Luna walked into her company,she deals on beauty products and all kinds of accessories.The ship this items to different countries for supply

She was greeted by her staffs as she walked into the elevator to the top floor where are office was .Once the elevator opened,her secretary took her bag from her and walked her into her office which was very big and beautifully decorated.

While they walked to her office,her secretary read her schedule to her hearing.

When they got into her office as she was about to sit down,the secretary added

"ma'am we've got a problem'.

Luna looked at her and she continued

"The ship that was sent to Hungary to deliver products sank."

What? Luna said.How did that happen?

"I don't know ma'am" she said

And when was that? Luna asked

"Early this morning" she replied

Call for a board meeting now

Yes ma'am she bowed slightly and left


The entire board members were present and the board meeting commenced immediately.

luna's Voice could be heard."this isn't the first,second nor the third time. Mr Kim what transpired?is it that the company couldn't afford a bigger ship? or perhaps an old ship was used to minimize the amount paid?"

Ma'am I tell you the truth Mr Kim started "Everything was intact I was shocked to see that the engine of the ship was bust open".

Engine?Luna asked

"Yes Ma"Mr Kim replied

Another member of the board spoke " if I may ma'am, I will say that something in the ocean bursted the ship open."

Or you were all careless Luna cut in immediately ."what are you all trying to tell me that something always burst my ship open?Both the first,the second and the third? just my ship?"

The entire board members were silent.

Luna scoffed and said "I hope that there isn't an enemy within us'

All the board members looked at each other.

"If this repeat itself again each and every one of you would be fired and if you are caught SORRY".Luna concluded.

At that the meeting was dismissed.

Luna went back to her office and attend to some clients, sign some documents too.

Immediately she got home,she called her friend Ona.

"Hey Luna" Ona picked up" how is your life with you girl?"

Kul Luna replied.


Luna could remember how excited she was,when Ona called her a year after the terrible incident with Ronto.

Ona told her that her mother who was a seer told her to return home immediately,she had a terrible dream about her.She had always listened to her mother and obeyed her every word knowing that her mother's dream always become a reality.

Ona left Hungary to her mother's home in Ukraine and returned two weeks later to see her apartment in a total mess,her colleagues at work also said some dangerous men came to look for her.

Ona feeling unsafe in hungary anymore return to Ukraine to stay permanently with her mom.

"I came by to say goodbye baby girl but I didn't see you so I thought that you have traveled with your husband"

But Luna said with a Sad tone "No Ona you were right all along,he's a monster he almost killed me and he wanted to kill you too he sent thugs to your house. Thank God for listening to your mother's words and I'm happy that you're safe I barely managed to escape from him and I relocated immediately to Mexico."

Ona was shocked."What about your attorney?"Ona asked

"I killed him,they are both dead".

Guess what Ona? Luna said

Bad or good guess? Ona asked

"Good guess" Luna said rolling her eyes as if ona could see

"OK you've remarried and he is a good man"Ona told her

"No that is bad I'm not gonna remarry duck head"luna said to her.

Tell me already you know that I'm not good in guessing

"Fine, I have a baby girl her name is Xemina."Luna said with a smile on her face.

Aaaaaaaaaa Ona screamed so loud that Luna had to take the phone out from her ear.

I wanna see her,hope she's your replica?she can't resemble that monster you know" Ona said at once.

"Sure girl visit us in mexico,once you get to the airport,I'll send my driver and bodyguard to pick you up."

OK take care.

They both hung up.


So what's up? you don't sound excited Ona said, she could detect from Luna's voice that all isn't well.

"Yea ships I sent to Hungary sank three times."

Why? what happened?

"Well according to my staffs,they said that the ships were burst open?" Luna told her.

"Three times? well that's odd"Ona said

I know Luna said

"How well do you know your staffs?" Ona asked

"What is there to know about them?I pay them well"Luna said in an angry tone.

That's to avoid enemies within Ona told her.

Luna was still on call when Ximena her daughter came to her and said "Mummy can i talk to you?"

"Ximena go back to your room" Luna told her.

"Mummy it is important" Ximena persisted

Ximena I really hate to repeat myself Go to Nanny J Go stay with the baby (That same baby Luna took from Dario Her Chief miner in the mining site.)

"She's always scary,She pinches too,she's not friendly" Ximena was speaking when her mom cut in.

"That is good,It shows that she won't be bullied around and people will be scared of her when she becomes a lady."

"People should love her,not be scared of her"Little Ximena retorted

"Leave My Sight now"Luna said in a mean tone.

Ximena had to leave immediately knowing that any other word that comes out of her mouth again will attract punishment from her mother.

When Luna retired to bed she heard a knock on her door,

"Who's is it?" luna asked

"Ximena Lopez"Little Ximena said 😄

If you have something important to say step in,but if not leave my door and go to your room or I'll punish you" Luna told her

Ximena opened the door and walked in,she saw her mother sitting on the bed woth laptop on her laps.

Ximena walked to her mom and said"I saw someone staring at me during class today".

And? Luna asked her

"He was just standing there staring at me" Ximena told her.

That's great her mom said

"You are Ximene Lopez,you should be stared at always because you are outstanding and different.You shouldn't come to me saying that someone was staring at you Ximena,You should come to me saying that you won student of the year award by then i can burst of you to those proud folks Ava and Aria because your face will be all over the world,both in newspaper and magazines,Goodness what kind of daughter do I have here?" Luna said looking displeased.

"See i am very busy just go straight to your room now" she told Xemina who obeyed her and walked quietly to her room.

Xemina wasn't sad,she knew her mother to be a very difficult and busy woman who never had time for anyone including her.

Ximena only concern was the scary stranger who was secretly staring at her.