Let's party

Clinging and sounds of glass cups could be heard,merriment filled the room,feminine voices could be heard shouting and laughing.It was Aria and her college friends.

Aria was the only child of Mr &Mrs Gandel,she was 21 years old and she was in her second year in college.

The Gandel were one of the richest family they deal on fashion&design and Original Art.The owned of the most biggest Art gallery in the world.

They had just one daughter named Aria.

Aria was spoilt and extravagant due to the wealth and luxury of her parents.

Aria was well known in her street,school even in the mall where she got her things.

she lavish not only on herself but also on her friends.

One thing about Aria was that she had nothing to do with guys,she felt that her parents had provided her with all she needed in life.

She had both male and female friends but never had a boyfriend all who came across her found her rather too proud or insulting and she didn't even care at all.

Knock knock knock that was her friend sofia knocking on the door,a housekeeper opened the door and said to her "welcome Miss" totally ignoring the her she asked

"Is Aria in?"

Yes the housekeeper replied

Sofia rushed upstairs to Aria's room she opened the door and saw Aria sitting on the bed.

"Stand up Aria and get dressed ASAP" Sofia told her.

Why? she asked

"Well you've got to be kidding me, you are not aware of Andrea's birthday party? Nicole is gonna be there."

"Aware of what exactly Sofia?Andrea's birthday party or Nicole's presence at the party?" Aria asked her

Both Sofia replied

"If you want me to attend because there will be fun and drink and dancing, then it's cool, I'm in.But if the main center of attraction is Nicole, then you can go with the others I'm not interested."

"Aria come on Nicole is cool" Sofia said

"Yeah for low life girls"Aria cut in

Sofia gasped and Shouted "ARIA".

"WHAT? That Bastard showcases himself when he have no penny on him." Aria told her

"But his father is a Colonel and he's cute too" Sofia defended Nicole.

"And my father is a Grand ambassador in art and paint,he's more like an engineer Sofia"Aria said Proudly.

"Yeah Yeah i know you always say that" Sofia said rolling her eyes.

But we are going to the party right? Sofia asked her

"Nope I'm angry, you've annoyed me" Aria said sitting down back on the bed

"How?" Sofia asked.

"But defending that dumb ass"Aria replied.

"Come on Aria I wasn't defending.OK OK I'm sorry,We gotta go"she said dragging her up.

"Fine,let me get dressed" Aria stood up and went to her wardrobe.

Few minutes later they went downstairs and Aria called the housekeeper

Mrs Freya

"Yes ma'am" she responded and came out.

"Where is mom?" Aria asked

"She drove out" Mrs freya replied

"OK when she get back,tell her that I went out with Sofia and I don't really know when I'll be back."

"OK ma'am"Mrs Freya said and went back to her chores.

They both left in Aria's car. (The car was a gift her father gave to her on her birthday).

The party was a hit and Aria had fun with friends,but just like she said Nicole was the center of attention.Girl swayed around him like flies.

Aria felt disgusted and was even more surprised to see her Sofia all around him.

Aria had so much drink and went home staggering,Sofia had too drive her back.

It was some minute past 11:pm when Sofia brought Aria back to her house.

Her dad was already quarreling with her mom when they both walked in.Aria smiled drunkenly and said to them

"Hi dad,Hi Mom".She was about to climb upstairs to her room accompanied with sofia when her dad called her back.

"Get back here Aria"

"Dad I'm tired" Aria complained

"I said come back here NOW" Her father commanded in a loud voice.

Aria and Sofia walked back down the stairs.

Where are you coming from?" Her father asked her

"Party."She answered.

"By this time of the night?" He asked her

"Honey please let her rest" Her mother tried to cut.

"Don't you dare interfere Kate,Your daughter is misbehaving and you are doing nothing about it because she is an only child."Mr Gandel said to his wife Kate and she became silent.

"Get upstairs,it's late we will finish this tomorrow morning, And you where do you think you are going to?" He tured his attention to sofia who was following Aria upstairs.

I.....I... Sofia stammered

"leave my house now"Mr Gandel said to her her.

"Dad Sofia wanna sleep over tonight."Aria told him

"Shut up young lady,not a word from you"Mr Gandel said angrily.

"But it is late for the young girl to be out there"Kate his wife added.

"Really,but it wasn't late for the young girl to be out there partying by this time of this night right?....I said leave my house now or I will call the security on you." He said to Sofia.

Sofia quickly rushed out of the house and Aria angrily walked upstairs to her room.

Mr Auton Gandel (Aria's Father)Never liked the kind of life his daughter was living,He did everything to stop her from living so recklessly but it wasn't possible due to the fact that his wife always support her.Mr Gandel was also a very busy man,work made him to he traveled always.He left most of the parenting responsibility to his wife Kate.

The next day,Immediately Aria walked into her class Nicole shouted in a loud tone "Even Aria couldn't stand my Charm."

Her course mates were surprised and they began to whisper.

"You are such a fool,I never knew that someone could be this dumb.Were you actually at the party because I didn't notice?Or perhaps you were shallow because you didn't take your drugs last night."

The whole class bursted out laughing at Nicole while those who didn't know that Nicole was always on high drugs whispered to each other "Drugs?What Drugs?".

Nicole glared at Aria and stormed out of the class angrily.

The next day at school ,Nicole could hear murmuring everywhere,it has suddenly spread in the whole school that Nicole was on drugs.Student stared at him wherever he went.

Nicole was furious,he swore to teach Aria a bitter lesson,a lesson that she would never forget.

it was a week later the school prepared for camping all rumors and murmuring about Nicole had died down. Nicole called Sofia and told her to help them drugged her friend Aria.

Sofia refused but Nicole promised to be her boyfriend ,it was something that she had always desired.

Sophia accepted.

They left for camping in their school bus and when they got there, Nicole and his friends mixed some harmful drugs and give it to Sophia.

They told her to put it in her drink but she asked them "What is this?"

"Nothing much,just a little substance"they told her

she asked them again "I hope it's not gonna hurt her"

No of course not Sophia it's just going to make her to act funny and say some embarrassing words for a while that's all,it is just for fun you know."Sophia believing their words,left with the substance.

While they were having fun at the camp Sophia poured the content in Aria's drink immediately she drank it,Aria began to throw up and it was blood.

Sofia screamed and everyone gathered around them. They rushed Aria to the hospital,she was Revived but her internals were condemned,The Substance destroyed her womb.

Sophia was arrested but neither Nicole nor his friends could be found.

Kate cried for her daughter,she blamed herself for ruining her daughter's life.

Aria made the mass to believe that she dislike having children. But the truth was that She couldn't have children,She destroyed herself in College.