you".

When Ava went back to her mother's mansion

She said to him " why didn't you tell me that my father was a monster?"

Shocked Yolanda asked her daughter"How do you mean?"

Grandfather said he always beat you up so he killed him,"why didn't you tell me that? He is such an animal, I hate him already"

What? Yolanda was so surprised

Ava your grandfather killed your father and you seemed fine with that?

"Your Father isn't a monster,we just have little misunderstanding sometimes"Yolanda tried to explain

"I don't care mom just don't ever mention his name to me again" Ava said and left with anger.

Ava promise to be like her grandfather,He was a man of authority and power.

she was always with him,when her mother realized that her daughter is growing up to be just like her grandfather,she tried to change her heart,she fought to cut their relationship bur it wasn't possible

Years later,Yolanda was diagnosed with cancer the family did everything to cure her but there wasn't a solution,she passed away later on.

Sometime later,Ava grandfather fell sick too.He called his lawyer and split his assets to all his children, spliting 50%to the rest Of his children, he left 50%to Ava alone.He signed it and gave it to his lawyer.

Ava was 22 years old when she was left alone,No father,No mother and her grandparents were dead,she was more like an orphan.

Immediately her grandfather passed away ,the assets were shared between the children and grandchildren. But when they discovered that 50%was given to Ava,They were all furious.

The children (Ava's Aunt and uncles)went secretly to the lawyer in other to convince him to spilt Ava's own share of their father's inheritance but the lawyer refused.He told them that it was their father's wish and he wouldn't do anything about it.

Angry and furious,they began to frustrate Ava everyone was against her.The estate was like hell to her and she became so uncomfortable Though everyone had different mansion in the,the always find a way into hers in other to frustrate her.

A day came when they sneaked into Ava's home and poisoned her drink,Ava struggled on the floor of her kitchen thank God for her grandfather's lawyer who stepped in and saw her on the floor unconscious

He picked her up and rushed her to the hospital.

When she regain consciousness,the lawyer said to her"You need to leave the estate,you won't survive it there ,I've made the arrangements and booked your flight you are leaving now to Japan".

No Ava said "I won't run away".

"You are not running away dear child,You are going to grow in maturity,wisdom,strength and power,with these You can return and fight them." Her grandfather's lawyer said to her.

Ava was silent she knew that he was right,as a young lady of her age ,she knew that she was powerless before her wicked family,so took the advice of her grandfather lawyer and went to Japan.

After spending some years in Japan,Ava returned with force,she had increase in maturity,age,wealth,power ,wisdom and above all authority just like her grandfather.

She went back into the estate and took control over everything,she had many securities,bodyguards and her grandfather's lawyer who had stood with her all this years was with her though he was aged,Ava took good care of him.

Fear griped her relatives and they apologized to her,they pleaded with her to have mercy .

She ignored their apologies and got all of them arrested but her grandfather's lawyer spoke to her.

He said"let the past be the past besides they've helped you achieve your goal sooner than expected the most important thing is that Mr Honorato Diaz your grandfather will be pleased with you,please let them go I asked this of you".

Ava listened to Him just like she have always done.

She released them but set a boundary between them and never regard them as her family again.

She renovated the estate and designed it to her taste.