
Albert Opened his eyes slowly to see his friend Pedro standing close to him

"Sit up Albert you were sleep talking."Pedro said to him

Ever since the sad incident of Albert losing his wife and children occurred,He wasn't left alone,he was accommodated by Pedro his friend who is also a fisherman.

People also troop in and our of Pedro's house regularly to check up on Albert.

He wasn't caught up fine and the shock was still in him.

Sometimes he talk in his sleep and most times,he drifted away while in a conversation.

On this day he was sleep talking when Pedro woke him up.

"Sit up Albert,you were sleep talking again

Albert rose up and sat down.

it's been 6 months since it happened Albert you can't continue like this you need to move on.

This is life bad things happen everyday snap out of it dear friend. I've lost people too,relative and brothers."Pedro said to him.

"What we are talking about here is my wife and children" Albert told him

I know, but you can't kill yourself Albert.

"From tomorrow I will go with you to the river bank but I have my own plans too" Albert said to him.

The next morning, Albert went with him to the river bank.His friends were surprised to see him with Pedro and they were glad to see that he was catching on.

"Albert is good to see you man, you're catching on really fine" One of his Friends said to him.

Thanks man"He replied

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you a beautiful woman" Another said and the rest of the fisherman laughed while Albert just smiled.

AlThough Albert was still tormented by the incident,he still to move on by going out with Pedro to the river regularly.

One day Albert went into the boat with Pedro,As they were trying to catch fishes some group of men came to the river with nets in other to catch fishes too.

Albert looked at their direction and asked Pedro "They obviously don't look like they are from batanes,who are they?"

Don't really know,they call themselves the Expatriate,They have a leader called Datu Dakila and they work for him too.


"Yes I believe that they are people who want to leave their different villages to the city using cheaper means of transportation like canoe and ships"

By city do you mean manila or cebu?Albert wanted to be sure.

No man I mean city like Korea,China Spain,even Mexico Another Country.Pedro clarified him.

"Well that is interesting,but people from our community aren't among right?"Albert asked

"There are but not many,Don't you remember malik?"Pedro asked him

The farmer you mean?Albert said

Yea he was among them"Pedro said to Albert.

"Rumors had it that he died in the ship on the way to China."Pedro said

What?Albert was shocked

Traveling by sea isn't a day job brother

Albert went back with Pedro but couldn't stop thinking about the Expatriate.

Could he really leave this village?

Is there a way for him?

Albert could remember when his wife fought that they would leave the village,she always say that the city would be more better for them.But then he did see any means at all.

Those he asked about it,laughed at him and said "Your wife don't know what she's talking about, to leave the village and go to the city is through air or by road and that will cost you a lot of money.The transportation money is much,so don't even think about it Albert."Although Albert didn't know the particular city his wife was referring to,but with the thought of Transport fare he ignored his wife and persisted that they stayed in the village.

But now if there is a means for him to leave the village and go to a far city perhaps another country, he's ready to go he want to try somewhere else.

It's been a week since Albert discussed about the expatriate with Pedro,He always see them come to the river and take huge amount of fish back with them.

One night Albert woke his friend up.

He said "Pedro wake up there is something I will like to tell you."

His friend woke up and said "Albert what is the issue?"

"I will like to join the Expatriate"

"WHAT!" his friend said in a loud voice

"Do you even know what you're talking about"

I've been thinking of what you said, I never knew there was a means to leave the village, I need to leave this place Pedro, I want to start my life in a city.

"Albert If you want to go to manila?we would safe money together and put you on a bus"

"But my mind tells me to go to Australia Pedro" Albert told him

Are you still sick?You've got headache?Pedro asked touching his head

Stop it Pedro I'm fine

Well I don't think so,how do you want to go Australia?

"A Bus cannot take you there Albert,you can go through Air or by Ship"Pedro explain

"Then there is my opportunity THE EXPATRIATE" Albert said boldly.

"That isn't an option Albert,many people die in ships besides we don't know how this people works,I heard that they do something certain tasks for there leader Datu Dakila"

And some survived, Omair for instance he came and visited us last year, he have mansions in the city. Even though i can't recall the particular country he went to but he went there through ship.

"Yes but my dear friend I do not advise you to embark on such a long journey by ship."

"I will give it a try Pedro,I have nothing left in this village." Albert concluded

Pedro looked at his friend,he was scared of the risk that he was about to take.