"Orana, welcome," Aria said to the woman who walked into the living room with securities carrying her bags behind her. "You cannot even stand up and greet your Aunt?" Orana asked, a hint of mischief in her smile. "I'm getting my nails done, can't you see?" Aria replied, not bothering to look up.

"I wouldn't blame you, you were spoiled right from childhood," Orana said, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Better to be spoiled than to be tricky," Aria shot back, her voice dripping with malice. "At least, I would never think of poisoning my brother." Orana's smile faltered for a moment before she replied, "You don't have a brother, Aria, and besides, that was a mistake."

Aria's eyes narrowed. "You mean the mistake where you mistakenly poured poison into my father's food?" Orana tried to explain, "It wasn't poison, it was a leaf. The doctor told your father that I mistook the leaf for a vegetable, and he totally understood it." Aria laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "Cock and bull story. So, how's your accomplice, the doctor?" Orana played innocent, "Who?" but Aria pressed on. "Don't play dumb, Aunt. The doctor. I didn't see him again when you left for Holland."

Orana shrugged, "He got transferred." Aria's laughter grew louder, her eyes flashing with anger. "Got transferred, really? You really think I'm stupid, right? You think that I'm like my father, who was so blinded by the love he had for you as his only sibling, till you took him to his grave."

Orana tried to intervene, "Aria, I didn't come here for us to talk about the past, please." But Aria was relentless. "What are you doing in my house?" she demanded. "I need your help," Orana replied, her voice measured. Aria scoffed, "Help? You want help from me?

Yes Orana said to her "Can I get the documents? The ones for our combined company?"

"You really think I'm that stupid, don't you? I will never give you those documents. They will never get into your hands. Tell me, do you not plan to take the company for yourself? No, Orana," Aria said, her voice firm.

Orana tried to explain, "It's just that I'm in trouble and I need those documents to claim back my own share of the company."

"I don't care about anything else, but those documents will never get into your possession. And let me never see you in my house again. Leave now, or I'll call my security." Aria said with Authority.

Orana turned immediately and left in anger.

In a beautiful room, a man could be seen lying on the bed while Orana sat in front of a dressing mirror, applying facial cream. The man was the doctor who had been asking Orana about Aria.

"She's just despicable," Orana said to the man. "Can you imagine? She reminded me of the poison incident with my brother. I did everything to terminate her right from the womb, but it was just impossible. Sometimes I wonder if she's a witch."

But the man chuckled lightly and said to her, "Orana, she isn't a witch, she's just fortunate." Orana looked at him and said, "Are you supporting my adversary?"

The man defended himself, "No, of course not. I'm just saying, why can't we leave all this behind and return to Holland? We're perfect together, we lack nothing, except for getting married and having our own children. You coming down to Australia to fight your niece doesn't make any sense. Let's go back to Holland and start anew."

Orana looked at him with anger and said, "Get out of my bed now and leave my house. I can never get married to a useless man who cannot stand up for me.

What!Really Orana?" he was surprised. "I was the one who covered you up when you poisoned my brother. Remember?

Just leave my house now, or I'll call my security!"Orana Repeated with anger.

The man got down from the bed, wore his clothes, and left.

Orana sat still in front of the dressing mirror, her only movement being her hand gliding up and down her face as she applied facial cream. Her mind wandered back to the past, remembering the day her father, Mr. Gandel, decided to share his assets between her and her brother.

In a flashback, Orana recalled the family lawyer asking, "So, Mr. Gandel, 70% to your son and 30% to your daughter, right?" Her father hesitated, and her mother chimed in, "Well, yes, what do you want me to say? Even though I know I don't have a son." The lawyer's eyes widened in surprise.

Orana's father continued, "Really, then tell me, where is he now? Exercising again, running around instead of being seated in the company? And even if it's in a company, what does he do? Most of his ideas are useless." Mrs Gandel defended her Son "But he's a good boy, and he wants to get married to that lovely girl, Kate." Orana's father scoffed, "You like her? Really? She doesn't have a dream, she doesn't have a vision, she doesn't have authority, she doesn't have power. I see nothing good in her, and that's who your son wants to marry."

The lawyer glanced at Orana's mother, feeling embarrassed. Orana's father concluded, "I do this because I have no choice."

The next day, Orana overheard her father telling the lawyer, "The only way the assets I give to Sage will be permanent is if he bears an heir or heiress. But if he can't bear an heir within five years, take it and give it to Orana. Orana will be able to take care of my assets more than that weakling I call a son."

The next month, Mr. Gandel passed away, and six months later, her brother, Sage, got married to Kate.

After a year of Sage's marriage to Kate, Kate became pregnant. But Orana, remembering her father's words, was determined to ensure Kate never gave birth. She visited her brother's house frequently, always on the lookout for opportunities to sabotage Kate's pregnancy.

Orana obtained pills from a pharmacy and secretly added them to Kate's tea, causing her to miscarry three times. But the fourth time was different. When Kate announced her pregnancy again, Orana gave her coffee laced with pills, but this time, Kate was rushed to the hospital and the baby survived.

The doctor advised Sage to take Kate to another country to reduce stress and other complications. Sage decided to take his wife on a vacation, but on the day of travel, he called Orana to inform her, only to find her line was off. Thinking she had succeeded in destroying Kate's pregnancy, Orana went to tell her friends the good news.

Meanwhile, Sage lost his phone at the airport and planned to get a new one when he reached Hong Kong. Orana tried every means to reach her brother, but all her efforts failed. A year later, Kate gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Aria. When they returned to Australia, Orana tried everything to kill the child, but it seemed impossible since Kate always carried Aria with her.

Orana even remembered trying to kill Aria in college by giving their classmate Nicole drugs to put in Aria's drink. However, instead of killing her, the drugs destroyed Aria's womb. Orana's flashback ended with her still applying facial cream, her mind still reeling from the memories of her sinister actions.

Orana's eyes blazed with fury as she smashed the mirror in front of her, shards of glass shattering everywhere. She let out a blood-curdling scream, her anger and frustration finally boiling over.

With a fierce determination, she picked up her phone and made a call, her voice low and menacing. "Make sure you get those documents to me," she growled, her words dripping with malice.

She ended the call with a sharp click, her eyes still blazing with anger. She glared at the broken mirror, her reflection staring back at her in shattered fragments, a symbol of her own fractured psyche.