Alberts went with Pedro to the river bank and saw the Expatriate again they came to fish as usual.

After they were done,He ran after them "Hey man,Hello" he called trying to get their attention but they ignored him.

He got to their front and said to them "I'm Albert" But they pass him by and kept moving.

"I want to join the Expatriate" Albert said to them.

They Stopped and turn to look at him then they spoke in another language and left immediately.

When Albert went back to Pedro he said to him looking confused"They are strange."

Pedro laughed and told him "Don't be surprised,they never speak to anyone"

"But they spoke to me" Albert said

Really? Well what did they say? Pedro asked him.

"I don't Know they spoke to me in another language, I couldn't understand them" Albert replied

Pedro told him "Albert I'm not in support of this, I don't know what you are trying to do.But you better just cut it out now before its too late."

That evening at Pedro's house, Yahara came to see them.

They were both discussing when they heard a knock on the door.

"It is yahara"Pedro said to Albert then he opened the door and let her And said to her

"Welcome Yahara"

"Thank you Pedro. Albert?" He is in he told her.

She saw Albert and said "Albert you're better now that's good,will you like to work with my husband he is a farmer you know.I came to asked if you would like to work with him in a farm.Changing your line of work will help alot in your memories."

Yahara you are right,I really appreciate you trying to help me move on.But I have plans of my own. Albert told her

"That is Good if I may ask what plans?" she asked him.

"Well,I plan on linking with the Expatriate"

Expatriate? You mean people who plan on living the village using ship? Yahara

asked him.

" Yes" he said

"Oh no! but Albert that's not a wise decision." Yahara said with discomfort.

"Exactly what I've been telling him." Pedro chipped in.

"Unfortunately I've made my decision,please you all should worry less about me." Albert told the both of them.


Albert was in the river bank when he heard his name it was them again but this time around they came with a tall man

Albert! Albert! the tall man called twice, "Who is the person called Albert?"

"It's me, here I am"Albert said moving towards them.

"From what Village?"he asked

"Batanes"Albert answered

"You speak English?" Albert was surprised.

Yes" the man replied

"But they don't" Albert said gesturing to the men by his side

"They're from another tribe,are you ready?" the man asked Albert

Without waiting for albert response,he said "come with me at once"

Albert asked "Just like that?"

"Yes,we do not have time"The man replied

Albert stared at the people on the river bank including his friend Pedro.Pedro waved his head left and right indicating NO to him but Albert smiled and left with them.

Few Minutes while walking with them Albert asked the tall man "I don't know your name"

"Dodoy"He answered.

After a while,they stopped by a little cart

the men load their fish inside the cart and got inside the cart.

Dodoy said to Albert"Get in too,journey is still far."

Albert went in with them and they continued moving

Hours later,they stopped by a very tall building with a big gate.the gate opened and the cart in,while the cart was going in,Albert looked back,he knew that he was very far from his village and there is no going back again even if he wanted to.

"Welcome to the Expatriate,In no time you will be taken to the country of your choice."Dodoy said and Albert listened to him attentively.

"We have rules here" Dodoy said to him

Rules? Albert asked

"Yes but I won't say anything yet until You've met our chief.Let's go"

Moving the cart to a place where other carts were packed,he instructed the men around to take out the fishes.Then he went together with Albert.

Albert looked around the entire place,they were many people but they were all men and they were all busy.the land was extra large.Everyone did something different in each portion of land. Some were weeding,some were planting,some were harvesting others were building too.

Albert and Dodoy stood in front of a building,it was nice and more beautiful than other buildings in the village including in batanes.

Dodoy knock lightly on the door and said "Datu Dakila" an average man stepped out of the building followed by a white man.

Albert glanced at the white man then directed his attention to the other average man with him.

The man said "Dadoy"

Dadoy replied "Greetings Datu,He have interest in joining us"He said turning his head towards Albert.

"Who are you?"Datu Dakila asked

"My name is Albert"Albert replied.

"From what village?"Batanes

"Why are you here?" Datu Dakila asked again

"I wish to go to another country,I'm not so comfortable staying in the village"Albert replied.

Datu Dakila nodded his head and said to Albert"Then you've found the right place,Welcome to the Expatriate.You can call me, Datu Dakila."

"Thank you Datu Dakila" He replied

"Dodoy will show you around and tell you how we operate here."

"Come with me Albert."Dadoy said to him.

"Here,you will be given a task to do for a period of two months.

You will have a place to stay,It's a tent which you will share with four people but don't worry it is big enough but on no condition will you go another's tent that is it yours.

I believe that in the village of batanes you were a fisherman"

Yes" Albert answered.

Good,since that is your line of work,you will join other fishermen who goes to the village of Bataraz to bring back fishes in turns.

"I'm a little bit confused" Albert said to him.

"Ask your question."Dodoy said staring at him.

"Am i here to work or to plan on how to migrate to another country?"

Dodoy smile and said "Both,it seems that you are in a hurry to leave the village,but don't worry soon you Won't even remember this place.Many came and many left too,it's just a matter of time."

Dodoy took Albert to a man and introduced him to Albert as the leader of fishermen in Bataraz village

"Follow his every instructions"Dodoy said to him and left immediately.

Albert stayed with the fishermen learning and following all their instructions

At night,he retired to his own tent which was shown to him by Dodoy

When he got inside the tent,he saw three men they were all sitting down doing whatever pleases them.

By the left corner of the tent was an empty place with a little mattress,he believed that it was a place kept for him he went there and sat down.

"Greetings Everyone"Albert said to the men but didn't get a response from any of them.

"My name is Albert,from Batanes village."

he said to them again but still no response from them.

He thought within himself perhaps they do not understand English,he kept silent but as he was about to lie down,the man sitted by the right side of the tent said.

"Why did you come here?"

"You've made a terrible mistake"

Albert turned to look at the man confusion and surprise written all over his face.